Radha's ( name changed) palms were sweaty and her face was twitching with trepidation. She was subsumed by a panic attack,while entering the examination hall. The performance was below par for which she shed copious tears in solitude. Why me ? she thought , And there were no answers..........
Later in life, her mind was filled with several demons and cobwebs. She could never dress properly and always remained inelegant as she suffered from spectrophobia( phobia of mirrors),The problem confounded further and Radha began suffering from gamophobia ( fear of marriage) .
Her father was a leading lawyer , a successful businessman and an emerging politician . With all the power at his command and disposal , the girl was compelled to marry much against her wishes. But she had no choice.As it turned out Radha could not conceive as she suffered from metrophobia( phobia of motherhood).
The marriage did not get consummated for two reasons . One, the mental condition of the girl and two , her husband turned out to be a gay. This was known to the parents of Radha and her husband. But their will prevailed. Two lives were torpedoed by inconsiderate sets of parents.
Soon Radha was sent packing back to her parental house and became an object of ridicule. The girl was suffering and her mother remained distraught. Did the family make an attempt to appreciate as to what was ticking in the mind of Radha.
The overbearing father did not have the patience and time to deal with his daughter. Does our patriarchal society , permit father's to dwell deep into the problems confronting the 'girl child'.
The problems of the terror stricken and horror stricken girl were unending. She could see only a dark tunnel , with no hope for any redemption. Orthodoxy, social taboos and traditional approach act as barrier preventing parents to seek the help of a trained psychiatric or a counselor.
It was a mere urinary infection which unfortunately which assumed gargantuan proportions. Timely medical help and psychiatric treatment would have addressed the issue. But unfortunately women in this country have to bear the brunt and the cross and suffer needlessly.
Her prayers were unanswered. Skeptics see this as an evidence that prayers do not work. The human mind such as those of Radha , are unable to differentiate chaff from the grain and chimera from true contentment.
The mind focuses only on negativity. The layers of mind receive signals such as - ' Things are getting worse, I have no refuge, I will never find any answer, The situation is hopeless, My mind is cannonaded by every thing wrong, I have no where to go'.
Prayers such as ' I hope that I recover, 'I hope that I will be healed,' will not work . As these prayers at sub lateral level of the human mind are filled with only doubts and dis-belief.
The Bible says,' Whatever ye shall ask in prayer , believing , ye shall receive'. This is the Law of Universe.
The afflicted should acknowledge that there is a problem, turn the problem to the subconscious mind and develop a deep conviction that thy will be done. It is then that the human mind starts receiving positive signals and starts to function in a productive manner. Ignorance of the power of mind and spiritual powers act as a roadblock in resolving the issue.
Fortuitously a ' Happiness Programme' of the Art of Living was scheduled in her neighborhood and she enrolled for the programme courtesy her maternal aunt , who benefited by getting rid of asthma and treating diabetes through the course. This a personality development programme which hinges on a unique breathing technique called the Sudarshan Kriya. Apart from learning the breathing technique , Radha also learnt, Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation.
This opened a whole new vista in her life. She could overcome anxiety, panic attacks, depression and hypertension. And developed the confidence to seek medical help for her urinary tract infection and also consulted a psychiatrist to deal with the remaining demons in her mind.
She went on to undertake the Advanced Meditation Course and Divya Samaj Nirman ( DSN) course offered by the Art of Living. It has transformed her life.......... And she could upend the pyramid.
The limbering , fearful Radha has now become an intrepid Seva warrior. She is serving people and society by being a selfless volunteer of the Art of Living. JGD
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