Monday, 24 April 2023

Satsang Snippets from Bangalore Ashram, 19th April 2023

 Satsang Snippets from Bangalore Ashram, 19th April 2023 

Q. How to achieve freedom from boredom?
A. Till you get bored, it's difficult to become antarmukhi.

Q. During Raas Leela, Krishna became many from one, do you have any plans like that for us?
A. When I talk, think that I'm talking one to one. गुरु वाणी को निजी समझो (consider Guru Vaani as personal), otherwise you'll not be able to progress ahead.
In addition to wisdom, love is also necessary. प्रेम तभी आएगा जब निजी समझोगे (love will develop only when you consider guru as your own, personal) Consider God and Guru as your very own. 

Q. I like a girl, her parents also like me, but the girl likes somebody else, what to do?
A. I don't have any experience in this matter. What I can tell you is there are crores of eligible girls for you out there to choose from. You can also use skill to convey about your good qualities to her friends and win her over (huge applause from the crowd)

Q. What is the right age to marry? 
A. Why do you want to listen from me what you already know. You can marry according to your plans so that you can raise kids easily. Not like you have 10,20 years kid at the age of 60. Whatever age you marry at, be happy. 

Q. Ramayana - interpretation of a story involving Hanuman ji and Rama's ring?
A. The original text doesn't have any such story. See if you can learn something from it, otherwise, there is no point in spending too much in analyzing. 

Q. In Ashtavakra Geeta, it is said that to attain liberation, one has to even leave his/her Guru. I don't want to leave you, what to do?
A. What do you want freedom from? Freedom from bondage, right. See Guru as energy, wisdom and not as a person. Then, you don't see bondage. Progress on spiritual path is step by step. If you have to reach somewhere, and you need to take a bus for that, you can't say that I'll not get in if I have to anyways get down later. 

Q. Master is like a mirror. If I'm upset or grumpy, will you also be upset with me. If you're also upset with me, then who'll help me?
A. Master shows you mirror so that you can see how little things upset you and it's not worth getting upset about. People tend to generalise and eternalise problems in life. We should avoid doing that. 

Q. According to science, dark matter is most powerful. When people pass, people pray may them move towards light. Please clarify. 
A. If you think deeply, only in the night, can you see the distant galaxies, so, in a way, darkness helps you see what may not be visible during the day(light). Also, when there is too much light, it blinds vision. This is another logic. Don't get confused with words. Don't get lost in logic. Reality is not illogical, yet, beyond logic. 

Q. I have a person in life who says that all the good things happen because of their merit, bad happens because of me. How to deal with such people?
A. Be kind and understanding, more accommodative in your behavior, believe that everything changes.
Smile and keep moving in life. 

Q. Intuition kids are able to move things. How do we explain this?
A. Telekinesis, focused mind can do many things. Children's minds are much clearer, mind becomes much more powerful, you can also do it, few more days of kriya and meditation. It doesn't have anything to do with higher states of consciousness. It's like training. 

Q. Does karma gets exchange by wearing someone’s second hand clothes?
A. Everything is recycled, think about the air you breathe. It came out of somewhere else a while ago. Don't be paranoid. You need not buy second hand clothes, but don't be paranoid.

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