Did you notice that the alphabet "C" has shot to prominence in this Covid-19 era?
See the Sea of Change that the alphabet "C" has brought!
No one expected that the alphabet "C" would play a Completely overwhelming role Compared with any of the other alphabets...
Cough (C)
Cold (C)
Corona virus (C)
Covid-19 (C)
Case (C)
Confirmed (C)
Confinement (C)
Contamination (C)
Containment (C)
Curfew (C)
Two most serious "C"s are,
Cemetery (C)
Cremation (C)
The possible remedial drug is, Covaxin,
The beauty is, it started from China (C)....
But at the same time,
GOD smiled, and said...
Cleanliness (is the remedy...)
Courage (is the need of the hour...)
Compliance to the expert advice...
Contention to overcome the crisis...
Clarity of thought...
Cooperation with the fellow beings...
Caring for the needy...
and finally....
"Clearance" is awaited and in a Short while..
"Cure" is definitely going to "Come"......
Till then take vitamin C.....
C you..

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