Tuesday, 19 September 2023

How lonely are you?

How lonely are you? This year I got 0 birthday wishes. It's not that I expected it's just that the more I am trying to find myself the more people forgetting me. And it's a fact and accepted and moved on without carrying anything in my mind . From past 6–7 years I am alone in my journey.I am not active in any social media except quora. Initial 3–4 years was daunting cause I was going through severe depression. None of the person gave damn about it. I tried to fake smile all the time. But deep down I was so much into pain . But from past 3 years I chose to be live in alone. Cause that fake filtered world already gave me so much things which I can't even share with anyone in future. Like seriously that world is so relentless for me. I realised ‘No one truly cares untill you become successful.’ Quora is the only place where I can share my emotions and active here just to vent out my emotions. When I started to improve my life again something happened! It's seems stagnant it feels it don't want to move forward. I believed my life never going to happen better. I can't be happy from inside like others. But somehow I gathered courage again and trying each day to build myself and it's being a herculean task for me. Now, I don't feel anything extra in my heart . I have so much faith in myself cause I am trying even to get all those shits better and subsequently best . I got to know Feeling is the key! And the only thing I cherished about it my followers here when I started writing here many people texted me so many beautiful message and I am very blessed that I found quora mistakenly. I never knew that such people even exist. Trust me I love you all ❤️ Whenever I feel like to quit that I immediately go into my message section and read that to elevate my mood. I feel some kind of Positive energy which going gradually into my brain. It doesn't matter whether you wish me or not It doesn't matter when you give hate comments in quora It doesn't even bother me when you ask about — oh, you career oriented, and failed so many times. It's just that doubters and non believers can never stop me. Each day I am passing with so many obstacle but still I am not giving up. I know no one wants to listen the struggle story without result. But it's okay I have said that.

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