Here is one for a laugh Doc
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I am a poor retired Bank Officer. I planned a visit to our native place in Ratnagiri for few days along with my wife..
We have one son and two daughters who are married and living with their family in distant cities.
However, none of them were there to look after our house when we proceeded on tour.
Therefore, we were afraid that, if a thief broke into our house, the house would be ransacked, maliciously damaged if he rummages through boxes, cupboards and cabinets and the thief could damage our stuff if he gets frustrated at not finding any money.
So, on humanitarian grounds & keeping with my principle of natural justice for the oppressed, I decided to keep one thousand rupees in cash on the centre table and left a small note for the thief :
" Dear Chor Saheb, I Feel really sorry that You have to work so hard at odd hours to earn a livelihood subjecting yourself to so much risks..
I am a middle class Bank retiree, we live on a meagre pension, which is yet to see a raise despite the rise in inflation.
We don’t have any cash at home. Its unfortunate that of all the luxurious houses You finally took the strenuous effort of visiting our humble house. However, I am afraid that you might have wasted your time, energy & effort.. So respecting your risky profession, I have set aside Rs 1,000/- for you as a working trip gift. There is a piece of leftover cake & half a bottle of wine in the fridge just in case you are feeling hungry & thirsty..
Dear Chor Saheb, If you wish to expand your harvest & have a risk taking appetite i can share some vital info.. on the eighth floor in the opposite high rise building lives the auto rickshaw driver turned state minister, on the seventh floor is the corporator of municipality of a ruling party, the sixth floor in B- wing is the right hand of a local 'Bhai', on the fifth floor is the house of Shakha-Pramukh, and on the fourth floor a prominent Hawala dealer.
They have plenty of cash and in case of theft, they are wise enough not to report to the police.
Wish You all the Best.. I wish you a fruitful harvest..
Take care..

A month later, when we came home, I was pleasantly surprised to find that there was Rs.1,00,000/- in cash on the centre table and a hand written note :
_"Thank you my dear poor banker for your invaluable tips.. The mission was successfully accomplished and the harvest has been sweetly fruitful. So, as a token of appreciation I leave Rs 1,00,000/- for YOU to express my heartfelt gratitude. In the fridge i have left a chocolate cake, 1 kg dryfruits & two bottles of black label..I hope You will continue to share more such lucrative tips in the future. Thank You for such valuable intelligence inputs for better economic development of the downtrodden.. Seasons greetings.._ 

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