Sunday, 23 October 2022

Lovers of English

 I met a Surgeon who named his son Naïf 

(pronounced Knife).
I said what an apt name!   

Then I came to know the following:

1.  Lawyer’s daughter - Sue.
2.  Radiologist’s son - Ray.
3.  Ophthalmologist’s 
      daughter -  Iris.
4.  Florist’s daughter - Rose.
5.  Mechanic’s son - Jack. 
6.  Archaeologist’s Son - Doug                        
7.  Thief’s son - Rob.
8.  Gymnast’s son - Jim.
9.  Jeweler’s twin daughters -  Ruby and Pearl.
10. Ornithologist’s Son -  Robin. 
11. Orthopedician’s Son - Boney. 
12. Barber’s son - Harry.
13. Solicitor’s son - Will. 
14. Accountant’s son - Bill.
15. Horticulturist’s Daughter - Ivy.
16. Gardener’s son - Pete.
17. Monarch’s son  - Prince.
18. Dramatist’s Daughter -  Oprah. 
19. Sanitation Engineer’s Son - John. 
20.  Highway Engineer’s Son -  Miles.
21.  Dietician’s daughter Olive. 
22. Actor’s son - Oscar.
23. Photographer's - Son: Click.
24. Gastro-physician's Daughter: - Enema
25. Homeopath's Daughter -  Arnica.
26. Teacher's son -  Mark
[21/10, 10:17] Vani Valluri: Sringeri Saradhambal Temple decorated for Deepavali...👍

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