Thursday, 15 September 2016

Ganesha - The Immersion

Ten day festivity of Ganesha Chavathi comes to an end today. But have we really contemplated what does this festival really imply? Is it just a moment to merely arouse , or is their a deeper meaning to the festivity and solemnity to mark  the occasion.

The lord neither arrives nor leaves. H has existed before time  and will exist beyond.

Gaja...... GA indicaes 'Gati', the final goal towards which the entire creation is moving, whether knowingly or unknowingly. 'JA'stands for 'Janma'  birth or origin. Hence 'Gaja' signifies God from whom the worlds have emerged  from and towards whom they are progressing, to be ultimately dissolved in Him. The elephant head is purely symbolical and points to this eternal truth and the only truth.   It also signifies the big mind.

The big mind, encompasses the entire intelligence of the universe.  It is reflective of a  superior intelligence. Humans possessing small intelligence or minds  can never fathom the vastness and intricacies embedded in the big mind, consequently the universe.
The mind can be expanded to appreciate the universal consciousness , through practicing yoga, pranayama,  meditation and the unique rhythmic breathing technique of Sudarshan Kriya as cognated by H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

A seeker or any human can harness the  enormous  potential present in  the human mind by following certain practices:

- Partake Sattvik food
- Never listen to criticism
- Never run down any individual
- Feel always blessed
- Feel  always plenitude in  their lives
- Feel the abundance in our lives
- Constantly feel blessed
- We need to feel grateful for whatever we have received in our lives.
- Maintain a positive disposition
- Increase the Sattva levels in our beings
- Serve the society unfailingly
- Never be bogged down by problems
- Always consider that the problems we encounter in our lives are infinitesimal in comparison to what is  faced by the world
-  A seeker or any individual should continuously do his Sadhana
- Never try to fool the Divine and  the nature. As all the repository of knowledge is embedded in his chip
-  Sadhana, Seva, Satsang, Silence, Sudarshan Kriya and Meditation are the corner stones of  maintaining robust minds to traverse this path. 

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