Wednesday, 25 May 2016


Twenty five centuries ago, Sun Tzu had succinctly written ,' The supreme act of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting the war'.  Cobwebs and mental blocks in human minds become our greatest enemies consequently we cannot  scale the summit and get vanquished in the war of attrition.  The mind can be our greatest friend or  our biggest enemy.
We treat our mind's  primarily as fr-enemies. Fr enemy is   a person with whom one is friendly despite a fundamental dislike or rivalry.  Dislike for the mind arises when it  provides coattails to hang negative emotions. This is when we do not reside  in the present moment and the mind keeps swaying and oscillating between the past and the future.  Swinging like a pendulum between regrets and anxieties.
Amygdala is one of the two parts of the brain that affect how people feel emotions , especially fear and pleasure.  More  often than not  humans  are indulgent towards the mind  as individuals are unable to tap its reservoir and potential. And individuals get entrapped and ensnared  essentially by negative emotions.
The mind is more than often cannonaded by innumerable thoughts and is unable to break free and the mind continues to chatter.  A chattering mind can never perceive the  reality and unlock the  dusty spider's web which we create and nourish it  rather unfortunately. Only the explosive and dynamic strength can implode and vanquish the static but negative energy pervading in our self.
Once upon a time a farmer ventured to a bijou town to sell his prized possession.  These were his  three donkeys. On his way to the town he  encountered a river. The farmer wondered as to how he could take a dip leaving the donkeys unattended. Very shortly a sage  who was meditating in the river appeared.
The farmer fell at the feet of the sage  and asked for a plausible solution to the prevailing  unwelcome situation. The sage advised that all the farmer needed was to tie the two donkeys. 'What about the third donkey' queried the farmer?  Let it watch the proceedings of you tying up the two donkeys was the sagacious reply.
The farmer unerringly  followed the advice. Upon taking the dip, the farmer untied two donkeys and decided to embark on the journey. However the third donkey refused to move much to chagrin of the farmer. Then the realisation dawned on the farmer that the third donkey  was desperate and screamed to be untied.
While observing the process  of the two donkeys being tied, the third  donkey presumed it also to be tied.
Such are the mental blocks we create in our minds. We get tied down by all unwarranted fears and emotions.  And this can be unshackled only by  thinking out of the box and by living in the present moment. The Art of Living offers variety of courses which brings the human mind to destroy mental blocks and to live in the present moment. As the present moment is inevitable.

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