Sunday, 29 January 2017

Rodin Sharma's Post - Shared

I'm no poet. We both know that.

But in a burst of passion and utter inspiration, I wrote a poem to remind you of your greatness as we begin the second month of this New Year.

I hope you've made some brave new choices, some gutsy new decisions and installed some smart new habits...

...because unless you change the way you operated last year (fast), you'll be stuck in a groove that will make 2017 a repeat of last year...

The clear reality is...

I want this to be YOUR year, the year you step into your truest power, own your highest talents and create results that are nothing less than monumental.

So here's the it, study it, recite it and then live it...

The Declaration:

Today, I declare I am strong and brave, not timid nor weak.

Today, I declare that my past will no longer limit my future and just because I couldn't achieve something yesterday doesn't mean I won't do it this day.

Today, I declare that I'll honor my talents, express my gifts and reveal my creativity to everyone around me.

Today, I declare I'll be loyal to my values, respectful of my mission and fiercely focused on my dreams.

Read the rest of The Declaration here

Very Important Information:

If you are inspired by The Declaration and really are ready to make this year the single greatest year of your life, then you really cannot afford to miss out on a very, very special opportunity...

I only do this once a year...

Memberships to my famous online program Your Absolute Best Year Yetare now available but doors will close soon.

Sorry, but if you wait you'll be too late...

...and miss out on this life-changing course that has helped thousands of people just like you create explosive results in terms of their health, happiness, wealth and positive impact on the world.

When you snap up one of the limited memberships left right now, you'll get:

--The 9 video modules that have transformed so many people's lives across the planet (my coaching clients paid $12,000 just to get these and once they viewed them felt the cost was inexpensive given what they learned).

--18 bonus teleseminars that walk you through a complete life mastery system ($5000 value).

--And just to completely wow you and show you how much I care and want to serve your highest dreams this New Year, when you register right now I'll add 12 bonus pre-recorded webinars ($5000 value).

This extraordinary online course is worth over $20,000...

It's a total program where I walk you through the best ideas and strategies I've learned over 20 years of working with the most successful people on Earth to dramatically boost your happiness, health, energy, prosperity, relationships, work and life...

It's taken me tens of thousands of hours to discover this information--and many of the best years of my life...

But because I want you in it so you experience the ridiculously powerful results Your Absolute Best Year Yet will give you, I'm offering memberships for only $477 before I close doors shortly. show you even more of my love...

...I've removed all risk for you to try this because there's a 30 day money-back guarantee...

So you really have nothing to lose...why wouldn't you get your membership today?

Get one of the limited memberships now

Please remember, coming up with excuses will not revolutionize your life-- only gutsy action will.

So get off the fence and just do this! :)...

I predict you'll look back at the decision to join us in Your Absolute Best Year Yet as the decision that changed the game for you.

The program will sell out (it always does) and doors close soon...

So go ahead and get one of the remaining memberships now

With best wishes and tons of gratitude, 

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