Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Indian Traditions - Chromosomes, genes and relations

Indian Traditions - Chromosomes, genes and relations 1. Husband and Wife - first generation 2. Children (siblings) - second generation - they take 50%-50% chromosomes from parents so share 50% genes 3. Third generation - grand children share 25% genes of grand parents (first generation) 4. Fourth generation shares 12.5% genes 5. Fifth generation shares 6.25% genes 6. Sixth generation shares 3.125% genes 7. Seventh generation shares 1.56% genes 8. Eight generation shares < 1% genes of the first generation As per our tradition, starting from the origin (first generation) family relations (cousins/ भाऊबंदकी) are counted till the seventh generation. Marriage within the family is not encouraged till the seventh generation as there is a possibility of congenital disease in the children (due to a non dominant gene becoming dominant) From eighth generation it is not considered as family (भाऊबंदकी) and thats why the relationship of husband wife is said to be of 7 lives (सात जन्म) Three generations are called सपिण्ड (literally meaning from the same lump of rice - this is because a lump of rice is offered to the three nearest ancestors) and from fourth to seventh they are not सपिण्ड but भाऊबंदकी. (Some of us will remember that the pandit asks us to take names of three preceding generations while performing some pujas) After seven generations the relation is not of family but is considered to be of same lineage (गोत्र) Above information helps understand the logic behind some of the traditions so common but rarely understood. Today Modern science speaks of chromosomes and genes across seven generations which our learned sages had discovered 3000 to 5000 years ago.

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