Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Wasn't it possible for Karna to grab his Vijaya Bow

Wasn't it possible for Karna to grab his Vijaya Bow and fight back while Arjuna was preparing to attack Karna with Anjalika Astra? Yes it was possible for him to pick up Vijaya to fight back. Arjun and Krishna had given him sufficient warning When the wheel was sunk. Karna gets down to pull it up and while doing so reminds Arjun that it is not dharma to attack an unarmed warrior. To which Krishna replies to Karna that you have no business talking about Dharma now when you have done Adharma all your life. And attacked Pandavas when they were unarmed. Bhima poisoning - Bhima was unarmed Lakshagriha - Pandavas were going to be Burned alive without their knowledge Dyut Sabha - Abused Draupadi when Pandavas hands were tied by loss to shakuni Abhimanyu Vadh - when Abhimanyu was attacked by karna when he was already engaged with other warriors and everyone continued to attack and kill him even after he became unarmed So Karna shuts up and gets back to fighting with Vijaya Bow in hand. Then he shoots several arrows at Arjun which hits him at his chest and he faints. Sensing opportunity Karna again tries to pick up the wheel. When Arjun regains his Consciouness Krishna asks him not to waste time and use a Divyastra and kill Karna before he gets back on his chariot. Even then Arjun doesn'... Access this answer and support the author as a Quora+ subscriber Access all answers reserved by Preeti A for Quora+ subscribers Access exclusive answers from thousands more participating creators in Quora+ Browse ad‑free and support creators

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