*Gurudev's best message so far*
Tell me, what's bothering you?
A prayer that is not answered on time or you think I don't listen to you?
I hear every prayer you put before you..
I watch everything you do..
I know what you're doing and
What's on your mind.. I am worried about you..
Some blessings are delayed but never unanswered..
I only give you what you need right now,
Not what you want..
Trust me, keep calm even in adverse circumstances, hold on to the faith you believe in me..
Don't come to the conclusion that I don't listen to you..
I'm sitting here to purify your actions..
Let me do my job, because I only know what is right to receive you from God Almighty.. Hold me tight until then..
Talk to me, share everything with me like
You share with your friends and family..
They are as long as you have this life,
They may support you but I'm who
Brought you here and will take you to the end.
My love for you is infinite and endless..
Just patiently wait for the bad times to be over. 

~ Gurudev Shri Shri 

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