Saturday, 25 February 2023

Review of A Story of Faith and Miracles by Rekha Pandey a Life Coach on Linkdeln


 Good Morning!!!


God grant me the Serenity

to accept the things

I cannot change;

Courage to change

the things I can;

and Wisdom

to know the difference.

Thy will, not mine, be done.


*~*~*~*~*^Daily Reflections^*~*~*~*~*


February 26, 2023




A.A. is no success story

in the ordinary sense of the word.

It is a story of suffering transmuted,

under grace, into spiritual progress.



Upon entering A.A. I listened to others talk

about the reality of their drinking:

loneliness, terror and pain.

As I listened further, I soon heard a description

of a very different kind–the reality of sobriety.

It is a reality of freedom and happiness,

of purpose and direction, and of serenity and peace

with God, ourselves and others.

By attending meetings,

I am reintroduced to that reality, over and over.

I see it in the eyes and hear it in the voices

of those around me.

By working the program,

I find the direction and strength

with which to make it mine.

The joy of A.A. is that this new reality

is available to me.


By Mike Huckabee


Law professor Jonathan Turley reports on the efforts of various groups posing as “disinformation watch dogs,” partially funded by your tax dollars and mine, to smear conservative news and commentary sources to block their advertising and put them out of business. Note that this specifically mentions my website among those dangerous spreaders of “disinformation.”

Yes, my little source of rational, humorous, well-researched, reality-based commentary is “dangerous disinformation,” while these shadowy skunks claim the web’s #1 source of reliable, unbiased truth is (brace yourself) the Huffington Post! What have these people been huffing? And what has anyone been huffing who’d believe them?

As Turley reports, the congressionally-created and federally funded National Endowment for Democracy as well as the State Department were giving our money to the so-called “Global Disinformation Index,” which provided secret blacklists of conservative outlets to ad distributors such as Microsoft’s Xandr. After this was revealed, Microsoft said it would no longer use the GDI list, but that hardly spells the end of it.

The left is nothing if not relentless. They are determined to silence anyone who questions their radical agenda, so don’t think that having one ad company dump one blacklist pusher means this is over. Turley describes this as “a never-ending Whack-a-Mole game” where you get rid of one group claiming they’re saving you from “disinformation” by censoring anyone who disagrees with them, and another immediately pops up. Meanwhile, anyone who shines a light on this anti-American censorship and defends free speech rights has to put up with Democrats accusing them of being “Russian allies” and “Putin lovers.” Because, of course, the only reason anyone would defend free speech is because they like Russian propaganda.

(By the way, when did the Democrats become bigger Russiaphobes than the John Birch Society? Didn’t Bernie Sanders honeymoon in Soviet-era Moscow?)

Turley writes, “This is why, despite fierce Democratic opposition, the House needs to move forward with an investigation into the full scope of government efforts to regulate or censor speech.”

I agree. But until such time as this anti-free speech movement is eradicated, I vow to continue whacking these moles every time one of their little heads pops up from their holes in the ground. If it costs us ad revenue, then might I suggest that you support our efforts by subscribing to my Substack feed and get our material ad-free for only a few bucks a month.

You can subscribe using this coupon code for $18 per year:  Subscribe to The Morning Edition (

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee



In Hindu mythology there are two great epics.
One is called Ramayan and other is called Mahabharata.
The centre story of both these books is around victory of good on evil.
In one story Ram leads his army to defeat Ravana in his land,
While in the second Krishna oversees Pandavas defeat Kauravas in the battle at Kurushektra.
In Ramayan, Ram is the best warrior of his side.
He leads his army from the front. Strategizes & directs different people to do things which will meet the objectives.
His people are happy to follow orders & want to get all the appreciation for being the best executors.
Ram sets direction & also tells people what to do during difficult times.
Ultimately they won the war & the final outcome was achieved.
On the other hand Krishna told Arjuna,
I won’t fight the battle.
I won’t pick up any weapon;
I would only be there on ur chariot as a charioteer.
And he did what he said.
He never picked up the weapon & he never fought.
Still, Pandavas won the war & final outcome was achieved.
So, what was different?
It was their managerial style &
it was also the type of people who were being lead.
Ram was leading an army of ‘MONKEYS’ who were not skilled fighters & they were looking for direction.
While on other hand,
Krishna was leading Arjuna who was one of the best archer of his time.
While Ram’s role was to show it &
lead from the front,
Krishna played the role of a coach whose job was to remove cobwebs from his protégée’s mind.
Krishna couldn't teach Arjuna archery but he could definitely help him see things from a very different perspective.
Here are some of the basic differences in two styles:
Ram- A skilled warrior, lead monkeys, was emotional, gave precise roles &
instructions, motivated the army to fight for his cause
Krishna: works with best the professionals, provides strategic clarity, allows team members to take lead, fights for the cause of the team, did not depict his true emotions
*Look at ur team/family & reflect what type of leader/parent u are,*
*One who keeps answering/solving problems for people/kids* Or
*Who asks relevant questions from their people/kids so that they can find their own solution.*
*Are u someone who tells/directs all the time* Or
*Someone who clarifies doubts & allows their people/kids to find their own ways.*
*Are u someone who has monkeys in the team & the way u deal with it* Or
*U have the brightest experts in their area getting stuck with issues?*
Younger generation doesn't want you to tell or show how things are done,
they want to know the meaning of their task and how it makes a difference in this world.
*They are Arjuna’s who don’t necessarily seek more skill/knowledge but they need someone to clarify the cobwebs in their mind,*
*if u still apply Ram’s style on them, u are bound to fail as a manager.*
*On the other hand if there are people who aren't skilled enough but rely on ur expertise to sail u through Ram’s style is appropriate.*
*Isn't it good for us to reflect & think what managerial style will bring the best result for u and ur team/family ?*
*Is it Ram or Krishna?*
*The Managing Leader vs the Coaching Leader!*

Thursday, 23 February 2023

12 Pro Tips That Will Increase Company Retention - This article originally appeared on Calendar.


12 Pro Tips That Will Increase Company Retention

Employee retention is critical to your company’s survival in the saturated, competitive international job market.

Moreover, retention is one of the biggest challenges businesses face today. In 2022, the number of people quitting their jobs voluntarily was expected to reach 1 in 3 by 2023. This sobering projection reflected decade-on-decade increases in churn rates.

As a result of employee turnover, employers are left with many costs to shoulder. These range from dampened team morale to lost productivity to recruiting costs. These costs accumulate to a staggering $1 trillion for the U.S. economy each year.

As more Millennials and Gen Z enter the workforce, they have a distinctive relationship with their jobs. Unlike their predecessors, they have less hesitation about leaving their jobs for competitors because their offer is more tempting.

But, all is not lost. If you use the following 12 pro tips, you should be able to increase your company’s retention.

1. Make hiring a comprehensive process.

This is an inevitability. Hiring the right employees is often the first step to employee retention. To hire the right people, you need a recruitment process that ensures the right people are hired.

In general, it’s best not to subject candidates to prolonged recruitment processes. The reason? Long recruitment processes might lead to candidacies pursuing other opportunities.

More critical is conducting an interview in a way that allows you to understand the candidate best. Primarily, you want to find out if they have the right skills or can develop them once they join your team.

2. Onboarding, orientation, and mentoring.

Starting off on the right foot should be the goal of each new hire. “Your onboarding process should teach new employees about the job and the company culture and how they can contribute to and thrive in it,” recommends Robert Half.

Don’t overlook this critical step. Robert Half suggests providing training and support to employees from day one, whether in person or virtually. Supporting our new employee sets the tone for their entire tenure at your organization.

“Pairing a new employee with a mentor is a great component to add to your extended onboarding process, especially in a remote work environment,” they add. In addition to providing guidance, mentors can act as sounding boards for new members of the company. ” And it’s a win-win: New team members learn the ropes from experienced employees and, in return, they offer a fresh viewpoint to their mentors.”

Nevertheless, don’t just offer mentorship  to new employees. Mentor-mentee relationships boost retention and job satisfaction for your existing staff and your organization as a whole.

3. Promote from within.

“Skipping over a qualified internal candidate for promotion in favor of an external application is a golden ticket to turnover,” writes Leigh Perkins for the USF Corporate Training and Professional Education Blog. “In fact, being passed over for an outside hire is the reason for quitting for 35% of employees.”

In contrast, effective and fair promotions increase the likelihood that employees plan to stay with their company for a long time. With the increase in talent competition, a policy encouraging promotions within makes sense.

“Within,” however, requires clarity. “Don’t allow proximity bias to favor on-site employees over those working from home,” explains Perkins. “Doing everything you can to promote your remote employees will certainly do no harm to your retention rate.”

4. Provide more positive feedback.

To do their best work, employees need feedback both positively and constructively.

But what’s the ratio?

Based on a Harvard Business Review study, the optimal ratio between positive and negative suggestions is 5.6 (positive) to 1 (corrective).

To motivate employees, positive and actionable feedback should be given regularly. Additionally, constructive criticism is essential, especially when a problem needs to be resolved.

Consider how often you’re talking negatively to your employees compared to how much you’re saying positively. Also, make it your goal to give six positive comments for every negative one. And I would schedule it in your calendar to give each employee some sort of feedback every week.

Also, encourage your team to give you feedback as well. In the absence of feeling heard, workers assume the company doesn’t care about improving.

5. Coach people’s strengths.

Determine the strengths and weaknesses, interests, and potential obstacles of your team. “When employees believe they have the freedom to use their skills and interests at work, the result is that those people feel more satisfied,” said Nanci E. Lamborn, global head of human resources at eVestment, a 9x Top Workplaces winner.

Organize a time block of 30 minutes for your employees to use as creative time. During this time, they can work on their own side projects or brainstorm ideas. For example, you could have a team member run your organization’s blog or social media accounts.

6. Make shout-outs more frequent.

Shout-outs are usually expressions of appreciation, support, or congratulations. Moreover, they can be delivered either virtually or in person. Moreover, shout-outs can be delivered in a variety of ways, including:

  • Spotlight your All-Stars in internal newsletters.
  • Share your team’s accomplishments on social media.
  • Recognize a team players hard work in a dedicated Slack channel.
  • Kick-off meetings by naming an employee who has gone the extra mile.
  • Host an award ceremony that’s less cringy than the Dundies.

7. Prioritize professional development.

People want to know that they are contributing to something more than they are now. So as soon as they realize there’s no room for growth, they will search for positions that offer this.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • To succeed, employees need the support of their managers.
  • Provide continuing education. Some ideas would be offering continuing education credits, starting a book club, or scheduling a lunchtime speaker.
  • With interdepartmental manager meetings, managers can stay on top of cross-training or professional development opportunities.
  • Publicize newly available jobs within the organization.
  • Make sure managers are motivated for their employees’ growth even when it means they move from one team to another.

8. Practice your ABCs.

No. I haven’t been listening to the Jackson 5. The ABCs I’m referring to is “Always Be Communicating.”

Employee retention relies on communication. People are more likely to feel prepared for their jobs when they have clear expectations and clear lines of communication. And they’re also more likely to ask questions when things are not clear.

Similarly, business leaders need to communicate with employees about the state of the business. And, most importantly, how their respective duties contribute to overall success.

9. R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

Aretha Franklin famously belted out the importance of respect. And more importantly, the Queen of Soul demanded it.

Several surveys indicate that workers likewise want it, but few receive it. As a result, many workers are leaving. As a case in point, nearly 48 million U.S. workers quit their jobs in 2021. In many cases, lack of respect is responsible.

Respect improves communication, teamwork and reduces stress. It also makes your team feel valued. This can also lead to increased productivity, knowledge, and understanding.

How can you foster more respect? Keep it simple.

Send a warm “good morning” greeting to employees who turn in assignments this week. Then, rather than asking them about their work, ask if they need any assistance from you.

10. Offer competitive compensation, benefits, and perks.

The most common reason for employee departures is the lack of adequate compensation   for their work. But, again, Pew found that the main reason for quitting a job in 2021 was lay pay — 63%.

Ensure your employees are fairly compensated, starting with their base salary. You can also promote employees or take on new responsibilities.

But, it’s not all about the money.

Employee retention also depends in large part on benefits and perks. Providing these benefits demonstrates that you care about employees’ well-being, and it can give them a sense of security about their futures. Employees can, for example, obtain adequate health care through benefits like health insurance or being a mental health ally. In fact, Linkedin’s 2022 Global Talent Trends reports that 60% of job seekers prioritize compensation and benefits.

Additionally, you can provide perks like fitness discounts, corporate deals, or free coffee. If you plan to offer perks to employees, make sure to ask for feedback. However, flexibility is the most significant perk you can offer your team.

11. Make your workplace inclusive.

Maintaining a diverse and inclusive workplace is crucial to employee retention. Why? The probability of employees remaining at their workplace is higher if they feel valued and safe.

At work, we should promote inclusion, diversity, and belonging. In turn, employees feel appreciated, seen, and recognized.

Among the things you can do are:

  • Develop diversity-related programming,
  • Provide employees with employee resource groups to connect with others who have similar identities at work,
  • Ensure that your writing is inclusive by creating an inclusive language guide.

The main takeaway? When a company does not practice diversity, it experiences retention issues. In fact, approximately 50% of people of color have quit their jobs because of discrimination.

12. Avoid significant and sudden changes.

Humans are natural resisters of change — both in the workplace and in everyday life. However, Towers Watson  found that organizations undergoing significant change can negatively impact employee attitude. Specifically, the company’s image, leadership, career development, performance evaluation, and communication.

In short, frequent changes can also cause employees to quit.

Changes are inevitable. But you should avoid drastic, unexpected changes. Transparency sets expectations. Also, it gives employees peace of mind to know what is happening.

John Rampton is an entrepreneur, investor, and startup enthusiast. He is a founder of the calendar productivity tool Calendar. You can sign up for early access to Calendar here!

This article originally appeared on Calendar. 


 God grant me the Serenity

to accept the things

I cannot change;

Courage to change

the things I can;

and Wisdom

to know the difference.

Thy will, not mine, be done.


*~*~*~*~*^Daily Reflections^*~*~*~*~*


February 24, 2023





I try to hold fast to the truth

that a full and thankful heart

cannot entertain great conceits.

When brimming with gratitude,

one’s heartbeat must surely result

in outgoing love,

the finest emotion that we can ever know.





Around the Year with Emmet Fox


February 24


You think, and your thoughts materialize as experience,

and thus, it is, all unknown to yourself as a rule,

that you are actually weaving the pattern

of your own destiny,

here and now,

by the way in which you allow yourself to think,

day by day and all day long.

Your fate is largely in your own hands.

Nobody but yourself can keep you down.

Neither parents, nor wives, nor husbands,

nor employers, nor neighbors, nor poverty,

nor ignorance, nor any power whatever

can keep you out of your own

when once you have learned low to think.

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life,

nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers,

nor things present, nor things to come,


“Nor height, nor depth,

nor any other creature,

shall be able to separate us

from the love of God”.

Romans 8:38-39


Tuesday, 21 February 2023

Ram and Sita of Kaliyuga

 Ram and Sita of Kaliyuga

You all will be surprised when you read this story:: Ram & Sita of the Kaliyuga
This is the story as of 12th June, 2020:
A local resident noticed a aged couple (see pic) looking distressed, walking on the highway at noon on a hot summer day near Kopargaon, a small town in Maharashtra, Ahmednagar district.  
As a matter of courtesy, he asked them for food which they politely declined.  He, then offered them some money.  This offer was also refused.  Then, he inquired as to why they were walking like this at noon.  The man, then started narrating their story....
He said that they had walked almost 2200 Km. till that day and were returning to their native place Dwarka in Gujarat. 
He further said that about a year back, he had become nearly blind. The expert doctors had given up all hopes and had refused to do any surgery.  However, his mother had lots of hopes and had convinced the doctor to carry out the operation, come what may.  The doctor agreed & did the surgery.  
His mother, in the meantime, had prayed at the Shri Krishna Temple and had vowed that her son would do a *padyatra* to Tirupati Balaji and Pandharpur and back to Dwarka, if the operation becomes successful.  As the operation was successful, he was fulfilling his mother's vow.  When inquired about his wife, he said that she insisted on joining him in this mission so that she would cook food for him and look after his wellbeing.  
Both of them were talking either in Hindi or English, but Very polished!!  So , the gentleman inquired about their education. On hearing their reply, he was absolutely stunned ......
The man had completed his Doctorate in Astronomy from the Oxford University, London  and his wife also had completed her doctorate in  Psychology  from the same University in London. (There was no pride in their talk at all).  They were very close acquaintances to Dr. C. Rangarajan (ex RBI Governer) and also the Late Kalpana Chawla, astronaut who died in an unfortunate accident during the Space Mission.  This couple were donating their monthly pension to a NGO for the blind people's welfare.  (They were keeping distance from the Social Media for the time being.)
A man, just to honour his mother's vow, had become a Ram  and his wife accompanied him like Sita in this Kaliyuga..  They were walking for more than 3 months and would walk further for a month to reach their native place Dwarka.
Ego of Any person would drop dead listening to such unusual stories in real life. 

Names of this couple are:
Dr. Dev Upadhyay &
Dr. Saroj Upadhyay.

Hard Working Parents

 A man came home from work and found his 3 children outside, still in their, playing in the mud, with empty food boxes and wrappers strewn around garden, The door of his wife's car was open, as was the front door to the house and no sign of the dog, walking in the door, he found even bigger mess. A lamp had been knocked over, the throw rug was against one wall, In the front room the TV was on loudly with the cartoon channel, the family room was strewn with toys and various items of clothing. In the kitchen, dishes filled the sink, breakfast food was spilled on the counter, the fridge door was open wide, dog food was spilled on the floor, a broken glass lay under the table, and a small pile of sand was spread by the back door. He quickly headed up the stairs, stepping over toys and more piles of clothes, looking for his wife. He was worried she might be ill, or that something serious had happened. He was met with a small trickle of water as it made its way out the bathroom door. As he peered inside he found wet towels, scummy soap and more toys strewn over the floor. Miles of toilet paper lay in a heap and toothpaste had been smeared over the mirror and walls. As he rushed to the bedroom, he found his wife still curled up in the bed in her pyjamas, reading a novel... She looked up at him, smiled and asked how his day went. He looked at her bewildered and asked, 'What happened here today?' She again smiled and answered, 'You know every day when you come home from work and you ask me what in the world do I do all day?.. ''Yes," was his incredulous reply.. She answered,. 'Well, today I didn't do it. :) 

For all hard working Parents! Cheers!!!




Around the Year with Emmet Fox


February 21


When you are praying or "treating"

about a particular thing,

you should handle it, mentally,

very carefully indeed.

The ideal way is not to think about it at all

except when you are actually praying about it.

Moreover, to talk to other people about it

is exceedingly likely to invite failure.

When a new problem presents itself to you,

decline to consider it except in the light of Truth.

I call this "putting a subject, in quarantine."

Even an old long-standing problem

can be "put in quarantine" today,

if you mean business and will resolutely break

the habit of constantly thinking over that problem.

Whenever you think about any subject,

you are treating it with your thought—

either for good or evil.


“The lip of truth

shall be established forever. . .”

Proverbs 12:19