Wednesday 3 July 2024


Good Morning!!! God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; and Wisdom to know the difference. Thy will, not mine, be done. *~*~*~*~*^Daily Reflections^*~*~*~*~* July 3, 2024 EXPERIENCE: THE BEST TEACHER Being still inexperienced and having just made conscious contact with God, it is not probable that we are going to be inspired at all times. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 87 Some say that experience is the best teacher, but I believe that experience is the only teacher. I have been able to learn of God’s love for me only by the experience of my dependence on that love. At first, I could not be sure of His direction in my life, but now I see that if I am to be bold enough to ask for His guidance, I must act as if He has provided it. I frequently ask God to help me remember that He has a path for me. **************************************************** "Let's Keep It Simple" "We need to distinguish sharply between spiritual simplicity and functional simplicity." "When we say that A.A. advocates no theological proposition except God as we understand Him, we greatly simplify A.A. life by avoiding conflict and exclusiveness. "But when we get into questions of action by groups, by areas, and by A.A. as a whole, we find that we must to some extent organize to carry the message – or else face chaos. And chaos is not simplicity." << << << >> >> >> I learned that the temporary or seeming good can often be the deadly enemy of the permanent best. When it comes to survival for A.A., nothing short of our best will be good enough. 1. Letter, 1966 2. A.A. Comes Of Age, p. 294 As Bill Sees It. P. 162

Gotra: Preserving the Sacred Link to Forefathers and Vedic Sages

Gotra: Preserving the Sacred Link to Forefathers and Vedic Sages The word gotra literally means “that which protects cows”, and in general refers to a stable that protects a herd of cows from the weather and from wild animals. Likewise the family lineages of rishis and forefathers are also metaphorically called as “gotras”, as they are “protective stables” that guide and watch over humanity, which is likened to a herd of cows. A gotra preserves the knowledge of one’s ancient forefathers and provides a personal link to various great sages and personalities. One should never forget the forefathers or be unthankful to them, nor neglect them in the normal course of life. Every human being is born with five inherent debts which they must repay throughout their life, two of which (debt to the forefathers and debt to the sages), are specifically related to one’s gotra. Those who have lost knowledge of their link to the Vedic sages and personalities can resort to identifying with their original father, the Supreme Lord Achyuta, (Achyuta Gotra). Others who are fortunate to still possess the knowledge of their forefathers should worship, serve and respect their ancient forefathers through the authorized Vedic system of gotra. Your link to the Vedic sages is in fact your true wealth and should never be given up for frivolous reasons. In the Srimad Bhagavatam we find the following statement regarding the origin of gotras: yan-nāmāmaṅgala-ghnaṁ śrutam atha gaditaṁ yat-kṛto gotra-dharmaḥ “Lord Krishna’s name destroys all inauspiciousness when heard or chanted. He alone has set forth the religious principles of the various disciplic successions of sages [gotra dharma].” (Srimad Bhagavatam 10.90.47) The word “gotra” also means a hill, or a herd of cows. The Srimad Bhagavatam is making a poetic play of words here, describing the lila of Lord Krishna having lifted Govardhana hill to protect his devotees, and having established the worship of Govardhana hill along with the cows (gotra dharma), while simultaneously telling us that Lord Krishna is the origin of the religious principles of the sages and family lineages (gotra dharma). One should neither give up gotra dharma (worship of the cows and Govardhana), nor should one give up gotra dharma (worship of the sages and forefathers), for both have been established personally by Lord Krishna. The worship of the cows, sages and forefathers are the fundamental foundations of sanatana dharma and the basis for progression in human life.

What exactly happened in the Virat War in Mahabharata? Did Arjuna defeat Karna?

What exactly happened in the Virat War in Mahabharata? Did Arjuna defeat Karna? Thanks for A2A Yes Arjuna defeated Karna in Virat war thrice, but Arjuna was having advantage of Vishwakarma's illusion,in exhaustible quivers but Arjuna earned these advantages. 1st defeat of Karna by Arjuna Arjuna first killed Karna's brother infront of him then Karna rushed towards Arjuna → It was like a king among elephants being struck by an elephant. He 141 took out sharp arrows from his quiver and stretching the string of the bow right up to his ear, pierced the body of the suta’s son with his arrows. With arrows unleashed like lightning from his bow, the destroyer of enemies pierced him in battle, in the arms, the thighs, the head, the forehead, the neck and in all the parts of the chariot. Thus wounded by the arrows shot by Partha, and scorched by Pandava’s arrows, like a swift elephant that has been defeated by another elephant, #Vaikartana #fled from the #forefront of the #battle.’ ~Go-Grahana Parva,Virat Parva Debroy translation of Mahabharat CE (BORI) Karna fled away after being wounded by Arjuna's arrows. 2 2nd defeat of Karna by Arjuna Arjuna first taunted Karna for running away from battle even when Arjuna killed his brother → The mighty-armed and valorous Kounteya took up another flaming arrow and pierced Karna in the chest. The arrow pierced his armour and penetrated his body. He was immersed in darkness and lost consciousness for some time. #Suffering #great #pain, he #left the field of #battle in a northern direction. Arjuna and maharatha Uttara started to censure him.’ ~Go-Grahana Parva,Virat Parva Debroy translation of Mahabharat CE (BORI) 3rd defeat of Karna by Arjuna in a group attack along with Drona,Kripa Also sammohana astra, when all of them attacked Arjuna together and Arjuna made them senseless(exception-Duryodhan because he was senseless) using Sammohana weapon. Except Ashvathama no warrior was able to stalemate Arjuna in Virat war. This war completely showed Karna's weakness and he was still boasting in front of every kuru soldiers😆