Friday, 16 September 2022

Of the seventeen century Manifestation of God in the eyes of Dutch philosopher Baruque de Spinoza.

 Of the seventeen century

Manifestation of God in the eyes of Dutch philosopher Baruque de Spinoza.

Einstein used to deliver lectures at US universities back then. Students used to force him with various questions. One of the most asked questions is, what the future holds? In reply Einstein used to say, 'I don't care about the future. Because, it comes early anyway.

The most question students asked Einstein was -

Do you believe in God? Einstein always gave the same answer in the north, . “I believe in the God of Spinozer”.

Baruch de Spinoza was a Dutch philosopher. Spinoza was considered one of the greatest logicists of philosophy in the seventeenth century with Deskarts.

Spinoser God said; Stop praying. Get out the way of the world. Enjoy your life. I want you to dance, sing, chill, have fun. Enjoy to the fullest of everything I created for you.

Stop entering all the dark holes you have created in my name. I live in mountains, forests, rivers, lakes, beach, among people, in nature.

Life you have made it complicated. Stop blaming others for nothing. Don't blame me either. I never said you were sinners. I never said loving is a sin. With whom you express love, you get bliss. You have complicated your life trying to be a slave to faith. Be free from the slavery of your faith. Enjoy all the colors of life.

If I created you you would be emotion, limitations, joy, feelings, needs, contradictions... I have made free will by fulfilling these. How can I blame you for what I made you of? Why punish you for being the way I created you? Do you think I made a place to burn all my creations who do evil? Can God do this?

Stop reading those so called scriptures not related to me. If you can't see me in every sunrise, full moon-moon, beautiful landscapes, in the face of your friend, in the eyes of your child, in the mountains, in the sea, in the canals, in the river, then don't try to search for me in any holy book.

Find out, which work you like to do. Keep doing that good work carefully. Make life easy. Stop scaring me. I am not your judge. I am not your critic. I'm not even your punisher. If I created you, I gave you all your emotions, limitations, joy, feelings, needs, contradictions. How can I blame you for what I created you with. Why would I punish you for being the way I created you? No hell I created to burn you. Can any God burn his own creation?

What you don't want for yourself, don't do for others. Focus on your own life, let it be the path of your life.

Dear people you need to know, this life is not a lab. This life is not a rehearsal to step to heaven. This life is only for the world. You are free, absolutely free.

I can't tell you if there is anything else after this life; but I can give an advice. Just live; as if there is nothing else. As if this is your only chance to enjoy, love and live.

Enjoy the opportunity you get. I won't question if you're right or wrong. I rather ask do you like earth life? What joy was there ? What did you enjoy the most on earth? What have you learned in the world?

Stop believing in me. Believing is assuming. I don't want you to believe me, I want you to believe in yourself, believe in yourself. Find me when you kiss your loved one. When you cuddle your little girl, care for your pets; when you look into the ocean, you find me there. Check it out.

What kind of arrogant God do you think I am? Stop praising me. I hate being praised. I'm tired of getting compliments, tired.

Stop repeating all that complicated about me; imaginative things were taught. Why do you need more miracles? Why do you need so much explanation?

Still feeling grateful to me? Take care of your health, your relationships and your habitat in the world. Express your joy! That's my best way to appreciate.

The only certain thing is that you are on earth, you are living on earth; you are living in a world full of wonders.
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