Sunday, 10 March 2024


 God grant me the Serenity

to accept the things

I cannot change;

Courage to change

the things I can;

and Wisdom

to know the difference.

Thy will, not mine, be done.


*~*~*~*~*^Daily Reflections^*~*~*~*~*


March 11, 2024




It is when we try

to make our will conform with God’s

that we begin to use it rightly.

To all of us,

this was a most wonderful revelation.

Our whole trouble had been

the misuse of willpower.

We had tried

to bombard our problems with it

instead of attempting

to bring it into agreement

with God’s intention for us.

To make this increasingly possible

is the purpose of A.A.’s Twelve Steps,

and Step Three opens the door.



All I have to do is look back at my past

to see where self-will has led me.

I just don’t know what’s best for me

and I believe my Higher Power does.

G.O.D., which I define as “Good Orderly Direction,”

has never let me down,

but I have let myself down quite often.

Using my self-will in a situation

usually has the same result as

forcing the wrong piece into a jigsaw puzzle–

exhaustion and frustration.

Step Three opens the door to the rest of the program.

When I ask God for guidance, I know

that whatever happens is the best possible situation,

things are exactly as they are supposed to be,

even if they aren’t what I want or expect.

God does for me what I cannot do for myself, if I let Him.



Resolving Fear


Fear somehow touched about every aspect of our lives.

It was an evil and corroding thread;

the fabric of our existence was shot through with it.

It set in motion trains of circumstances

which brought us misfortune

we felt we didn’t deserve.

But did we not often set the ball rolling ourselves?

The problem of resolving fear has two aspects.

We shall have to try for all the freedom from fear

that is possible for us to attain.

Then we shall need to find

both the courage and the grace

to deal constructively with whatever fears remain.

1.     Alcoholics Anonymous, pp. 67-68

2. Grapevine, January 1962



Just a thought………….


The First 100 AA's knew

that most people would be reluctant to do the Fifth Step,

so, they talked about why we should do it:

“We will be more reconciled to discussing ourselves

with another person when we see

 good reasons why we should do so.

The best reason first:

If we skip this vital step,

we may not overcome drinking.

 Time after time newcomers have tried

to keep to themselves certain facts about their lives.

Trying to avoid this humbling experience,

they have turned to easier methods.

 Almost invariably they got drunk”.

(Big Book, p. 72, 73,)


Thought to consider:


Has anyone ever thought

of a better reason for doing anything?

 If we have done the Fifth Step

and got the relief we were seeking,

shouldn't we talk about that relief in meetings

 instead of focusing on how hard it may have been

 for us to build up to take the step?

If we haven't done the Fifth Step,

haven't we been hard on ourselves for long enough,

 isn't it time to get some freedom & relief?





Via – Joe McFadden


Someone recently asked me

 if I ever doubt and I replied,

 "Of course, I have doubts

it is part of the human condition……

we are all human but WE ARE NOT ONLY HUMAN.

………. we are all Infinite expressions

of the Infinite Intelligence which is to say God.

Our goal is really to become

more spiritually transparent

and every time we correct ourselves,

every time we correct our thoughts of ignorance,

 of doubt, of negativity,

and bring ourselves back on the path

of the light of God that is ever with us,

then a light comes on more and more in our minds

 and begins to shine through us.

Soon we’re able to see more clearly

 because of the light that shines through us

 and we become more spiritually transparent.

 And we’re able to see that light in others too

and help to bring it forth;

in effect we’re able to say to others and to ourselves,

 “I behold the God with in you,

 I see the divinity within you,

I see God’s light shining in you.”






"When we saw others solve their problems

 by a simple reliance

 upon the Spirit of the Universe,

we had to stop doubting the power of God."

BB pg. 52


With several decades of sobriety, I have observed

that the happiest and content people in AA

 are the ones who look to nothing

 or no one else other than God

as their Source and Answer.

They have a trusting dependence

on the One who has all power, God.

Nothing ever seems to ruffle these peoples’ feathers...

 It is a privilege to be around them.

When I was new,

I knew I must have this God consciousness.

Reading page 16 always brings me squarely back

 to that once again:

"The joy of living we really have,

even under pressure and difficulty.

I have seen hundreds of families set their feet

 in the path that really goes somewhere;

have seen the most impossible

domestic situations righted;

 feuds and bitterness of all sorts wiped out.

I have seen men come out of asylums

 and resume a vital place

in the lives of their families and communities.

 Business and professional men

 have regained their standing.

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