Friday, 14 February 2025
Life in times of Pandemic
Life in times of Pandemic
There was once Bubonic plague and then it was followed by the Spanish Flu aeons later, which claimed millions of lives across the globe.
In fact, Spanish Flu resulted in loss of more human lives than the two World Wars put together. Such was the cataclysmic catastrophe which left humanity numbed.
In 2019 an invisible microorganism which apparently originated from Wuhan in China locked down nations. Lives have been lost and by the day numbers are spiraling. Further, economic activity hit rock bottom. Is it apocalypse? A pandemic swept across the swathes of the globe, and afflicted people in every corner.
In a globalised, inter-connected world, humans wear masks, have now to resort to social distancing and several worked from home; isn’t this the ultimate irony? This is the price humanity pays as COVID – 19 takes over.
Indians like rest of the world went through a series of lockdowns and gradually opened up various sectors of economic activity. Even now several educational institutions are functioning virtually impinged with large scale uncertainties. Economic wheels are slowly churning back in the faint hope of a revival as the process of vaccination has finally begun.
Origin of lockdown in India
The technique of lockdown involving the masses was also employed by the Mahatma during the Civil Disobedience movement. It was an absolute shut down across swathes of the land when Satyagraha, prayer and non-violence and non-cooperation were deployed as tools against fiendish forces represented by the British. The novel method shook the very foundations of the British suzerainty.
These were political stratagems to combat the demonic powers of foreign occupation. Today humans through self-imposed home-exile and social-distancing developed a stratagem to grapple with this vicious and virulent virus which assumed an octopus-like grip over humanity, as finally vaccine visible on the horizon. But yet we need to maintain social distancing and not lower our guard against the disease as several new mutations emerge.
Plagues and other epidemics have struck humanity with ferocity in the past as well; the Great Plague in Europe and parts of Central Asia in the 14th century and the small pox epidemic in Mexico in 1520 being two well-known examples and of course the Spanish Flu.
In these times of adversity for human beings, nature is finally getting a chance to breathe freely.
When the pandemic broke out it was reported that that streams in Venice witnessed large numbers of dolphins, fish and swans, species which had all but vanished. The airport at Tel Aviv was a testimony to Egyptian birds walk across like mannequin airhostesses, baboons in Singapore were found straddling the streets and seem to obeying the regimented laws of the city state. This ought to teach us to live in harmony with other species.
But this is possible only if humans are not caught in the vortex of self-aggrandizement and acquisition.
The silk-stocking and upmarket individuals necessarily need to eschew their habit of avarice and contribute towards sharing, caring and expressing unalloyed love.
The USA had reduced funding to WHO, but the ultra-rich across the globe can contribute towards poverty alleviation, medical services, protecting the environment and reducing pollution levels through tempering their wants and desires.
As we slowly begin to operate from the sanctuary of our dwelling places, humans need to differentiate between loneliness and solitude.
Loneliness will make us mental wrecks. We will not be joyous and loving but grumble, and develop antagonistic attitudes.
This loneliness needs to be transfigured and metamorphosed into solitude.
Solitude is a state of becoming antarmukhi; a state of being in harmony with the outer world while looking deep within in order to suffuse the mind with efficacious thoughts and draw on our inner reservoirs of energy.
Spending time at home, humans were required to develop their immune system and several had given this an immediate priority. There are solutions aplenty. Eschew white sugar totally. Apparently even one table spoon reduces immunity levels by half. To remain fit one can, tend to the greenery in our balconies or garden, do plenty of yoga (what about 108 sets of Suryanamaskars), spot jogging etc. This is the time to pray, fast and meditate. Pranayama and deep breathing techniques help expel toxins from the body and act as immunity boosters.
When the country first shut down to combat the ailment on 22 March, people re-discovered yoga, pranayama and observe deep silence. In that silence Indians cogitated on the sound of the Universe, the Soham Swarup of this majestic creation and a state of “thoughtlessness”.
So in the times of this pandemic savour the solitude. Take deep breaths and clear your mind of the shroud of cacophonous fear.
Wherever you are, just relax, relax, relax, rejuvenate your minds and bodies, connect with your families, learn new skill sets and crafts … and discover the YOU in the silence.
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