Monday, 9 October 2023

*Question - Gurudev, We complain about religious conversions in India. But isn't it also a fault of Hindu leaders that they have not filled the gap that people feel before taking the decision of converting to other religions?*

*Question - Gurudev, We complain about religious conversions in India. But isn't it also a fault of Hindu leaders that they have not filled the gap that people feel before taking the decision of converting to other religions?* Gurudev - Yes, we cannot deny it. There has not been an understanding from Hindu leaders. We remained more in rituals rather than attending to the mental and psychological aspects of people. Many Hindu institutions are engaged in a lot of service activity, but poverty is something that can be taken advantage of by luring people financially or otherwise and asking them to convert. That is wrong. Secondly, our Hindu population is not well- educated in its own roots. In this, Hindu leaders have definitely not done their job, they could have done better. We just remained in the kathas of Ramayan, Mahabharat, and Bhagavat. We didn't go a little further in addressing grievances and needs. The things that are said in other religions are said in the Bhagavad Gita also but that has not been highlighted. Lord Krishna says, 'I will relieve you of all your sins, come unto me'. Now, this is seldom (rarely) quoted but what is popularly quoted is 'Do your duty, don't worry about the result.' Today's young people who are in pain are looking for the "I will relieve your sins", and Lord Krishna has already said this, but we don't highlight it. Another thing we have not highlighted is that God is One and has many forms. People grow up thinking you have to please so many Gods and Goddesses, and that it is too complicated. It causes fear in the mind and people think, 'I gave a flower to this God, did namaste to that God, and the other God will be angry, causing a split in the mind, in the devotion amongst the younger generation. We have to bring them to the Vedantic knowledge, the highest knowledge. People are ready for it.

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