*Dr. B C Roy*
In 1961, Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy, MD, DSc, MRCP, FRCS and the Chief Minister of West Bengal went to the USA on an official visit.
He met President Kennedy in the White House. While they were discussing about the subject of Calcutta's development,Dr Roy suddenly asked the President : if he was suffering from terrible back pain.Kennedy was surprised, nodded and curiously asked : *how could he diagnose his disease without even examining him.*
*Dr Roy replied that he was a Physician by profession and a politician by choice.* He then examined the President after going through his medical history file.He prescribed the medicines and remedies and told the President : that if he was not cured in a year's time,he would visit again to USA in his personal capacity as a doctor.
While bidding goodbye to the President,Dr Roy suddenly asked the President for his *consultation fees ........* The President was surprised and asked what was his fees ?
Dr Roy immediately took out his *master plan for the development of Calcutta and requested him to sanction a sum of Rs 300 Cr .......* The President immediately nodded his approval and asked *Ford Foundation* to conduct a detailed study on the development of Calcutta. Thus the *CMPO was formed with the assistance of Ford Foundation in 1961.*
Dr. Roy could cure the back pain of the President permanently,that many renowned doctors of the US could not.He remains the *best doctor and the best serving Chief Minister in the political history of the state.* B.C Roy will surely be reborn when his land desperately needs him..
*Homage to the greatest doctor and the greatest chief minister whose birth and death anniversary is celebrated as National Doctor's Day.*

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