Elvis made us dislocate our bones.

Elvis made us dislocate our bones.
What is the biological phenomenon (sarcopenia) that appears in humans when they are old?*
Dependence -- Unhealthy or Healthy
"Nothing can be more demoralizing
than a clinging and abject dependence
upon another human being.
This often amounts to the demand
for a degree of protection and love
that no one could possibly satisfy.
So, our hoped-for protectors finally flee,
and once more we are left alone –
either to grow up or to disintegrate."
We discovered the best source
of emotional stability to be God Himself.
We found that dependence upon His perfect justice,
forgiveness, and love was healthy,
and that it would work where nothing else would.
If we really depended upon God,
we couldn't very well play God to our fellows,
nor would we feel the urge to rely
wholly on human protection and care.
1. LETTER, 1966
Love and Tolerance
Daniel J Schwarzhoff - Recovered Alcoholics
"Love and Tolerance is our code" and Step Ten
is where it's at in order to keep alive sobriety,
but also, patient forgiveness that changes our world.
By not hating, not resenting, not getting sore,
not feeling threatened or hurt –
we bring love through our personal portals to earth.
Our spot here, where we live,
is either a piece of heaven or else it is a living hell,
depending on how we react to all the cruelties
that people toss in our direction.
We will not always be able to duck them.
We don't grow through them if we do avoid these.
And so, face them we must.
What's vital is how we react when they land on us.
That's all there is to the difference
between being happy joyous and free
or else restless, irritable and discontent.
The choice is ours.
Properly translated, "Love thy neighbor," proposes,
"Do not hate your neighbor".
No wonder the co-authors were sure that
unless we practice Step Ten daily that
we would be headed for trouble.
They called it resting on laurels.
Although the act
of nurturing another's spiritual growth
has the effect of nurturing one's own,
a major characteristic of genuine love
is that the distinction
between oneself and the other
is always maintained and preserved.
--M. Scott Peck. M.D.
Those we love must be free
to love us in return, or leave us.
The honest evidence of our love is our commitment
to encouraging another's full development.
We are interdependent personalities
who need one another's presence
in order to fulfill our destiny.
And yet, we are also separate individuals.
We must come to terms with our struggles alone.
Around the Year with Emmet Fox
May 1
“It hath been said,
Whosoever shall put away his wife,
let him give her a writing of divorcement:
But I say unto you,
That whosoever shalt put away his wife,
saving for the cause of fornication,
causeth her to commit adultery:
and whosoever shall marry her
that is divorced
committeth adultery”
Matthew 5:31-32
We are told that in those days, divorces were granted
by the rabbinical law on the most trifling grounds.
Married people who were not getting on together
as well as they would have liked,
were prone to run away from that problem
by obtaining an easy dissolution.
Now we understand that no permanent happiness
can be obtained in this way.
As long as you are running away from your problem,
you will continue to meet it in a new guise
at every turn in the road.
Just as in running from one business position to another,
without first having brought about a change in consciousness,
we find ourselves but repeating the old conditions
in a slightly different form, so, as a rule,
people who divorce freely are apt
to finish up as dissatisfied as they began.
The general rule in Truth is,
fight out your problem where you are, with prayer.
The general rule is still good for all conditions in life:
Do not try to divorce or amputate the disharmony,
but let it dissolve away of itself under God's guidance.
Admitted to God, to ourselves,
and to another human being
the exact nature of our wrongs
Since it is true
that God comes to me through people,
I can see that by keeping people at a distance
I also keep God at a distance.
God is nearer to me than I think
and I can experience Him
by loving people and allowing people to love me.
But I can neither love nor be loved
if I allow my secrets to get in the way.
It’s the side of myself that I refuse to look at
that rules me.
I must be willing to look at the dark side
in order to heal my mind and heart
because that is the road to freedom.
I must walk into darkness to find the light
and walk into fear to find peace.
By revealing my secrets –
and thereby ridding myself of guilt –
I can actually change my thinking;
by altering my thinking,
I can change myself.
My thoughts create my future.
What I will be tomorrow
is determined by what I think today.
Dependence -- Unhealthy or Healthy
"Nothing can be more demoralizing
than a clinging and abject dependence
upon another human being.
This often amounts to the demand
for a degree of protection and love
that no one could possibly satisfy.
So, our hoped-for protectors finally flee,
and once more we are left alone –
either to grow up or to disintegrate."
We discovered the best source
of emotional stability to be God Himself.
We found that dependence upon His perfect justice,
forgiveness, and love was healthy,
and that it would work where nothing else would.
If we really depended upon God,
we couldn't very well play God to our fellows,
nor would we feel the urge to rely
wholly on human protection and care.
1. LETTER, 1966
A little girl had been shopping with her Mom in Wal-Mart. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful red haired, freckle faced image of innocence.
All A.A. progress can be reckoned
in terms of just two words:
humility and responsibility.
Our whole spiritual development
can be accurately measured
by our degree of adherence
to these magnificent standards.
To acknowledge and respect the views,
accomplishments and prerogatives of others
and to accept being wrong
shows me the way of humility.
To practice the principles of A.A.
in all my affairs guides me to be responsible.
Honoring these precepts
gives credence to Tradition Four–
and to all other Traditions of the Fellowship.
Alcoholics Anonymous has evolved
a philosophy of life full of valid motivations,
rich in highly relevant principles
and ethical values,
a view of life which can be extended
beyond the confines of the alcoholic population.
To honor these precepts, I need only to pray,
and care for my fellow man
as if each one was my brother.
Self-Respect through Sacrifice
At the beginning we sacrificed alcohol.
We had to, or it would have killed us.
But we couldn't get rid of alcohol
unless we made other sacrifices.
We had to toss self-justification, self-pity,
and anger right out the window.
We had to quit the crazy contest
for personal prestige and big bank balances.
We had to take personal responsibility
for our sorry state and quit blaming others for it.
Were these sacrifices? Yes, they were.
To gain enough humility and self-respect
to stay alive at all,
we had to give up what had really been
our dearest possessions –
our ambition and our illegitimate pride.
Crying only a little bit is no use.
You must cry until your pillow is soaked.
Then you can get up and laugh . . .
—Galway Kinnell
Many of us were raised to deny our feelings;
that is, we might have been allowed
to describe them politely,
but we were not allowed
to express feelings on the spot
by wailing, jumping for joy, or dancing.
This is often considered rude. In a proper home,
we often hear, if people have feelings,
they have them quietly.
But many of us have suffered living this way.
We need a full and thorough expression of a feeling
in order to know it, experience it, and move beyond it.
This is the way we let go of sadness, for instance.
Feelings come and go.
If we are not afraid to let them have their moment,
we will not be afraid to express them.
What am I feeling right now?