*There are times when we get irritated and angry with the one whom we love deeply. Why is it so*
There are three kinds of Love.
*1. The Love that comes out of Charm*
In this, you lose the attraction fast, and boredom sets in, This love may diminish and bring along with it fear, uncertainty, insecurity, and sadness.
*2. That which comes out of comfort,*
This grows but this Love has no thrill, no enthusiasm, joy, or fire to it.
For example, you are more comfortable with an old friend who is a familiar person, rather than with a new person.
*3. Divine Love*
This has ever newness. The closer you go, there is more charm and depth. 

Divine Love has comfort, enthusiasm, and familiarity. There is never boredom, and it keeps everyone on their toes 

*In relationships, you are mainly caught between two things. Love and respect.*
The ancient rishis devised a plan for this. They knew that not everybody can be in a state of total bliss without being mindful of whether someone respects them or not. *They made a rule, although one loves someone very much, for one month in a year he/she has to keep apart, give space.* 

With distance, love grows. When one is with their partner all the 24 hours, there is no point. There is no longing. *Love and longing have to go hand in hand.* 

*Longing enriches love and love enriches the longing. Both have to be there.* In order to create that longing a distance needs to be created.
You need to know the contrast and need to have experienced the contrast in order to experience anything.
You enjoy the pleasure in the world but do not get immersed in it. *When you are in a relationship without the feverishness, then it sails smooth.*
Feverishness destroys relationships. *Feverishness takes you away from your centre. And once you have moved away from the centre, your partner loses respect for you.* When respect is lost, the charm he/she saw in you is lost even without their knowledge.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
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