Sunday, 22 December 2024

*Lipid Profile*

*Lipid Profile* πŸ€”πŸ˜²πŸ₯±πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ™ A renowned doctor shared a beautiful story explaining lipid profiles in a unique way. Imagine our body is a small town. The main troublemakers in this town are _Cholesterol_. They have some accomplices too. The main partner-in-crime is _Triglyceride_. Their job is to roam the streets, causing chaos, and blocking the roads. The _Heart_ is the city center of this town. All roads lead to the heart. When the troublemakers increase in number, you know what happens. They try to disrupt the heart's function. But our body-town has a police force too. _HDL_ is the good cop who arrests the troublemakers and puts them behind bars (the liver). The liver then throws them out of the body through the drainage system. However, there's a bad cop too, _LDL_, who's power-hungry. LDL releases the troublemakers from jail and puts them back on the streets. When the good cop (HDL) is outnumbered, the town becomes chaotic. Who likes living in such a town? *Do you want to reduce the troublemakers and increase the good cops?* Start walking!_ With every step, the good cops (HDL) will increase, and the troublemakers (Cholesterol, Triglyceride, and LDL) will decrease. Your town (body) will regain its vitality. Your heart the city centre will be safe from the troublemakers' blockades (heart block). And when your heart is healthy, you'll be healthy too. *So, start walking whenever you get the chance!*🚢‍♀️

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