Sunday, 7 April 2024
Good Morning!!!
God grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change;
Courage to change
the things I can;
and Wisdom
to know the difference.
Thy will, not mine, be done.
*~*~*~*~*^Daily Reflections^*~*~*~*~*
April 8, 2024
We want to find exactly how, when, and where
our natural desires have warped us.
We wish to look squarely
at the unhappiness this has
caused others and ourselves.
By discovering
what our emotional deformities are,
we can move toward their correction
Today I am no longer a slave to alcohol,
yet in so many ways enslavement still threatens–
myself, my desires, even my dreams.
Yet without dreams I cannot exist;
without dreams there is nothing
to keep me moving forward.
I must look inside myself, to free myself.
I must call upon God’s power
to face the person I’ve feared the most, the true me,
the person God created me to be.
Unless I can or until I do,
I will always be running, and never be truly free.
I ask God daily to show me such a freedom!
"Look Before You Leap"?
"Wise men and women rightly give
a top rating to the virtue of prudence.
They know that without this all-important attribute
little wisdom is to be had.
"Mere ‘looking before we leap’ is not enough.
If our looking is charged with fear,
suspicion, or anger,
we had better not have looked or acted at all."
"We lose the fear of making decisions,
great and small, as we realize
that should our choice prove wrong we can,
if we will, learn from the experience.
Should our decision be the right one,
we can thank God for giving us the courage
and the grace that caused us so to act."
Grapevine quote of the day
"New people are the lifeblood of AA.
I am eternally grateful to them.
By extension I am, therefore, grateful to Tradition Three
for making it possible
for all who want what we have to come to AA."
Los Gatos, Calif., February 1993
"A Part of the Whole"
AA Grapevine
© AA Grapevine, Inc. 1944-2014
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