Friday, 17 November 2023


JOSTLING WITH CORONA 8. Looking Back at 2020 Life is brimful of peaks and valleys. There are highpoints and then one hurtles into a precipice. Human life is akin to a synodic curve. There are moments of extraordinary achievements, celebrations and then the unexpected occurs. As Buddha says, “The only permanent thing in life is impermanence.” This is so apt in the rapidly changing environment. In 2016, I had published two books, conducting Art of Living Courses, learning Hindustani Classical music, but was not professionally satisfied. I yearned for a challenging posting in the Indian Railway Traffic Service. And then the wheels of fortunes altered and I was posted as the Chief Operations Manager, North Eastern Railway, Gorakhpur. From the proverbial loop line of the railway, I was in the mainline. And within a year, I was posted as the Principal Chief Operations Manager, North Central Railway Allahabad (now referred to as Prayagraj). This is one of the most demanding and exacting position on Indian Railways handling freight and passenger traffic. The world saw Corona in 2020 and during the lockdown and several periods of work from home, I could author three books, two translations and wrote for two anthologies. Creativity was as its peak. The last four years have seen me write with gusto and also perform with credit professionally, but was to lose my parents – my father in 2019 and mother in 2020. I was distraught with the tragedies and am still to overcome the grief of bereavement. In December 2020, I contracted COVID-19 and so did my mother, and I bear this cross, with my mind always cannonaded with the thought as to whether I transmitted the infection to her. The thought of lighting the funeral pyres of my parents have deeply impacted my mind and feel the house to be to be desolate and forlorn. In particular, consigning my mother to flames at the electric crematorium wearing the PPE suite as I was still recovering from Corona haunts me to this day. For me writing is a passion and a therapeutic exercise. We worked on a novel, which has been put on the pause button for certain inexplicable reasons. This again is indicative of recurring changes which take place at the subterranean levels about which the gross mind is absolutely unaware of. Only the subtle mind and energies can perhaps fathom the reasons. Meanwhile, to fuel the passion and to calm my frayed nerves, I pulled out a bunch of articles which I am sure readers would connect. It is my journey and voyage of several others ……an attempt to make a paradigm shift from negativity to positive mindset. While, maintaining strict protocols, a Swami, a seeker and a novitiate settled down to their sadhana unmindful of woebegone news which spread across the globe. They loosened up after an early morning bath, followed by Suryanamaskars (Sun Salutations), Padmasadhana (a set of yogic exercises), followed it performing Sudarshan Kriya and meditating for a while and then went about their daily routine of performing seva/service Later in the day, they participated in meditation programmes conducted by the Master himself. This has provided ballast and robustness to their existence. Seva is an integral part of Art of Living and, the group have been conducting in a quotidian manner an online breathing and meditation programme which has provided succour to thousands. A year back Hong Kong and Shenzhen are the twin cities in the magnificent Pearl Estuary of China. As the crimson red sun sank for the final time on 31st December in South China Sea a group of batch mates from an estimable management institute in India landed at the Hong Kong International airport. They caroused at the voguish beaches and market places of Hong Kong and then drove to Shenzhen the gleaming tech park city of China whose landscape is dotted with skyscrapers and marked opulence. Amidst all the revelry and ho-hum the group also ventured to discover tranquillity and hush and sush at the preeminent Phoenix Mountain Temple and the Dragon Temple which is nestled in exotic mountains. Some of them marvelled the architecture and others paid obeisance to Lord Buddha. No sooner were they back to Hong Kong that news of a virus which had flu like symptoms spread like wild fire. Very soon information filtered that the virus emanated from the Wuhan province of China with speculations rife that it either emanated in a laboratory on account of an accident, or through nocturnal mammals like bats or from some filthy places. However, the great firewall of the government blanked out the information. And soon the opulent Indians beat a hasty retreat back home. The oldest alive Kane Tanaka the 117 years old Japanese is the oldest surviving person on planet earth who was a witness to the outbreak of the scourge of Spanish Flu. She celebrated her most recent birthday in a nursing home in Fukuoka, Japan with pieces of delectable cake. Kane revels to keep her mind active, and on a normal day at the nursing home, she wakes up at 6 a.m. and in the afternoon often studies subjects such as maths. One of Kane’s favourite pastimes is a game of Othello and she’s become an expert at the classic board game, often beating the staff. And like several Japanese she practices Zazen breathing and meditation practice which explains her longevity. T-20 The year gone by has rolled like the tumultuous and breathtaking game of the faster version of the game of cricket unlike the riveting test match cricket which has twists and turns. 20-20 bludgeons its way to the rambunctious crowds and deep pockets of the numerous stakeholders. We have witnessed in this clamourous T-20 of our lives in the form of Covid Pandemic which has accounted for a 1.7 million deaths, Joe Biden worsted Donald Trump to assume the august office of Presidency, the racial riots in United States of America following the inhuman elimination of a black man George Floyd in Minneapolis by brute power of the state police, China emerging as a singular economic power through the predatory tactics of a wolf, tanking of the oil prices across the globe and the biggest migration of labour in India. Amidst all this despondency as in Twenty-Twenty (T-20) emerged a super over. The super over for the world today is the vaccine to combat the lethal virus is the vaccine which will act as a protective shield for swathes of population across the world There are primarily three vaccine candidates which need the approval of WHO-EUL/PQ authorisation. Way back in 1995 New Year’s was a grand every other day. All those present were in a state of Divine reverie and Sri Sri was astonishingly radiant and sparkling with joy. Guruji merely uttered, “Joy is dissolving...losing your identity. Rest is dissolving...losing your identity.” The message for 1996, Sri Sri said is- Just BE Relax and Just BE A curious devout asked Guruji – What is the nectar of Life? Sri Sri replied – Infinity and Divinity. Optimism Sun will sink again on the 31st of December and luminosity will eclipse tenebrosity as humanity will survive another day with hope payer and Sri Sri’s message for 1996- JUST BE.

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