Tuesday, 17 October 2023

_*What a sadness to be old!*_

_*What a sadness to be old!*_ _*.....I got out from the supermarket and looked for the key of my car. It was not in my pockets. I went back inside and searched among tomatoes, potatoes and all the shelves attentively but found nothing.*_ _*Suddenly I realized that it could be left inside the car and the car could be stolen. I ran rapidly to the car park and THE CAR DISAPPEARED!*_ _*I called the police and gave them my position, the description of the car, the license plate, etc., etc., and I confessed that I left the key inside.*_ _*Then I made the most difficult call.....to my wife. Daaarling.....(my voice trembled) I left the key in the car and it's stolen!*_ _*There was la long silence.....then she screamed:*_ _*I drove you and dropped you at the supermarket before going to the hairdresser! MORON!*_ _*Not without embarrassment but happy, I said: How nice! So you're coming to pick me up?*_ _*She screamed again: I can't, idiot! I am in the Police station and I have to convince them that I didn't steal the car!*_ _*Don't laugh alone.*_

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