Sunday, 30 April 2023




Admitted to God, to ourselves,

and to another human being

the exact nature of our wrongs



Since it is true

that God comes to me through people,

I can see that by keeping people at a distance

I also keep God at a distance.

God is nearer to me than I think

and I can experience Him

by loving people and allowing people to love me.

But I can neither love nor be loved

if I allow my secrets to get in the way.

It’s the side of myself that I refuse to look at

that rules me.

I must be willing to look at the dark side

in order to heal my mind and heart

because that is the road to freedom.

I must walk into darkness to find the light

and walk into fear to find peace.

By revealing my secrets –

and thereby ridding myself of guilt –

I can actually change my thinking;

by altering my thinking,

I can change myself.

My thoughts create my future.

What I will be tomorrow

is determined by what I think today.



Dependence -- Unhealthy or Healthy


"Nothing can be more demoralizing

than a clinging and abject dependence

upon another human being.

This often amounts to the demand

for a degree of protection and love

that no one could possibly satisfy.

So, our hoped-for protectors finally flee,

and once more we are left alone –

either to grow up or to disintegrate."


We discovered the best source

of emotional stability to be God Himself.

We found that dependence upon His perfect justice,

forgiveness, and love was healthy,

and that it would work where nothing else would.


If we really depended upon God,

we couldn't very well play God to our fellows,

nor would we feel the urge to rely

wholly on human protection and care.

1. LETTER, 1966

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