Monday, 25 September 2023

Sri Sri:

Gurudev, if all the pain I am going through in this life is because of the Karmas of my previous life, then that makes me feel more sad. How do I face it? Sri Sri: Don’t keep your head turned backwards. Look ahead and move on. You are trying to walk forward with your head turned backward. This is why you feel miserable. Just let go! What good will you get by analyzing the past? It is all nothing. In life, everyone goes through pleasant and unpleasant times. Just walk ahead with courage. There is so much knowledge and joy on the path. Despite all this, if you are feeling sad and miserable then what is the use of this knowledge? Just have this deep faith that only the best will happen for you. So what if right now there are some difficult times to face? Face them with courage and a smile. Just keep yourself busy with something or the other.When we go deeper on the spiritual path, and in meditation; only then will we be able to overcome and rise above these minor problems and events in life. Only then will we be able to experience true bliss. The path of knowledge is very juicy and full of joy. It brings you on the path of righteous action. It gives you the experience of love that is so total and eternal, and you find peace that is so everlasting. Having this, you can move ahead in life with confidence. That is why it is said: 'Charaiveti! Charaiveti! Charaiveti! ' (From the Upanishads, meaning: 'Move on! Move on! Move on!') Our Vedas proclaim the same thing, just keep moving on in life, do not get entangled in anything. One who moves on in life, being firmly established in self-knowledge, attains the ultimate goal of life. But one who runs here and there feverishly behind cravings and desires, loses sigh of the very purpose of life.

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