Thursday, 15 September 2016


"There's something about losing friends, particularly young people, where it's not something that you get over. I don't believe there's a healing process," writes Chris Cornell
Healing is  the commencement of  the journey of an addict.
When an addict  gives up the addiction , he needs to embark upon the process of healing  everything which purportedly went awry in his life.
It entails the gross body, the subtle body, relationships , workplace, the  business, and various troubled interpersonal  relationships in life.
The addict then realizes that there were and are  innumerable  anomalies in the thinking pattern  and  an ossified thought process. The mind  triggered several  woebegone and destructive thoughts which made the addict  only a work in progress and never a finished product in the mystery called the human life.
When can  such a realization dawn on the addict? This spark will never be never get  revealed if the addict operates   purely from  an intellectual plane. The re-engineering can take place  only through unflinching  surrender to the Divine, with  deep contemplation and meditation. Further such a cognizance and awareness is possible only at an  experiential level. When the fruit is ripe the apple automatically falls.    
An addict  undertaking  such a journey of  transfiguring the life and thought process should deeply pray to the almighty to HEAL the MIND   so that the hand of God can  then commence the process of healing.
It is paramount for an addict to  build a deep  spiritual consciousness, understand and appreciate one's true self.  Healing takes place only through a spiritual awakening. There is no other alternative for an addict. 
When the spiritual spark gets ignited in the monkey mind  the addict will begin to view the world from an entirely different prism.
While the gross  world will appear different as it will be clothed in a new glory, 
the subtle world within the consciousness of an addict  undergoes a radical change.
People  will appear  different as the addict traverses a new path. It  will be an entirely  new  beginning for the addict.
Healing encompasses breaking the glass ceiling of the outer shelf and looking deep inwards . 
And suddenly everyone else will notice  that the addict has  transformed . Many in the beginning choose not to accept the change in the addict . They view the addict with suspicion and circumspection. 
But that should not deter the addict from continuing on with  the healing process. Innuendos, invective's and barbs will follow the addict. But the mind of the addict should be robust enough  to challenge all such unwelcome situations. Brick by brick the  process of healing should be continued relentlessly. 
It ought to be the  endeavor and sincere effort of the addict  to ensure that  the  healing  process is  achieved fully and completely. 
"A lot of people say they want to get out of pain, and I'm sure that's true, but they aren't willing to make healing a high priority. They aren't willing to look inside to see the source of their pain in order to deal with it," writes Lindsay Wagner

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