Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Transformation of an insensitive addict


Transformation of an insensitive addict



Raja   began his day with Bacchus and ended it with consumption of more Bacchus. And during the day too he consumed Bacchus. This was his quotidian routine which he followed unflinchingly.

One   particular night in an inebriated state, he went to a parish in the neighborhood and broke down. The priest consoled him and narrated his own story. Apparently the savant of God was once addicted to morphine and snake bites.


Raja’s body chilled and he remained transfixed, gazing at the cross and hoping for    redemption. But this inconsiderate person, hosting an insensitive mind over a period of time had become a pitiless addict.


Next morning once again in a state of stupor, he landed at the doorstep of Satya Sai Baba’s temple. The priest was performing   Puja and was taken aback at the entry of this unwelcome visitor and admonished him for the glaring aberration.  He asked him to pray to Baba for grace and a speedy recovery. However the callous   mind once again acted as a barrier for blessings to transmit and flow.


Raja’s behavior did not transfigure and he continued with the consumption of alcohol. It had taken a severe toll of his system. He suffered from a bout of jaundice.

 Once again on recuperation, he continued with the habit. His drinking had become quotidian and there seem to be no light at the end of the tunnel.  He had become alcohol dependent and there seemed no respite from the malady. His mind was filled with tenebrosity  fervently hoping for luminosity.


Alcoholism is a defining moment in the life of an addict. It is a debilitating ailment which needs to be appreciated by the family and society and every addict requires treatment to combat this illness. The healing apart from being mere physical necessarily needs to be both spiritual and metaphysical.


There were fights, repeated squabbles and altercations within the family. His children were petrified and in constant state of anxiety and tension, while   encountering   their father. The mother ceaselessly and incessantly cursed the day she got married to the   ungrateful and insensitive person.

 Raja began selling the silverware of the family and even dipping into his provident fund, to procure the daily quota of alcohol. The couple had minimal interaction.


 But, she prayed for the recovery of her husband to Lord Hanuman and recited Hanuman Chalisa   unfailingly apart from   fervently praying  to the Vishistadvaita mystic Sri  Raghavendra Swami of Mantralayam .


Who is an addict?

A person who is addicted to any particular substance, say an illegal drug or alcohol!


What is addiction?


A physical or psychological need of a habit forming substance, such as a drug or alcohol. In physical addiction, the body adapts to the substance being used and over a period of time requires increased amounts to reproduce the effects originally produced by smaller doses, without which the addict has withdrawal symptoms

“Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic, be alcohol or morphine or idealism” wrote  the preeminent psychologist Carl Jung.


How does one bring about a 360 degree change in their lifestyles?


They need to seek professional help under the aegis of a psychiatrist or get admitted to a rehab to metamorphose their lives. It is impinging on the addict to surrender to a Divine Power and surrender without any strings attached and can seek the help of professional bodies like Alcoholic Anonymous.



In addition regular practice  of Yoga and Pranayama too have a salutary effect on the mind and bodies of the  addict. Besides an   addict can undertake a course in the ancient Buddhist technique of Vipassana  or join the Happiness Programme of the Art of Living.


He should be made aware  about the problems faced by the  society and emerge as a   welfare oriented citizen. The idea and spirit of performing  service / Seva to the society would channelize energies  towards   a positive direction. The problems encountered  by the addict should appear smaller than those faced by the society.


The addict needs to live in the present moment and lift his level of Prana / Chi.  Breathing technique like Sudarshan Kriya , has  a  palliative effect  and bring  about the awareness in the individual to start living in the present moment and he makes amends with himself, the family and society.


Raja,  is sober today and recovered with  the abundance of love and  blessings he received from  several masters and by undertaking the Art of Living course.  There are several   people like Raja who are in the cesspool and quagmire   who require  immediate help to help themselves and their families.

As the talismanic Barrak Obama  says,” Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones  we have been waiting for the change we seek.”


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