Thursday, 6 October 2022

#tapestryofwomen IN INDIAN MYTHOLOGY! Chanchal Sarin Copyright

 #tapestryofwomen IN INDIAN MYTHOLOGY! 

I am blessed to be a part of this book. 🙏
Foreword by eminent mythologist Devdutt Pattanaik

My poem included in this book


The story of Mandodari 
The queen consort of Ravana, king of Sri Lanka
People must know, and bow their heads in respect

Pious and righteous 
Most respected woman of Ramayana 
Supported her husband Ravana all through her life
Counselling him against his bad deeds
Deeply loved him
Remained loyal to him
But seldom got prominence 

Adopted child of Mayasura 
The son of Saptarishi Kashyap
Extremely beautiful, slender waisted Mandodari 
Extolled as one of the Panchkanyas
The recital of whose names dispel sin
Such is the stature of Mandodari 

Ravana visited the house of Mayasura and his wife Hema
Fell in love with Mandodari 
Marriage of two performed with Vedic rites
She becomes Ravana’s first and eldest bride

Ravana has many faults 
Still Mandodari loves him with all her heart
Proud of his strength Worships goddess Parvati 
for his well-being 
The pure and righteous queen Mandodari 


Ravana disguised as a beggar 
Kidnaps Sita, wife of Rama
Brings her to Ashok Vatika in Sri Lanka
Threatens to kill her if she refuses to marry him

Sita refuses offer to marry Ravana
Ravana raises his sword to behead Sita
Mandodari holds his hand, saves Sita’s life
Murder of a woman is a heinous crime
Donot commit this sin
She advises Ravana
The result of this crime not in your favour 
Advises him not to subdue the Navagrahas 
The nine celestial beings
Governing the destinies of all
Killing Sita will be the cause of his destruction 
The right thinking wife of Ravana

Mandodari knows Sita’s devotion to Rama
Compares her to the goddesses Sachi and Rohini

Before the final battle against Rama
Mandodari makes last attempt to dissuade Ravana
To return Sita to Rama
Ravana ignores her advice
Then, she stands by her husband 
A faithful and obedient wife
Mandodari the consort queen of Ravana


The mighty king Ravana
Falls down in war with Rama
His  pride and life all lost forever 
Mandodari weeps uncontrollably 
So are the other queens and all Rakshas
Body of Ravana lies on the scented wood
Amid chanting Mantras and sacred offerings 
Vibhishana lights the funeral pyre

Lost husband, sons and kinsmen
Mandodari In a disarrayed state, laments their death 
Last look on the funeral pyre, decides to commit Sati

Rama advises Vibhishana to marry Mandodari 
This can save her life
In this matrilineal family 
marrying the reigning queen restores the order
And to rule the kingdom becomes his right

Mandodari loved Ravana
But agrees to second marriage with Vibhishana 
For prosperity and stability of her kingdom 

The marriage purely an act of statesmanship 
Not based on mutual sexual interference 
And she gets a right  to have a say in governance 
In an age of impulse, passion and desire 
Mandodari had a mind of reasoning and rationality 

Unheard, unheeded Mandodari sticks to her path of inward looking 
Dutiful wife, frank in counselling Ravana on morals
Turbulent on surface
Deep in her spiritual quest 
The righteous queen Mandodari existed on this earth 

Chanchal Sarin

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