Friday, 27 December 2024
*Boone satsang, December 24, 2024*- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
*Boone satsang, December 24, 2024*
*Christmas and Hanukkah message*
The world is full of glitter. Enjoy but don't get lost in it. You lose your center. Every celebration is to enjoy without losing your center. Hold onto the wisdom and celebrate. Bring celebration to others too.
Q. Mind repeats conversations of past and actions of future.
Good that mind is aware. Don't fight. Keep that awareness and that conversations will diminish. Pranayam, meditation and dispassion will all help surpass this.
Q. Ego is soul that survives death?
Mind, memory and ego form a capsule and stay with soul like a balloon. When we are satisfied while leaving then there is no compulsion to come back. That is nirvana.
Q. Time limit to find life partner?
Don't be too choosy. You make yourself so centered and charming. Automatically you'll find. But if you come from space of want it'll take time. Only one who is full is invited to the party.
Q. Anything that we need to do to move from scenery to seer other than grace?
Little bit of both. Anything in life is combination of self effort and grace.
Sun comes up on its own, but drawing the curtain is upto you.
Thick curtain covering the window or opening curtain at night are of no use.
Q. Demanding corporate job, mind busy analysing and thinking. Am I living in the present moment or missing out on something?
That's ok. Know that you have talents. If you can't do, smile and say you can't.
If you are scared of losing the job, you don't behave normal. You be strong and do what you can.
Demanding boss is good; will bring out talents from within you.
Speak up, be straightforward and be friendly.
They'll understand.
But don't say you can't always.
No point of having pressure in your head all the time and suffer. Then they'll fire you.
What is yours will always comes to you inspite of all odds. This is practical wisdom.
Infact when you can't do and say you can, then they'll fire you and not trust you.
Many are straightforward but rude. People run away from them. But best is to be straightforward, diplomatic, friendly and calm - people want to be with you.
Q. Manipulation and deceit from family members?
All this happens. See the bigger picture that one big mind is acting that way. They act based on their sattva, rajas and tamas. You get embroiled and upset. Understand in this ocean of happenings not all is right, good and suits you
What can you do to stop it? No one can claim they can stop all this. Like the hurricane came and went and caused destruction. See what you can do in your capacity. No brooding over what happened.
Meteoroid comes and hits the planet, what can you do?
Instead of getting caught up in happenings, do your purusharth (what you need to do).
Q. Unseen world of the devis?
That's what I've been talking. You are the most unseen thing in this creation. You have no idea how wonderful you are. You get caught up in non sensical things. One person who is upset pulls others too in their aura. There are so many trying to pull you in many directions. Biggest tapasya is to be centered and not get affected by all this.
Dr Nanda showed Gurudev the bacteria in the water. All bacteria and fungi help our healthy existence. 40 trillion cells in our body and there 10 times more of these microbes. The dinosaurs, birds that lifted the elephants. Those souls are immortal and are still here. Don't think dinosaurs are cruel and out to eat you. Only when absolutely needed they eat.
When you are hungry and walk into garden, you pick an apple and eat. Not destroy the whole garden.
There was a herd of elephants that destroyed a whole banana plantation in Kerala. They didn't destroy just one plant. People found that birds had built their nest and laid eggs. There is ample compassion. There is friendliness in nature; open your eyes and see. Friendliness is harmony.
If you inject yourself with all these COVID vaccines, you are violating the laws of nature. One doctor said that children who were vaccinated are more prone to COVID.
Zinc depletion happens.
We are training farmers in natural farming. It's a myth that only if you apply chemical fertilizers then the produce will be more.
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