Monday, 12 September 2016

Sting in the Tail- Shared by Captain Ravi Mahajan

>>> But it takes different shapes
>>> A 19 year old lady Sniper was keeping a watch with her binocular on a road that led to a NATO military base when she observed a man digging the road. She shot him. 
>>>  It turned out that he was a bomb maker for the Taliban, and was burying an IED (Bomb)that was to be detonated when a Canadian patrol walked by 30 minutes later. It would have certainly killed and wounded several Canadian soldiers.
>>>  The interesting fact of this story is that from a distance of 725 yards, she shot the Terrorist as he was bent over burying the bomb. The shot went through his butt and into the bomb, which detonated. Regretfully, Terrorist was blown to Pieces. 
>>>  The Canadian Army made a Motivational Poster of her with following caption:
>>> “Folks, that's a shot 25 yards longer than seven football fields!
>>>  And the last thing that came out of his mouth was his ass!” 
>>> That is Canada!
>>> But had it been India, likely aftermath would have been something as;
>>> 1. J&K State declares hartal and violent demonstrations follow.
>>> 2. Indian Civil Right Groups demand an enquiry.
>>> 3. Teesta Setalwad says the man was just answering nature's call and files a case against Modi accusing him of ordering the fire.
>>> 4. Late Hussain (God bless his soul) would have drawn a bare butt to honour the slain victim. "The Hindu" would have hailed Hussain's freedom and artistry.
>>> 5. Team Barkha Dutt, Rajdeep Sardesai, Pronoy Roy et al, will debate for a week if it was correct to fire at the butt.
>>> 6. The Sniper Girl faces departmental Enquiry and Suspension.
>>> 7. Manmohan, Mulayam, Mamta, Laloo, Rahul, Digvijay, Nitish, Kejri (all PMs in the making if  are able to replace Modi) & Mehbooba, are sleepless and want the Government to pay a Compensation of Rs. One Crore to the victim's family!!
>>> 8. Barka and the others might ask in the media Sakshi and Sindhu got More ,WHY , this is  abject Discrimination on the part of  Govt, RSS,BJP and Modi  are  responsible for this move !!!!
>>> 9. Not Forgetting Arundati Roy , we must take the case to UNHRC without wasting time
>>> Please do not let our anti-Culture, anti-Religious & anti-National MEDIA have a field day and last laugh at us and our Troops who are defending us with their Lives.
>>> Where and What will be without them?

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