Monday, 18 April 2016


This is a riposte to the show regarding banning of alcohol in some states of the country. We The People   a popular programme of NDTV  anchored by Barkha Dutt deliberated the issue on the 17th of April 2016 .   Without getting in to the merits of the issue a  simple question arises in my mind - can we ban thoughts?  The mind is cannonaded by approximately 50 to 60,000 thoughts in a day. And an alcoholic's mind is extraordinarily  sharp despite suffering from this medical malady. An alcoholic will employ all possible  means at his disposal to acquire the  prized possession. Like fish is to water an alcoholic is to liquor.The cause of alcoholism is the negative and destructive pattern of thinking and a deranged thought process.
  The problem can be addressed through getting an alcoholic   admitted  for a rehabilitation programme,  joining the  Alcoholics Anonymous, a self-help group, undertaking the Happiness Programme of The Art of Living( where the unique breathing technique of Sudarshan Kriya is imparted)  or undergoing the Vipassana breathing technique. These techniques can be of  help only when the alcoholic acknowledges the problem ,  and does not live in the world of self-denial besides  submits to a power which is much  superior to him or her. 
Through the  grave indulgence of Bacchus and reckless drinking , alcoholics wreck immense damage to all the organs of human body. This is no rocket science and is known to the afflicted.   To begin with  stomach, pancreas, liver, esophagus, the small and large intestine get  adversely  damaged.Once the gut is effected it has  a debilitating impact on the circulatory and nervous systems. Alcoholics develop heart ailments, problems pertaining to blood pressure, diabetes  and arthritis among others.  One organ after the other starts collapsing  and eventually an alcoholic becomes a vegetable. The alcoholic finally lands up in the ICU or is in the grave. The cause of alcoholism is the negative and destructive pattern of thinking. And  in the amphitheater of mind nothing can be banned.
This is an  advisory  for all alcoholics and recovering alcoholics( those who have turned sober through  the gift of the Divine) regarding their eating and drinking patterns.  Those who get admitted to a rehab or an Ayurvedic clinic fortuitously  be served a regulated diet for proper resuscitation.
But there are a large  unfortunate numbers who are  caught in the vortex of drinking or continue to  suffer from relapses.  They should begin  the day with several glasses of  warm lime water  laced with honey and not with a cup of coffee / tea. It goes without saying ,  SAY   a firm NO to drink. Lime water with honey  assists in  detoxifying the system  with its  inherent alkaline properties.
Eating of fresh fruits for breakfast and not leftovers of the night helps in digestion. It is guaranteed that most alcoholics suffer from an irritable bowel syndrome and associated disorders.   The fruit should be partaken as an entire meal and should not merely  be a supplement.   Tamasik and Rajasic intake of food invariably trigger the desire to  consume alcohol.  However consumption of Sattvik  food will certainly enable to rectify the imbalances present in the body.
There is tr
e  levels need to be enhanced through proper intake of nutritious food. The propensity of an alcoholic falling prey to opportunistic ailments is extortionate.  This medical problem can be addressed only by a qualified medical practitioner.
And what about the mental problem?
Louise L Hay , in ' You Can Heal Your Life' has identified the probable cause of alcoholism as  negative thought processes such as - ' What's the use ?' Feeling of futility ,guilt, inadequacy and Self Rejection.
And according to her the renewed thought pattern should be - I live in mow. Each moment is new. I  choose to see my self-worth.I  love and approve of myself.
emendous weakening of the immune system of the body of an alcoholic as precious minerals and vitamins  get drained out.  The resistanc

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