*Summary of Gurudev’s message from Ved Niketan Art of Living Ashram, Rishikesh on 5th April*

मन शांत हो तो जीवन में सब सुख - सुविधा होने लगती है । (When the mind is calm, all comforts & joy start manifesting in life)

भगवान से भी बड़ा बलशाली कौन है, पता है? - भक्त है। यही हनुमान जयंती का संदेश है । राम जी के सहायक उनसे ज़्यादा मज़बूत थे - भक्त भगवान से भी ज़्यादा मज़बूत हो - ऐसी संकल्प शक्ति रखो । (Do you know who’s more powerful than God? His devotee. This is the message of Hanuman jayanti. The one who helped Ram ji was stronger than him, a devotee has to be stronger than God - keep this Sankalpa shakti.

भगवान सब जगह होते है पर भक्त कहीं कहीं ही होते है । God is everywhere but devotees are found only at a found places.

Lord shiva says - Shiva is everywhere but to experience shiva, you need shakti, माँ की कृपा - and how to do it - through satsang, gyaan, satsang, you can cultivate that shakti. और जितनी शक्ति आती है, आप इतने निडर बनते हो ।

और जो भक्त है, वही राम है इस दुनिया में तपते हुए लोगों के लिए (And only the one who’s a devotee can be a true ram for people suffering in this world)

Do people like to sit next to you, do they feel better after spending time/taking to you? That’s the true sign of a bhakt. - ऐसा काम करते रहो, लोगों को सुकून देना ही तुम्हारा काम है!

और यही मेरा काम है, मेरा काम करते रहोगे तो दुनिया में सुखी रहोगे । (And this only is my work. You will be happy if you keep doing my work of spreading relief and happiness to others)

Sorrow doesnt decrease by sharing, joy increases by sharing.

आशीर्वाद का भी समय होता है, हर जगह चलते फिरते नहीं दिया जाता । (There’s a time for blessing also)

Gurudev shared that he visited Rishikesh for the 1st time in 1978 - and he met Maharaj ji then. There was hardly any commercial activity back then, only 2-3 ashrams and one had to travel through boats only. Very few shops were there. Lovely, serene satsangs used to happen so let's all keep the dignity here - no conference, no crowding - don't disturb any satsangi/sadhak. there are other places to gather and talk - Delhi, Mumbai etc.
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