Monday, 30 January 2023

Magical Powers of Mantras

How to lock your lust

Empowering the Mind

Multifaceted Kishore Kumar

Indian Railways Lifeline of the nation

26th January

 *A Very Happy Morning.* 

Today is a momentous day when the country marks and celebrates the date on which the Constitution of India came into effect on 26 January, in the year 1950. Heartiest Greetings on this beautiful and proud Seventy Fourth Republic Day. Today Bhaarat stands tall in the world with all round development and growth. Creativity is the most vital and all important aspect of growth and the crux of creativity is seeing things from a new perspective. If you want growth and forward progression in life you have to develop a conscious desire to explore possibilities outside your conditioned thinking, as is said popularly, *Thinking Out of the Box!* Every Indian has a responsibility to make *INDIA* proud... Never cease to ask yourself this question… What can I do for my motherland? and find the answer to that and move ahead with this singular Passion in mind… *Nation First Character Must.* Take absolute pride in being an *INDIAN* above anything else, Be an inspiration, be the bridge of integration, embrace the purity of love, explore out of the box, be the best in whatever you do keeping *राष्ट्र प्रथम*, and *Go On Going On.* Surely we will regain our well deserved status of *विश्व गुरू*! Once again wishing you all an extremely happy and blessed 74th Republic Day. *Jai Hind Jai Bhaarat Bhaarat Maata Ki Jai, Vande Maataram!*

Yoga and spirituality

 Yoga and spirituality are given tremendous respect all over the world today. Regardless of the country, people all over are rapidly adopting and integrating Yoga in their lives.

If you go to the city of Tromsø in Norway, which is the last point of the country closest to the Arctic Circle, where the sun shines for just two months in a year, even there people are practicing pranayama, and meditation. The chants of om namah shivaya are resonating even in such a faraway place.

In the same way, the last city in the Southern hemisphere of the Earth – Tiera del Fuego, after which begins the Antarctic Circle; there also you will find thousands of people gathering together to chant Om namah Shivaya, and practicing the Sudarshan Kriya. This is India’s gift to the world.

India has made a place for itself in every home in the world (by virtue of Indian Spirituality). Our Rishis (wise sages) have said, 'Krunavanto vishwam aryam'. It means, 'We will grow and spread glory through the world'.

I see their dream turning into a reality today.
- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar



A must read

Hail Lord Shiva, Hail Lord Krishna

If we have to go out early in the morning or have something to do, we go to sleep with a 4.00am alarm and we often wake up before the alarm that day...
"This is Bio-clock"
This is how many people believe they will be gone 80-90
Many people set Bio-clock in their minds believing that at the age of 50-60 all diseases will surround them. Such people usually fall from diseases at the age of 50-60 and soon become loved by God.
Actually we unknowingly set our wrong Bio-clock.

People in China live comfortably for 100 years because their Bio-clock remains the same.

So friends -

1. Let us set our Bio-clock in such a way that we can live a healthy life for 100 years. We should remember that
 "Age" is "just a Number"
"Old Age" is "mindset"
Some people feel young at the age of 75, while some people feel old at the age of 50.

2. We have to build the belief within ourselves that we will stay away from all diseases even at the age of 40 to 60, so that our bio-clock sets the same way.
Then, there will be no chance of getting any disease.

3. Look young
Always keep your costume and look such that you look young.
Do not allow the appearance of ageing.

4. Be active
Do Walking, Jogging & Yoga according to your situation.

5. Build belief that health will be better with age (which is true)

6. NEVER, EVER ALLOW THE BIO-CLOCK SET YOUR ENDING..... Never allow Bio-Clock to dictate your early heaven.
Keep in mind, all processes of our body work accordingly as we think in our mind.
Therefore, our thinking in life should always be *positive*.

🌹 Right now we all will take a resolution that on the field of life with family will play century innings.

Why go to temple?

 Why go to temple?

I think this is fantastic, I just love the guy's answer,  enjoy it and pass it on .

If you're spiritually alive, you're going to love this!

If you're spiritually dead, you won't want to read it.

If you're spiritually curious, there is still hope!

A temple goer wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to temple atleast once a week.

He wrote: "I've gone for 30 years now, and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 satsangs, but for the life of me, I can't remember a single one of them. So, I think I'm wasting my time, the preachers and priests are wasting theirs by preaching to us about the Almighty". 

This started a real controversy in the "Letters to the Editor" column.

Much to the delight of the editor, it went on for weeks until someone wrote this clincher:

"I've been married for 30 years now.  In that time my wife has cooked some 32,000 meals. But, for the life of me, I cannot recall the entire menu for a single one of those meals."

"But I do know this: They all nourished me and gave me the strength I needed to do my work.  If my wife had not given me these meals, I would be physically dead today."

"Likewise, if I had not gone to temple for nourishment, I would be spiritually dead today!
That is what going to temple and praying to GOD does ... it keeps you spiritually alive!!"

When you are DOWN to nothing, God is UP to something!

Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible!

Thank God for our physical and our spiritual nourishment!


When you are about to forward this to others, the devil will discourage you.

So go on! Forward this to people who are DEAR to you and TRUST GOD.

Thursday, 26 January 2023



Blessed are those that can give without remembering, and take without forgetting.

One day a florist went to a barber for a haircut. After the cut, he asked about his bill, and the barber replied, 'I cannot accept money from you, I'm doing community service this week.'

The florist was pleased and left the shop.

When the barber went to open his shop the next morning, there was a 'thank you' card and a dozen roses waiting for him at his door.

Later, a cop comes in for a haircut, and when he tries to pay his bill, the barber again replied, 'I cannot accept money from you, I'm doing community service this week.' The cop was happy and left the shop.

The next morning when the barber went to open up, there was a 'thank you ' card and a dozen donuts waiting for him at his door.

Then an MP came in for a haircut, and when he went to pay his bill , the barber again replied, 'I cannot accept money from you. I'm doing community service this week.' The MP was very happy and left the shop

The next morning, when the barber went to open up, there were a dozen MPs lined up waiting for a free haircut.

And that, my friends, illustrates the fundamental difference between the citizens of our country and the politicians who run it.

*As Margaret Thatcher said: Both politicians and nappies need to be changed often and for the same reason!*
If you don't forward this you have no sense of humor.


 Some Very Interesting, but very scary Predictions for the Future..*

*1-Conventional Car Repair workshops* will vanish over a period of time.

*2-A Petrol Engine /Diesel Engine-driven Car has almost 20,000 individual components* 
An electrical Vehicle has less than 50.

*In future, Electric cars will be sold with a life-time Warranty* and will be repaired only by authorised outlets.. It will take only a few minutes to remove and replace an Electric Motor in a Battery-powered Vehicle.

*3-Faulty electric motors* are not repaired in the conventional car workshops teaming with Mechanics,, but will be sent to an automated Repair shop that repairs them using Robots.

*4-The Electric motor in your Electric Vehicle malfunctions- A warning light goes on* --
so you drive up to what looks like a car wash, and your car is towed inside. While you have a cup of coffee,  out comes your car with a repaired Electric motor !

*5-Petrol Pumps* will go away.

*6-Street corners will have Power meters that will dispense Electricity*
 Power Companies/ Utility companies will install Electrical recharging stations at street corners.. In fact, they’ve already started in advanced countries like Sweden, Denmark and Holland.

*7-Smart major Auto manufacturers across the world like Honda, Toyota and Samsung* have already invested Billions of Dollars to start building new Manufacturing plants that will only build Electric cars. 

*8-Coal Mining industry* will sink without a trace. Petroleum companies will vanish.  Drilling for oil will gradually reduce. Say good-bye to the power-wielding *OPEC*
The Middle-East is heading for trouble.

*9-Homes will produce and store more Electrical energy during the daytime and will consume only a part of the power generated & will sell most of the power back to the powergrid. The powergrid will store the power and will distribute the power to industries that are high-intensive power users. Has anybody thought of a *Tesla* on the  roof ??

*10-A baby of today, will only see personal cars in Museums* 
The future, an Era of disruption, is approaching faster than most of us can handle.

*11-In 1980, Kodak had 170,000 employees worldwide and sold 85% of all photographic film-rolls across the world*. 
Within just a couple of decades, their business model crashed and *Kodak* went bankrupt. Who would have thought of that ever happening ??

*12-What happened to Kodak and Polaroid* will happen to a lot of industries in the next  5-10 years … and most people don't see them coming.

*13-Did you think in 2000* that five years later, you would never take pictures using photographic film again ? With today’s smart phones, who owns a Camera these days ??

*14-Digital Cameras* were invented around 1975. The initial models only had clarity/ resolution of 10,000 pixels, but improved vastly following Moore's laws, as it happens with all futuristic technologies

*15-It will now happen again (but much faster) with Artificial Intelligence* Medical Diagnostics, Autonomous Electric cars, Online education, 3D Printing, Hydroponic Agriculture will change the world, beyond imagination.

*16-Forget the old book- Future Shock* Welcome to the 4th Industrial Revolution.

*17-Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and 3D Printing* have already disrupted and will continue to disrupt most traditional Manufacturing industries in the next ten years.

*18-UBER* is just a software company- they don't own any cars and *Uber* is now the biggest taxi company in the world. Ask any taxi driver if any of them, saw that coming.

*19-AirBnB* is now the biggest hotel company in the world, although they don't own any hotel properties. Ask Hilton or Meridian Hotels if they saw that coming. 

*20-Artificial Intelligence:* Computers will become exponentially powerful &  more accurate in understanding all facets of  the world. This year, a computer beat the best Go-player in the world, 10 years earlier than expected.

*21-In the USA,* young lawyers already don't get jobs easily.
Because of  *IBM's Watson*, you can get legal advice ( right now, only the basic legal advic

e) within seconds, with 90% accuracy as compared with 70% accuracy when given by human beings. So, if you are planning to study law, please change your career plan. There will be 90% fewer lawyers in the future, only super-specialists will remain.

*22-IBM Watson* already helps Doctors in diagnosing Cancer. *IBM Watson* is many times more accurate than human Doctors.

*23-Facebook* now has a pattern recognition software that can recognize faces better than humans. In 2030, computers will become far more  intelligent than humans.

*24-Autonomous cars:* In 2020 several models of self-driving cars are already launched. In the next five years, the entire industry will  be disrupted. You don't need to own a car anymore as you will call a car with your mobile phone, it will show up at your location and will drive you to your destination.

*25-You will not need to park your car* you will only pay only for the driven distance and you can be productive, while being driven in a driverless car. *The younger children of today's generation, will never get a Driver's license and will never own a car*

*26-This will change our cities* because we will need 90% fewer cars. We can transform parking spaces into green parks.

*27-About 1.2 million people die each year in car accidents worldwide* including distracted drivers or due to drunk driving. We now have one accident for every 60,000 miles of driving. With Autonomous driving that will probably drop to 1 accident in 6 million miles of driving. That will save almost a million lives  worldwide each year. 

*28-Most traditional car companies will doubtless become financially unviable, with their current business models*
They will try the traditional evolutionary approach and try to build better cars, while Tech companies ( *Tesla, Apple, Google* ) will take up a revolutionary approach and build a Computer on wheels.

*29-Look at what Volvo is doing right now*
 No more Internal Combustion Engines in their Cars starting with the year 2025, using mostly Electric Motors, with the intent of phasing out Hybrid models.

*30-Engineers* from Mercedes, BMW, Volkswagen and Audi are completely terrified of *Tesla* 
Look at all the global companies offering Electric vehicles. They were unheard of, only a few years ago.

*31-Insurance companies will have massive trouble* Without many road accidents, the Insurance Premiums will crash. The car insurance business will taper down with the passage of time.

*32-Real Estate Business models* will undergo drastic change. Because if you can work on your Laptop while you commute, people will abandon their down-town apartments, to move far away to more beautiful and affordable neighbourhoods in distant suburbs.

*33-Electric cars* will become mainstream by 2040. Cities will be less noisy because all new cars will run mostly on Batteries.

*34-Cities will have much cleaner Ambient atmosphere, with no pollution* 
And clean air as well.

*35-Renewable Power* will become incredibly cheap, apart from being clean.

*36-Solar power production* has been on an exponential growth-curve for the last 30 years, but you can now see the burgeoning impact.  And it’s just getting ramped up with the price of Solar Power( per Kilo-Watt-Hour) falling down every year.

*37-Fossil Energy in trouble* 
Tech companies are trying new methods to limit access to the power grid, to prevent competition from low-cost home-based solar installations.

*38-Health:*   There will be Tech companies which will build Medical devices that work on your Mobile phone, which can take your Retina scan, your blood sample and you breath into it.  Then, they will  analyse  Bio-markers that will identify nearly any Disease. There will be dozens of Mobile phone apps for Medical Diagnostics.


Amazon on air

 Amazon on air

In the news. Amazon India launches Amazon Air, an air-express service catering to the growing need for faster shipments across product categories and consumer segments.

Inside the news. Amazon has invested in Indian cargo carrier Quikjet for carrying its packages exclusively across Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, and Hyderabad. Amazon has been increasingly insourcing most of its logistics volumes, up to the tune of 85%-plus, to its internal logistics arm Amazon Transportation Services. Amazon already has a tie-up with Bluedart Express, which has the largest presence in air cargo in the country. However, investing in its own air service will enable the company to have a better handle on shipment schedules and keep costs under control. Air transport has been the costliest mode of transit for e-commerce companies that often face capacity constraints with airlines. The renewed interest in moving goods via air is coming at a time when e-commerce logistics companies are solving for faster deliveries, especially across metro cities, for certain product categories and segments such as D2C brands. 

One more thing. The air service will enable Amazon to deliver a bulk of its shipments within two days. It launched Amazon Air service in 2016 in the US. It operates a network of more than 110 jets that fly to over 70 locations worldwide. A week ago, third-party e-commerce logistics company Ecom Express also launched its air-express product, ExpressPlus, focused on the needs of D2C brands. 

bee symbol


Did you know that one of the first coins in the world had a bee symbol on them?

Did you know that there are live enzymes in honey?

Did you know that in contact with metal spoon these enzymes die? The best way to eat honey is with wooden spoon, if you can't find one, use

Did you know that honey contains a substance that helps your brain work better? 

Did you know that honey is one of the rare foods on earth that alone can sustain human life?

Did you know that bees saved people in Africa from starvation?
One spoon of honey is enough to sustain human life for 24 hours?

Did you know that propolis that bees produce is one of the most powerful natural ANTIBIOTICS?

Did you know that honey has no expiration date?

Did you know that the bodies of the great emperors of the world were buried in golden coffins and then covered with honey to prevent putrefaction?

Did you know that the term "HONEY MOON" comes from the fact that newlyweds consumed honey for fertility after the wedding?

Did you know that a bee lives less than 40 days, visits at least 1000 flowers and produces less
than a teaspoon of honey, but for her it is a lifetime.

Thank you, BEES!

Make sure to share this post guys, I am sure many people will love to know this information.

*_The story of the "Utterly Butterly (Delicious), Amul Girl"._*

 *_The story of the "Utterly Butterly (Delicious), Amul Girl"._*

The much-loved icon of modern India, the deliciously witty *_Amul girl_*, turns *56* this October. Since her inception in 1966, this cheerful blue-haired little moppet, in a red polka-dotted dress, has wowed the nation, with her sometimes tongue-in-cheek, occasionally controversial & always enjoyable one-liners, in billboard & print ads. One of India’s longest running ad campaigns, this is also probably the only ad campaign in the country, with an unchanged theme & style, for almost 56 years now.

*_Here’s the story behind one of India’s most loved mascots who continues to win hearts with her tongue-in-cheek humour & clever wordplay._*

While the brand *_Amul_", was registered & started its work in 1957, the advertising campaign started only in 1966. The DaCunha Ad agency of Mumbai, was given the responsibility of the brand’s ad campaign, by *_Dr. Verghese Kurien_*, head of Amul and the father of *_India’s White Revolution_* – *_the world’s biggest dairy development programme._*
Back then, advertising on television & print media, was wildly expensive & so Sylvester DaCunha, the Founder-Chairman of DaCunha Communications, decided to design an *_Amul_* ad campaign, for the more affordable outdoor hoardings.
The *_Amul girl_*, was created by Eustace Fernandes, the Art Firector of DaCunha Communications, in 1966, the same year the simple yet catchy phrase *_“Utterly Butterly”_* was coined by Sylvester’s wife, Nisha DaCunha. Initially, the word *_‘butterly‘_* met with a lot of skepticism, because it was ungrammatical. However, it worked superbly for the brand & soon became one of the most memorable taglines in Indian advertising!
In 1966, DaCunha & Fernandes, designed the mascot’s first public appearance on billboards. The cute image of the *_Amul girl_*, kneeling in prayer, with one eye closed & another on a pack of butter, with the words, *_“Give us this day our daily bread, with Amul Butter”_* got an immediate positive response from the public.
However, DaCunha soon realised that there was only so much one could say about food. He decided to pitch the dairy brand’s ad campaign differently, in a way that would instantly connect with the public. In 1966, he released the *_Amul girl’s_* first topical ad. Titled *_“Thoroughbread”_", the ad showed the Amul girl as a jockey, holding a slice of bread during the horse race season. The feedback was again very positive.
Next came the monsoon ad, *_“Pitter-patter, pick-a, pack-a Amul butter”_*, & an ad about the Kolkata hartals of the 1960s ,*_”Bread without Amul - cholbe na, cholbe na”_*. A clever play on the slogans of the processions, *_“Cholbe na!”_* (or *_“Will not do!”_*), the ad drew a smile from Bengalis, across the country.
While *_Amul’s_* topicals ads were very popular, they also posed a challenge – they needed to be released quickly or else, they would lose much of their impact. Realising that the protocol & logistics of approving & releasing an ad, took a lot of time, Verghese Kurien, gave DaCunha Communications, the freedom to run the campaign without waiting to take permission from the company. This very rare gesture, reflected Verghese Kurien’s seasoned business acumen & a unique way of going about things. This immense creative freedom is still maintained & is the the reason, why the *_Amul girl_* is never late with her take on the world.
The permission & trust in the relationship, were handed down to Rahul DaCunha, when he inherited the *_Amul_* campaign from his father, in the early 1990s.
Under Rahul, the campaign increasingly commented on contemporary events in sports, politics & films. While most of their satirical messages were welcomed sportingly by popular figures & organizations, occasionally, a few ads managed to ruffle feathers.
The ad agency was served legal notices several times, but they never gave in, always standing by their ads. For instance, during a prolonged airline strike, the *_Amul_* ad said, *_“Indian Airlines serves Amul butter – when it flies."_* A furious airline demanded the immediate removal of the ad or threatened to stop serving *_Amul_" butter, but the company didn’t relent.
Ads involving Jagmohan Dalmiya, Suresh Kalmadi, Satyam Computers & Subrata Roy also resulted in the agency being served legal notices, but in all these cases, the agency & Amul never relented.
Helmed by Rahul DaCunha, copywriter Manish Jhaveri & illustrator Jayant Rane, the *_Amul girl_* ads, have retained their fearlessness over the years. Under Jhaveri, the ad campaign also developed its unique style of vocabulary, with lots of puns & a colloquial flavour. He also brought in a new mix of regional & formal vocabulary that was loved by the public.
Rane, on the other hand, has been painting the *_Amul_* ads painstakingly by hand, for thirty years. Referring to scrapbooks compiled by previous teams, the illustrator ensures, that he sticks to *_Amul girl’s_* trademark features – blue hair, chubby cheeks, wide eyes, no nose & long eyelashes – even while adding celebrity twists.
Having worked together for years, the talented trio, have perfected the art of choosing a subject for the Amul girl ad & releasing it at the perfect moment. Most of their campaigns are specifically targeted to the regions they impact the most. While they choose the trending topic from the newspapers, they get the public point of view from social media, which, according to them, has become the weather vane to gauge public perception.
In an age where roping in celebrities for ad campaigns, had become the trend, Amul’s ads stand out for their simplicity, freshness & their penchant of focussing on current events, to bring home a point. This is why the dairy giant’s campaigns & brand, continue to outlive expectations with over 6,000 billboard hoardings, being produced across India till date.
Half a century later, the *_Utterly Butterly Girl_* continues to peer down billboards, having had her say on everything happening in India for decades. To celebrate the *_Amul Girl’s Golden Jubilee Anniversary,_* DaCunha Communications, has released a coffee table book, that tells the story of an evolving India, as seen from the Amul girl’s eyes.

*_Thats the story of the Utterly Butterly girl_*.


 Did you know?

▪️Both  the   legs together  have  50%   of the   nerves    of   the  human  body,  50%   of  the   blood  vessels  and  50%  of   the   blood   is flowing  through   them.

▪️ It  is  the  largest  circulatory  network  that connects  the   body. 
*So Walk daily*

▪️Only when  the feet are  healthy then  the convention current  of blood  flows ,  smoothly,   so people who  have  strong  leg muscles  will  definitely have  a strong  heart. *Walk*

▪️Aging  starts  from  the  feet  upwards.

▪️As  a   person  gets older, the  accuracy & speed  of  transmission  of instructions   between the  brain and   the  legs decreases, unlike  when a  person  is  young.
*Please Walk*

▪️In   addition,   the   so-called   Bone  Fertilizer Calcium will  sooner  or later  be  lost  with  the passage  of  time,  making  the   elderly  more  prone  to   bone fractures. 

▪️Bone  fractures  in  the  elderly   can  easily  trigger  a  series   of complications, especially fatal  diseases  such  as  brain   thrombosis.

▪️Do  you   know   that 15% of elderly  patients   generally, will  die  max. within  a  year  of   a  thigh-bone   fracture !!  
*Walk daily without fail*

▪️ Exercising  the legs,   is   never  too  late, even  after   the  age  of 60  years.
*W A L K*

▪️Although   our   feet/legs  will   gradually   age with    time,  exercising  our  feet/ legs  is  a  life-long  task.  
*Walk 10,000 steps*

▪️Only  by regular strengthening   the  legs, one   can   prevent   or reduce  further  aging.  
*Walk 365 days*

▪️ Please  walk  for at  least 30-40  minutes   daily   to  ensure   that   your   legs  receive   sufficient   exercise and  to  ensure  that  your  leg  muscles remain healthy.

You  should   share  this  important  information  with  all  your  40+years"  friends
 & family  members, as everyone  is  aging  on  a  daily  basis

Cricket Match

 On Day 3 of the first Test between West Indies and Pakistan in Barbados, Pakistan were all out for 106 in their first innings in response to West Indies 579/9. It was a 6-day Test match and saving it seemed rather impossible. This is how the scoreboard moved then onwards: 

Jan 20, Stumps, Day 3: Pak 162/1, Hanif Mohammad 61* 
When Hanif reached his room, there was a note beside the bed from Pakistan captain, Abdul Hafeez Kardar, which said: "You are our only hope" 

Jan 21, Stumps, Day 4: Pak 339/2, Hanif Mohammad 161* 
The note from his captain that evening said: "You can do it" 

Jan 22, Stumps, Day 5: Pak 525/3, Hanif Mohammad 270*, Pak lead by 52 
The note that evening from Kardar: "If you bat till tea tomorrow, the match will be saved" 

Like a true warrior, obedient to his superior in a war, Hanif was unbeaten at tea on Day 6, with 334 runs against his name. Coincidentally, Hanif walked back for tea with none other than his captain, Kardar. 

The match was saved and Hanif Mohammad was out after Tea on 337, after batting for 970 minutes - 16 hours and 10 minutes. 65 years later, it is still the longest innings in Test cricket and there are little to no chances that this record will ever be broken.  

Not to forget, Hanif Mohammad was only 23 years old then and opened in that Test match.

August 15th and 26th January - Flag Hoisting

 *Do you know the difference between hoisting the flag on August 15 and unveiling the flag on January 26..?*

 India got independence on August 15, 1947 breathing the air of freedom.  Hence, we celebrate Independence Day every year on this date.  On this date, flags are hoisted and cultural programs are organized across the country.  Also, when the Constitution came into effect in the country on January 26, 1950, this date is celebrated as Republic Day every year.  On this day we will unfurl the tricolor flag and celebrate the Republic Day in a grand manner.

  But there is a small difference between hoisting the flag on 15th August and unveiling the flag on 26th January.

 *Let's find out what the difference is*👇

 Every year on August 15, the Prime Minister hoists the national flag at the Red Fort in New Delhi.
  *On 15th August, the National Flag will be hoisted at the base of the pole.  The tricolor flag is hoisted to signify India's independence from the British rule.* On the first Independence Day, the flag of the British nation was lowered and the flag of our country was raised.  This is how the tricolor flag is hoisted to signify that independence has come.  It symbolizes the emergence of a new nation.

 The President will unveil the flag on Republic Day, January 26.  On the occasion of Republic Day on January 26, the *Tricolor flag is tied at the top and unfurled without being pulled up.  By unfurling the tricolor flag, the country is already independent.  The flag is hoisted on these two dates.
  (*Note*: Here on January 26th the flag will already be tied on top of the stick/pole so it should be noted that like August 15th the flag will not be pulled up from the bottom).

 There is a reason that the representative of the people of the country, the Prime Minister of India, who is directly elected by the people to the Parliament of India, hoists the flag on Independence Day.. The President unfurls the flag on Republic Day.

  At the time of independence, the Constitution of India had not come into force.
 At that time, the President, who was the head of the Constitution, did not take office.  Thus, on January 26, when the Constitution came into force, the President, who is the head of the Constitution, will unfurl the flag on Republic Day.

 But the difference to note here is..

 👉 On the occasion of Independence Day, the Prime Minister *raises the flag* (Flag Hoisting).
 👉Flag Unfurling by the President on Republic Day.

 Another difference is that .. Independence and Republic Day events are celebrated in two different places.

 👉Flag hoisting ceremony will be held at *Red Fort* on Independence Day 15th August.

 👉 The flag unveiling ceremony will be held on *Rajpath* on 26th January, Republic Day.

 This matter is still unknown to most of the citizens of this country (even the educated ones).

 So consider it our responsibility to share this information and educate our people.  I hope to inform the students especially.
 Bharat Mata Ki Jai.

Friday, 20 January 2023



A man was having coffee with his father. As they talked about life & adulthood the father said, “Never forget your brothers! They will become very important over time. No matter how much you love your wife, or your children, you’re going to need your brothers!” “Remember when I speak of your “Brothers” I mean ALL men who are attached to you.”
“Sometimes you must contact them, perhaps go out with them, do things with them, because someday you will need them!” The man locked those words inside him. He kept in touch with his Brothers. Over the years he made many friends. Some came, some went, but over time he understood what his Father meant. The World, Time, Nature & Life presents their changes & mysteries in a man's life, but your true Brothers always remain. After all of the years that I have lived on this earth, I have learned that:
* Time goes by.
* Life happens.
* Children grow up.
* Distance separates.
* Passion decreases.
* The heart breaks.
* Our parents die.
* Favours are forgotten.
*Jobs come & go.
* Careers do end.
BUT....Your Brothers are always there, no matter the distance between you guys. A Brother is never too far away to be reached. When you have to walk through a lonely valley & have to do it for yourself, the Brothers of your life will be around you, encourage you, pray for you, push you, intervene for you & wait for you with open arms at the end of the road. They walk by your side or even carry your load.
Grandfathers, Fathers, Brothers, Sons, Uncles Grandsons, Nephews, Cousins, Fathers-in-law, Brothers-in-Law & your Friends. They are all your “Brothers” & they are God’s blessing in life!
Send this on to the “Brothers” who continue to give meaning to your life. I just di

The miracle of love - true story!- As received

 The miracle of love - true story!

Like any good mother, when Karen found out that another baby was on the way, she did what she could to help her 3-year-old son, Michael, prepare for a new sibling.
The new baby was going be a girl, and day after day, night after night, Michael sang to his sister in Mommy’s tummy. He was building a bond of love with his little sister before he even met her.
The pregnancy progressed normally for Karen, an active member of the the Creek United Methodist Church in Morristown, Tennessee, USA.
In time, the labor pains came. Soon it was every five minutes, every three, every minute. But serious complications arose during delivery and Karen found herself in hours of labor.
Finally, after a long struggle, Michael’s little sister was born. But she was in very serious condition. With a siren howling in the night, the ambulance rushed the infant to the neonatal intensive care unit at St. Mary’s Hospital, Knoxville, Tennessee.
The days inched by. The little girl got worse. The pediatrician had to tell the parents there was very little hope. Be prepared for the worst. Karen and her husband contacted a local cemetery about a burial plot. They had fixed up a special room in their house for their new baby they found themselves having to plan for a funeral.
Michael, however, kept begging his parents to let him see his sister. “I want to sing to her,” he kept saying.
Week two in intensive care looked as if a funeral would come before the week was over. Michael kept nagging about singing to his sister, but kids are never allowed in Intensive Care.
Karen decided to take Michael whether they liked it or not. If he didn’t see his sister right then, he may never see her alive. She dressed him in an oversized scrub suit and marched him into ICU. He looked like a walking laundry basket.
The head nurse recognized him as a child and bellowed, “Get that kid out of here now. No children are allowed.”
The mother rose up strong in Karen and the usually mild-mannered lady glared steel-eyed right into the head nurse’s eyes, her lips a firm line, “He is not leaving until he sings to his sister.”
Then Karen towed Michael to his sister’s bedside. He gazed at the tiny infant losing the battle to live. After a moment, he began tossing. In the pure-hearted voice of a 3-year-old, Michael sang:
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray.”
Instantly the baby girl seemed to respond. The pulse rate began to calm down and became steady.
“Keep on singing, Michael,” encouraged Karen with tears in her eyes.
“You never know, dear, how much I love you, please don’t take my sunshine away.”
As Michael sang to his sister, the baby’s ragged, strained breathing became as smooth as a kitten’s purr. “Keep on singing, sweetheart.”
“The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you in my arms”.
Michael’s little sister began to relax as rest, healing rest, seemed to sweep over her. “Keep singing, Michael.” Tears had now conquered the face of the bossy head nurse. Karen glowed.
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. Please don’t take my sunshine away…”
The next day,…the very next day…the little girl was well enough to go home.
Never give up on the people you love. Love is so incredibly powerful.

Book Excerpt from Indian Stories: Images & Thoughts

 Follow the link below to read an interesting article about the immortal Kishore Kumar.

Heartbreak at Coffee Shop: An Excerpt


Follow the link below to read three drabble from my first work of fiction: 


Wednesday, 18 January 2023

Mudra Pranayama

Change negative attitudes to Positive Ones

De Addiction from Alcohol

Change in Life

New Book Announcement- A Story of Faith & Miracles


“Faith and prayer both are invisible, but they make impossible things possible”, were the golden words of Buddha.

We all face problems in life. There is none who never encounters them. The entire story of life is – A Story of Faith and Miracles.

Glancing at the cover page of the book, three scenarios come to the mind.

First, while encountering misadventures in life humans look to a superior energy for help and assistance to overcome the situation.

The second could be that individuals capitulate under pressure and get sucked into a cesspool, with no outlet.

The third scenario is that humans surrender to the majestic power with absolute faith; and then miracles automatically happen. The boat of life finds an anchorage. In this book one can discover how to deal with your inner voice, your conscience and cross the Rubicon.

“I ​​tell you; we should give miracles a chance to happen in life. Nobody’s life is devoid of miracles. Only we don’t believe in them. We think miracles are a thing of the past. I tell you, it can happen even today, in the present,” says Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

Get your copy today!

Available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle. Follow the link below.