Friday, 7 April 2023

*Summary of Gurudev’s message

 *Summary of Gurudev’s message from Ved Niketan Art of Living Ashram, Rishikesh on 5th April* 

🔸मन शांत हो तो जीवन में सब सुख - सुविधा होने लगती है । (When the mind is calm, all comforts & joy start manifesting in life)
🔸भगवान से भी बड़ा बलशाली कौन है, पता है? - भक्त है। यही हनुमान जयंती  का संदेश है । राम जी के सहायक उनसे ज़्यादा मज़बूत थे - भक्त भगवान से भी ज़्यादा मज़बूत हो - ऐसी संकल्प शक्ति रखो । (Do you know who’s more powerful than God? His devotee. This is the message of Hanuman jayanti. The one who helped Ram ji was stronger than him, a devotee has to be stronger than God - keep this Sankalpa shakti.

🔸भगवान सब जगह होते है पर भक्त कहीं कहीं ही होते है । God is everywhere but devotees are found only at a found places.

🔸Lord shiva says - Shiva is everywhere but to experience shiva, you need shakti, माँ की कृपा  - and how to do it - through satsang, gyaan, satsang, you can cultivate that shakti. और जितनी शक्ति आती है, आप इतने निडर बनते हो । 

🔸और जो भक्त है, वही राम है इस दुनिया में तपते हुए लोगों के लिए (And only the one who’s a devotee can be a true ram for people suffering in this world)

🔸Do people like to sit next to you, do they feel better after spending time/taking to you? That’s the true sign of a bhakt. - ऐसा काम करते रहो, लोगों को सुकून देना ही तुम्हारा काम है! 
🔸और यही मेरा काम है, मेरा काम करते रहोगे तो दुनिया में सुखी रहोगे । (And this only is my work. You will be happy if you keep doing my work of spreading relief and happiness to others)

🔸Sorrow doesnt decrease by sharing, joy increases by sharing. 

🔸आशीर्वाद का भी समय होता है, हर जगह चलते फिरते नहीं दिया जाता । (There’s a time for blessing also) 

🔸Gurudev shared that he visited Rishikesh for the 1st time in 1978 - and he met Maharaj ji then. There was hardly any commercial activity back then, only 2-3 ashrams and one had to travel through boats only. Very few shops were there. Lovely, serene satsangs used to happen so let's all keep the dignity here - no conference, no crowding - don't disturb any satsangi/sadhak. there are other places to gather and talk - Delhi, Mumbai etc.

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