Thursday, 6 March 2025

Amazing English

Amazing English Many parts of the body can be used as verbs in either a physical or a metaphorical sense. You can *head* a company, but if things go wrong you'll have to *shoulder* the blame, or *face* your investors. A good leader will *back* his employees, but if you don't *toe* the line the management can *skin* you. Did you *muscle* your way into that job? You might *eye* someone suspiciously, or wait for the police to *finger* a suspect. But avoid putting your *nose* in someone’s business. But if you need to get out of town, you can *thumb* a ride or you can ride with me if you can *stomach* the thought. Use strong *arm* tactic if you want to *elbow* out someone. I don't always sing along with the radio, but I sometimes do *mouth* the words. (To all English-Language Lovers)

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