Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Who came earlier: Lord Shiva or Vishnu? Who is greater and why?

Who came earlier: Lord Shiva or Vishnu? Who is greater and why? Before answering this question, I'll tell you something. There is extensive research conducted in Cosmology to conclude whether universe is finite or not. According to 'A brief history of time' by Stephen Hawking, Universe is finite because of its dynamical nature attribute to time. The beginning of real time, would have been a singularity, at which the laws of physics would have broken down. Nevertheless, the way the universe began would have been determined by the laws of physics, if the universe satisfied the no boundary condition. This says that in the imaginary time direction, space-time is finite in extent, but doesn't have any boundary or edge. The predictions of the no boundary proposal seem to agree with observation. The no boundary hypothesis also predicts that the universe will eventually collapse again. However, the contracting phase, will not have the opposite arrow of time, to the expanding phase. Also the concept of universe is not limited to a single big bang. Despite the fact that the universe is so uniform and homogeneous on a large scale, it contains local irregularities, such as stars and galaxies. These are thought to have developed from small differences in the density of the early universe from one region to another. What was the origin of these density fluctuations? He says that there are cycles of universes. One after the other, with the previous ones leaving subtle marks on the new universes. Here real time is the time that we can perceive. Imaginary time is the time before or after the present universe. Even though time doesn't start and stop, it has a singularity to cede and proceed after every single universe cycle ( i.e Expanding and contracting phase of a universe). Next, I want to quote a paper on para-psychology, which has published research on existence of 'Spirit', scientific analysis. The I-ASC - Newsletter The gist of this paper is "WHAT SCIENCE CAN AND CAN'T SAY ABOUT SPIRITS " Interestingly at the end of the paper, certain topological paradoxes assuming universe as finite are mentioned. Even metaphysical state of different levels in the universe perceivable to different levels in a cosmological point of view is discussed. But research in these areas are very limited. It is one very interesting paper to read. The Evidence section talks about various scientific inquiries which proved the existence of Spirits. But the problem is to prove it's existence in a cosmology point of multi-level universe. Mass vs Energy In various scientific discussions on Mass vs Energy as to which existed first. As of now, within the 10^-43 seconds precision, of the big bang timeline, matter needs energy to form, and neutrons and protons came after 3 seconds. There weren't even quarks or other fundamental particles until the first second had elapsed. Which came first, mass or energy? read this for further information. Now the answer. According to Srimad Devi Bhagwat Purana's 1st book and 4th chapter. Devi addressed Trimurti as follows: "I am Adi Parashakti, goddess. I am the owner of this universe. I am the Absolute Reality. I am dynamic in feminine form and static in masculine form. You have appeared to govern the universe through my energy. You are the masculine form of Absolute Reality, while I am the feminine form of that Reality. I am beyond form, beyond everything, and all the powers of God are contained within me. You must know that that I am the Eternal limitless energy. She then said: Brahma! You will be generator of the universe; the Goddess Sharada (saraswati)is your consort, my form by which I will be recognized as the goddess of wisdom and the primeval sound. Lord Brahma, this goddess will be with you when you create the universe. She continued: Lord Narayana! You are the Supreme, Immortal Spirit. You are formless, yet you take form. You are the preserver of the universe. You will take a different incarnations in order to save this universe's inhabitants. Oh Narayana! You are the Supreme of all the deities with form. You have created Lord Brahma, and Brahma will further create thirty three other gods and goddesses. My Great Power, goddess Mahakali, has been born from your mystic sleep. You are the Paramatman. Your consort will be goddess Shri Maha Lakshmi, my form. Lord Vishnu, this goddess will be with you when you rule/maintain the universe. When life evolves, you will take the form of Vishnu, the one who will perform the task of observing and preserving this universe. At Last she instructed: Oh Lord Rudra, the Great Lord, you are the personification of time, which is above all and beyond everything. You will perform the task of destroying and regenerating this universe. When you are formless absolute, time stands still. It is due to my power that you become dynamic and are capable of bringing about the destruction and regeneration of this universe. Your consort is goddess Mahakali (born from Narayana's mystic sleep), Mahakali is myself , my full form , where Laxmi and Saraswati are just my clone, partial form. But due to meditation, you will surpass all my forms. It is then that I will incarnate from your left half in my manifested form. This form will be my truest manifested form. Lord Shiva, she will perform the task of destroying evil and will be your consort. Aum Shakti is used to describe the name of the goddess when she is without attributes. Now all said and done, I'll draw 3 conclusions. 1. Adi Shakti is nothing but foremost energy, who is the very first requisite for existence of universe. This is nothing but the concept of Parabrahman, i.e ( the Supreme Brahman). 2. But then while addressing Narayana she says that he is the Paramatman ( the Supreme Atman). She also address that he is immortal. Immortal meaning, one who has no birth and death. She also says his responsibility as Vishnu. Though I can't strongly prove existence of Spirit with science, nevertheless as I quoted before in the paper, evidences exist. He is the immortal spirit. 3. While addressing Rudra she says that he is the personification of time which is beyond all. And describes his attributes for becoming Shiva. Now time is beyond everything ( Kala rupam of Shiva). She also said that she will be giving her attributes to his personified form. To decide when Shiva was born, is like asking at what time, did time start, which itself is a paradox. Kalaroopam means the personification of Kalam. This is similar to the imaginary and real time singularity that Hawking mentioned. 4. From the very addressing it is clear that Brahma was born later. My inference: According to me, the concept of Atman and Brahman in Hinduism aptly suite the Narayani-Narayana concept. (Narayini is the mother goddess shakti.) Hence we often hear about the concept of moksha. Here the immortality of spirit represents Vishnu-aikyam (unifying with God) or Mukti. When it comes to time. It is beyond the concept of existence and non existence. But it also clearly tells that to achieve such a state immense meditation and practicing penance. It is really hard for a normal human to achieve this state. Now in a creation point of view which is greater? Yes answer it for yourself.

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