Monday, 2 December 2024

Gurudev - Lemmurian Yoga

*From yesterday Satsang* *After every satsang, you look at Vishalakshi Mantap endearingly. What is the secret to that?* No need to look for secrets everywhere. I look everywhere. *Can I bring back my ex after meditating? How should I meditate* Meditation is not to focus on X and Y. It is to bring you towards Z - what is final. Why do you look at the past? Look forwad. Z has all possibilities. You can also reach from where you began. *Adi Shankaracharya has spoken about the Self - Aapta Kalo Swaroopoham. What does it mean?* Aapta means wherever there is belongingness. Wherever a desire gets fulfilled, there is love. We are love personified. When a desire gets fulfilled, there is contentment and joy. *You keep coming in my dreams. What does it mean?* I will tell you in your dreams only. *Earlier there was one barricade betweeb there are two. When will these finish?* Why do you feel this way? Only the mind is the barricade. These physical barricades are only for comfort. So that you sit easily in your place. Look at me. Then you wont see the barricade. *I judge myself a lot. After doing something, how do I stop judging myself constantly?* It is a habit. I feel you have a lot of free time. Become so busy so that you dont have to time to mull over these things. Keep moving ahead. What they said, what you said - just let that go. *How to deal with relatives with negative mindset?* Will you be upset with a family member who is unwell? Be compassionate. They are sttruggling with negativity because of ignorance. Your anger will subside with this viewpoint. *How to become a supreme devotee?* Dont think that you have to reach somewhere. Assume that you are a devotee. Narad Rishi said bhakti doesnt happen by wanting. Letting go of wants leads to bhakti. *Why do we expect someone to help us when we help them?* Ok expect. If we dont something to expect something in return, then it will be a barter system. *If karma is the way to get things then what is the purpose of religious activities?* Who said only karma is prime. There is remedy also. Self-effort also plays a role. We all have to do self effort. *What is the purpose of life? How to know if I am on yhe right tracj?* Make a list of all the things that are not the purpose of your life. Then you will find it. *How to identify a saint?* You can smell only with the nose. Saint can be identified with the heart, not the intellect. There are vibes of people that you can feel. Enhance your intuition and you will be able to understand. *Gita says the wise sees action in inaction and inaction in action. Pls explain.* I have spoken in the bhagavad gita. People who have done a lot of work, you ask them, they will say it just happens. Similarly if you ask those who have done henious acts, they will say it just happened. Once I met 500 inmates in Bangalore jail. I asked them if they think they are innocent. Everyone raised their hands. There is a part inside them which is pure and innocent. Most mistakes happen when you are unconscious, at the spur of the moment. If you are the greatest achiever, they will also say that it just happened. There is a part of you which in not engaged in any action who is always witnessing. There is another part that is engaged in action. This is what is Shiva and Shakti. Shiva is silent summum bonum of creation. *Pls tell about yoga yagya, swadhyaya, atma samyama yagya.* Yagya means which that unites and when done with a lot of people. Right now all of us listening to knowledge is gyan yagya. On top of all this is dhyana. *I become too relaxed post meditation. dont feel like reacting to anything after i meditate. But my job needs us to be on our toes.* Dont react, but act. You think prope and then act. *100 teachers are doing lemurian yoga ttp. We are having great experiences. Pls share bit about it.* Once upon a time, India was connected with Africa and Australia with a land called Kumari Kandam which dissolved into the ocean. The British named it as lemurrian continent. Some of it got scattered as New Zealand and Mauritius. In that land there were 18 siddhas who spread yoga. It is like patanjali yog sutras but a bit different. Even they have a science of medicine like ayurveda called siddha medicine which is still in tamil nadu. The siddhas advised the residents of that land to move upward to madurai. Om namah shivaya - is an important element in lemurrian yoga.

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