Tuesday, 21 March 2023




Around the Year with Emmet Fox


March 22


The Sermon on the Mount

opens with the eight Beatitudes.

They are actually a prose poem in eight verses

and constitute a general summary

of the Christian teaching.

A general summing up,

such as this is highly characteristic

of the old Oriental mode of approach

to a religious and philosophical teaching,

and it naturally recalls the Eightfold Path of Buddhism,

the Ten Commandments of Moses,

and other such compact groupings of ideas.

Jesus concerned himself exclusively

with the teaching of general principles,

and these general principles

always had to do with mental states,

for he knew that if one's mental states are right,

everything else might be right too.

Unlike the other great religious teachers,

he gives us no derailed instructions

about what we are to do or are not to do.


“. . . the hour cometh,

when ye shalt neither in this mountain,

nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.”

“. . . the hour cometh, and now is,

when the true worshippers

shall worship the Father

in spirit and in truth:

for the Father seeketh such to worship him.”

“God is a Spirit: and they that worship him

must worship him in spirit and in truth”


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