Tuesday, 17 October 2023


NEWSLETTER ON LINKEDIN New Beautiful Quotes 1180-1171 New Beautiful Quotes 1180-1171 My All Beautiful Quotes At One Place- https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/my-all-beautiful-quotes-one-place-pravin-agrawal/ Author image Pravin Agrawal ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ Founder, Spiritual India - Radhe Radhe! JSK! You are under cctv surveillance! See what others are saying about this topic: Open on Linkedin Newsletter cover image My Nature Sets Right Everything Here's - My Nature Sets Right Everything Which you may wonder after knowing. If you can grasp the deep meaning and follow it, you are very fortunate. Read it and try! Love and light to you! เฅ เฅ เฅ 2016/ 13 July 2023 My Nature Sets Right Everything *If you play with my nature! If you do injustice with my nature! My nature sets right everything! *My nature is so powerful! No one can withstand it! Water, fire, soil, air, sky! These five are my nature! *If you play with them good or bad! If you can't safeguard my earth! My nature sets right everything! By giving punishment or reward! *Everything needs to be neutralized! Everything neutralizes in this world! *I never do anything! My nature sets right everything! *I am Purush! My body and world my nature! My nature sets right everything! *This is my voice! This is divine voice from sky! *Jai Sri Radhe Krishna! Hare Krishna! 1764/ 12 March 2023 Love is The Only Religion *You don't know! Who was converted when? And how many times? They were converted! In their hundreds of births! In this infinite tradition of time! *Nature sets right everything! If anyone is converted today! Then he will be brought back! Since Karma will be neutralized! In this birth or other births! *Since Almighty can't see injustice! He has made such nature! Nature sets right everything! *Love is the only religion! Humanity is the only religion! *Jai Sri Radhe Krishna! Hare Krishna! 1615/ 29 January 2023 Same Person Repents *The person who insults you! The person who cheats you! *Same person repents one day! This is truth of life you may see! *Nature sets right everything! Hence don't worry! Be happy! *It is due to his ignorance! Any one insults you! Any one cheats you! *When his ignorance is removed! He repents on his Karma one day! Hence don't worry! Be happy! *God makes such a person a tool! To make you more stronger! To finish your worldly attachment! *Never see body of such person! See soul in him! See God in him! *Jai Sri Radhe Krishna! Hare Krishna! เฅ เฅ เฅ 1566/ 16 Jan 2023 If we get bad *If we do good! Even then we get bad! *If we get punishment! Even if we have done nothing wrong! *This is the greatest thing! For firm belief on Almighty! *Why it is so? Why it happens? *In this birth! We do everything good! It is great! *We know only this much! But Almighty knows! About our all the past births! *He needs to neutralize! Karma of our all past births! Only then we can be pure! For immortality or liberation! *Hence don't worry! Be happy! *Your past Karma! They are being neutralized! By withstanding all these! *It will make you pure! It will make you stronger! Required to know yourself! Required to know Atma! *Nature sets right everything! Every Karma needs to be repaid! *Jai Sri Radhe Krishna! Hare Krishna! 1397/ 20 OCT 2022 @Who consider any one inferior @They are fools! Who consider any one inferior! @They must understand! They were also in the womb! For nine months! They came out of the womb! Of their mothers! In the size of a puppy! In the same manner! @Their body will also be converted! In to the dust one day! @Hence, how can they be superior? How they can consider? Any one inferior! @Nature sets right everything! That day is not far away! They will also be considered inferior! In the same manner! If they consider any one inferior! @Hence you must think! One hundred times! If you consider any one inferior! You will also meet! Same treatment! @Nature sets right everything! Nature sets right every one! 1313/ 22 July 22 @Those girls will meet same treatment @Those girls! Who can't take care! Of their aged mother in laws! @They will meet the same treatment! In their old age! Without fail! @It is as true! As third law of Newton! Reaction against action! @Even if you are employed girl! And you can't take care! Of your aged mother in law! @You will meet same treatment! In your old age! One day you will also be old! @Remember! Do not forget! Nature sets right everything! @If you send money! To your mother in law! But you do not serve her! It is not enough! You will also meet same treatment! @If you employ maid! For your mother in law! But you do not serve her! It is not enough! You will also meet same treatment! @Nature sets right everything! You are always under cctv surveillance! Under true justice of Almighty God! @Serve your aged mother in law! Serve your aged father in law! Serve your aged parents! Serve even unknown aged if you can! @This is applicable for you! Equally for every man or woman! @You will repent with tears! In your old age! If you do not serve! Your aged mother in law! Aged father in law! Aged parents! Aged unknown people! @They may not require your help! But they require! Certainly your loving attitude! @Beware! Be very cautious! While doing any Karma! It may be I, you or other! No one can escape Karma! @If you share this to anyone! This will be worship of God! Sitting inside every aged person! 1300/ 5 July 2022 @They don't know Almighty @Who fight on the names of Almighty! They do not know Almighty! @Suppose you have two names! Your childhood name Mohan! Your present name Sohan! But you are the same person! @In the same way! Different names of one Almighty! In different religions! @They are ignorant! Who fight in different names! Of one Almighty! @When they come to know! Almighty is only one! Different names in different religions @Then they repent! Then it becomes too late! They can't escape! Punishment by Almighty! @That punishment! In this birth! And after this birth also! @Beware! Before doing any work! Think hundred times! You can't escape punishment! @Almighty is seeing everything! Cctv of Almighty always works! Nature sets right everything! 1294/ 1 July 2022 @Why injustice with you? @Either you must have done injustice! With anyone! In your past births! Or in this birth! Hence he is doing now! @Or, you will do same injustice! With the same person! In next births! Or in this birth! To repay the Karma! @Law of Karma indispensable! Nature sets right everything! 1293/ 1 July 2022 @What is braveness? @See Almighty in all! Have fear even from! The weakest person! See Almighty in him! @Since the weakest person also! He will set right everything! Since he is also nature! And nature sets right everything! It is the law of the nature! 1250/ 21 May 2022 Super Intelligence *Nature sets right everything automatically! Nature is super intelligent! *One dead pigeon was found on my terrace! When I was walking in the morning! I did not notice it earlier! *All of the sudden one crow came! Flying above me! I checked where it was going! Then I noticed dead pigeon! *Then some more crows reached there! Thus they made arrangements! For cleaning the terrace! *This is only one example! All the species were created! To clean up the environment! To balance the eco-sysyem! *No one goes to clean the forests! No one goes to clean! Snow-clad mountains! *Who cleans them? Who make them beautiful? *It is the super intelligence of Almighty! Which runs the entire cosmos! *And it is running since ages! Without any human help! *If human can't set right! Almighty sets right! Nature sets right everything! 1238/ 7 May 2022 Don't think that God has kept silent *You think that God does not watch! Don't think that God has kept silent! *God is always watching! God is always acting! *He is watching like cctv! He is recording every thing! *If you break temple or mosque! If you trouble man or animal! If you give pain to any tree! If you harm any creature! *You certainly get its punishment! During this birth or next! *Muslim rulers or Hindu rulers! Administrators irrespective of religion! Who did atrocities in the past! They are still getting punishment! *You see dogs, pigs etc of today! What are they? They are cruel rulers of the past! *Karma rules never fail! Like third law of Newton! Reaction against your action! *Krishna already proclaimed in Gita! He puts such people in such births! Again and again without fail! *Krishna does not do anything! Every thing is automatic! Nature sets right everything! *Forward this to all concerned! To wake up all concerned! 1218/ 12 April 2022 There is reason of everything *Whatever happened! Whatever happening! Whatever will happen! *There is reason! Of everything! *Without reason! Nothing can happen! *Whatever happening in world! Russia Ukraine War! Sri Lanka crisis! Change in Pakistan! *You need not worry! Every thing planned! Very systematically! In regime of Almighty! *Governments can fail! Leadership can fail! You may see the chaos! But never worry! *He is the best Judge! Nothing can happen wrong! *Though you may see wrong! But it is never wrong! *Everyone under cctv surveillance! Every thing under cctv surveillance! *Since nature sets right everything! Since nature is setting right all! *And all this is automatic! Hence never doubt Almighty! 1178/ 15 FEB 2022 Nature sets right everything *There can't be any injustice! In the beautiful regime of Almighty! *Nature sets right everything! Reaction against action! Like third law of Newton! Everyone is repaid his Karma! *Some Hindus were converted! To other religions by force! Some have come back! Some will be reverted back! *If you convert anyone! You will surely be converted! In this birth or next! Never forget this fact! *If you do atrocities! You will get atrocities! In this birth or next! Without any doubt! *Those emperors! Who did atrocities on Hindus! They have been punished already! They are being punished! They will be punished! Every thing is automatic in nature! *You can't escape your Karma! No one can escape his deeds! Deeds may be good or bad! No injustice in court of Almighty! *One may be Emperor, King! One may be ordinary person! One may be a group of people! Everyone gets its rewards! As per the Karma without fail! *Every thing arranged by nature! Every thing arranged by Almighty! *Hence don't worry! Be happy! There will always be justice! You want or not! *Forward this to all concerned! To wake up all concerned! 1143/ 25 December 2021 My One Thought *My one thought created! The entire universe! *I wanted to be many out of one! I became many in the universe! *My one thought created! Omicron virus! *People again started to violate! The norms of my beautiful nature! Without any care and safety! And hence this new virus! *Whenever their will be! Decline of Dharma! I create my nature! In different forms! *My nature sets right everything! Automatically to make it alright! *But you are beyond the nature! Aim of your life to know this fact! *This is my voice! This is divine voice from the sky! 1042/ 1 Sep 2021 Nature Knows How to Set Right *Don't think! Nature can't do anything! *Nature does everything! Nature knows how to set right! *Whatever is happening in the world! Whatever happened in the world! Whatever will happen in the world! Nature sets right everything! *Reaction against action! It is as true! As third law of Newton! Never doubt on nature! *Have faith! Nature will set right everything! *Everything needs to be neutralized! Everything neutralizes in this world! *Don't consider yourself doer! Don't consider myself doer! Don't consider anyone doer! My nature does everything! *This is my voice! This is divine voice from sky! 143/ 2 May 2020 Greed of Man *Greed of man has spoiled! The beauty of this earth! Hence Corona is created! Nature sets right every thing! *Rat race of man has made! The planet earth ugly! If man doesn't improve! More Viruses may be created! *Earlier also man used to live! Go back to 100 years! Then man was more happy! Rat race has caused the pain! *Advancement of Science has made the man! More comfortable, habitual of comfort! Thus weaker in body, mind n senses! Use Advancement, Science with wisdom! *Don't forget your very existence! Don't forget the existence of earth! Don't forget your very essence! For which you have come here! You have come here! To beautify this earth with love! Not for rat race, not for greed! Not for making the earth ugly! เฅ เฅ เฅ

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