Tuesday, 30 November 2021

A rare conversation between Ramkrishna Paramahansa & Swami Vivekananda READ IT LOUD TO FAMILY, it's one of the best message I have come across....

 A rare conversation between Ramkrishna Paramahansa & Swami Vivekananda  READ IT LOUD TO FAMILY, it's one of  the best message I have come across....

1. Swami Vivekanand:- I can’t find free time. Life has become hectic.

Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- Activity gets you busy. But productivity gets you free.

2. Swami Vivekanand:- Why has life become complicated now?

Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- Stop analyzing life.. It makes it complicated. Just live it.

3. Swami Vivekanand:- Why are we then constantly unhappy?

Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- Worrying has become your habit. That’s why you are not happy.

4. Swami Vivekanand:- Why do good people always suffer?

Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- Diamond cannot be polished without friction. Gold cannot be purified without fire. Good people go through trials, but don’t suffer.
With that experience their life becomes better, not bitter.

5. Swami Vivekanand:- You mean to say such experience is useful?

Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- Yes. In every term, Experience is  a hard teacher. She gives the test first and then the lessons. 

6. Swami Vivekanand:- Because of so many problems, we don’t know where we are heading…

Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- If you look outside you will not know where you are heading. Look inside. Eyes provide sight. Heart provides the way.

7. Swami Vivekanand:- Does failure hurt more than moving in the right direction?

Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- Success is a measure as decided by others. Satisfaction is a measure as decided by you.

8. Swami Vivekanand:- In tough times, how do you stay motivated?

Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- Always look at how far you have come rather than how far you have to go. Always count your blessing, not what you are missing.

9. Swami Vivekanand:- What surprises you about people?

Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- When they suffer they ask, “why me?” When they prosper, they never ask “Why me?”

10. Swami Vivekanand:- How can I get the best out of life?

Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear.

11. Swami Vivekanand:- One last question. Sometimes I feel my prayers are not answered.

Ramkrishna Paramahansa:- There are no unanswered prayers. Keep the faith and drop the fear. Life is a mystery to solve, not a problem to resolve. Trust me. Life is wonderful if you know how to live.

Love what matters


This is a story about an act of kindness that gave one family the perfect Thanksgiving…
Margaret Houlihan hadn’t bought herself a new dress in years. A homemaker with health issues that kept her from working, she raised the kids while her husband worked at the nearby factory and brought home just enough for them to get by. Like so many middle‐class families, all it took was one unexpected expense to put them behind the eight ball and find themselves, as the saying goes, ‘stealing from Peter to pay Paul.’ Most days, thankfully, they did have just enough.

As Thanksgiving approached, Margaret found herself in good spirits because they were caught up on bills, and she was hopeful they’d have the money to finally do the holiday right. In Margaret’s mind, that meant (for the first time ever!) buying a fresh turkey to prepare for the family, instead of the frozen variety. Now, there was nothing wrong with a frozen bird. But every year, Margaret would find herself staring longingly through the glass case, at the local supermarket, at the ‘fresh turkeys,’ wishing she could afford one.

With the day of thanks fast approaching, Margaret took her shopping list and money over to the store and went to the meat counter to inquire about the birds. Sal, ‘the butcher,’ as he was known, greeted her with a smile as she peered through the glass like a child picking out a puppy. The pricing wasn’t easily visible, so Sal had to turn over the tags and then watch the smile run from Margaret’s face. ‘Something wrong, dear?’ he asked.

She could only look down and say, ‘I knew they were more expensive, but I didn’t realize they’d be three times as much as the frozen ones.’ Sal was moved by her disappointment and found himself looking at her weathered shoes and faded coat with the second button missing. ‘I’ll tell you what,’ he said. ‘These fresh birds are expensive, but the day before Thanksgiving, if we have any left, we mark them down to half‐off.’ Margaret’s eyes lit up as she did the math in her head of what that would cost. ‘Then I’ll see you the day before Thanksgiving!’

As Turkey Day crept closer, Sal noticed his fresh birds selling much faster than usual. At this pace, he’d surely run out before the big day. Growing up poor himself, he felt a connection to that woman he’d sometimes see in the store with her two young children, and wished he could help out. ‘I guess we’ll just have to hope for the best,’ he said to himself.

On the afternoon before Thanksgiving, Margaret Houlihan arrived at the store with her shopping list and went directly to the meat counter. Sal motioned with his hand for her to wait a moment and then emerged from the back with a perfect fresh bird. As promised, it was marked way down to a price Margaret could afford.

After thanking the butcher, she pushed her cart away, and Sal was overwhelmed with a sense of warmth. It lasted about two minutes before the store manager appeared at his counter, looking upset. He said, ‘The other day I was doing inventory in the cooler and hidden under a box in the corner was a fresh prize turkey. I know what you’re doing, and I have to tell you, hiding that until today so you can buy it for yourself and save money is theft. Now go get the bird and put it in the case.’

Sal looked down sheepishly and said, ‘You’re right. I did set it aside, but not for me.’ He then walked his manager to the front of the store, where they saw Margaret checking out at the register. The manager saw the woman in the tattered coat carefully laying out her coupons and anxiously watching the numbers on the register climb higher. Then she counted out her money, paused, and let out a heavy sigh. She was short four dollars.

‘This is who you helped?’ the manager asked Sal. He nodded, yes. The manager paused and ran his calloused hands through his hair before approaching Margaret. Sal swallowed hard, not certain what his boss would do. The manager said to the woman running the register, ‘Susan, did you not see the sales signs we put out today? Everyone who buys a fresh turkey gets a free pumpkin pie. Take that pie off her bill, please.’ When the clerk punched the buttons, and the pie came off, Margaret had just enough.

The manager and Sal helped Margaret carry her bags to her old car, and as the creaky door slammed shut and they turned to go, the driver’s side window opened just enough for a gentle voice to say, ‘God bless you both.’

As the two men walked back toward the store, the manager said to Sal, ‘Do you have any more turkeys hiding for people like her?’ Sal smiled and said, ‘No, sir.’ His manager put his hand on Sal’s shoulder and replied, ‘Why not?'”

Love what matters

In lighter vein


sardar : *India ..*
Boss : which part ..?
Sardar : *What ‘which part’ ..? Whole body was born in India.*


*Two sardars were fixing a bomb in a car.*

Sardar 1: *What would you do if the bomb explodes while  fixing.*
Sardar 2 : *Don’t worry, I have one more.*


Sardar : What is the name of your car ..?
*Lady : I forgot the name, but is starts with ‘T’.*
Sardar : *Oh, what a strange car, starts with Tea. All cars that I know start with petrol.*


*Sardar : U cheated me.*
Shopkeeper : *No, I sold a good radio to u.*
Sardar : *Radio label shows Made in Japan but radio says this is ‘All India Radio! ‘*


*Tourist : Whose skeleton is that ..?*
Sardar : *An old king’s skeleton.*
Tourist : *Who’s that smaller skeleton next to it ..?*
*Sardar : That was same king’s skeleton when he was a child ...*


*Teacher : Which is the oldest animal in the world ..?*
*Sardar : ZEBRA*
Teacher : *How?*
Sardar : *Bcoz it is Black & White*


      Sardar attending an interview in Software Company ..
*Manager : Do U know MS Office .?*
*Sardar : If U give me the address I will go there sir.*

Sardar : *Doctor .!! My Son swallowed a key.*
Doctor : *When .?*
Sardar : *3 Months Ago*
Dr : *What were u doing till now .?*
*Sardar : We were using duplicate key*


     *Sardarji made a call to airport "How long is the journey from India to America .?"*
*Girl : One second sir ...*
*Sardarji : Thanks .!!*


*Jandhar Singh laughing behind Mandhar Singh in an ATM counter ...*
*Haha...I have seen ur password ..*
Mandhar singh : *What is it .?*
Jandhar : *it is four stars (****)*
Mandhar : *Haha .. wrong .. it is 3384. oye .. oye ..*


*Teacher : How does the hen comes out of the egg ..?*
Sardarji : *Oye ..that is not a big question .. madam .. the big question is .. how the hen went inside the egg ..!!*


      *Sardar's friend : Sardarji, how was ur exam?*
Sardarji : *Oye .. it was OK .. but i couldn't answer the past tense of 'THINK'. I thought & thought & thought .. and finally wrote ..THUNK .!!*


    *One tourist from USA asked : Any great man born in this village?*
*Sardarji : No sir, only small babies .!!*


*Sardar was driving a jeep in a jungle.*
*Tourist : If a lion comes against us, how can we escape?*
*Sardar : So simple .. Give RIGHT turn indicator and turn LEFT ..!!*


*Sardar : Doctor, In my dreams .. rats play football every night..*
*Dr : OK .. no problem. Have these tablets from tonight.*
*Sardarji : can i start from tomorrow ?*
*Dr : why?*
*Sardar : Bcoz today is FINAL .!!*

*Keep Smiling ..

Quantum Physics and Spirituality ✨

 Quantum Physics and Spirituality ✨

This is such an uplifting post !!

7 things that affect your vibrational frequency from the point of view of physics.
Vibration in Quantum Physics means that everything is Energy. Any feeling causes you to emit a Vibration that can be positive or negative.

1st - *The Thoughts*.
Every thought you have emits a frequency to the Universe, and that frequency returns to the origin, in this case, You! So if you have negative thoughts and sadness this will all come back to you. That is why it is so important that you take care of the quality of your thoughts and learn to cultivate more positive thoughts.

2nd - *The Company*.
People around you have a direct influence on your frequency. If you stand beside cheerful people, you too will enter into this vibration, now if you surround yourself with complaining and pessimistic people, be careful! For they may be lowering their vibrational frequency.Remember, You are the Average of those 5 people you spend most time with.

3rd - *The Songs*.
Songs are very powerful. Pay attention to the lyrics of the songs you listen to and remember: you attract into your life exactly what you vibrate.

4th - *Watch what You Watch*:
When you watch programs that address misfortune. Your brain accepts it as a reality and releases all the chemistry in your body, causing your vibrational frequency to be affected. Watch things that do you good.

5th - *The Environment*. Whether at home or at work, if you spend a lot of your time in a messy, unclean environment, it will also affect your frequency. Improve what is around you.
Show the Universe that you are fit to receive much more. Take care of what you already have!

6th - *The Speech*.
If you complain or speak badly about things and people, that also affects you. Eliminate the habit of complaining and speaking ill of others. Take Responsibility for the Choices of Your Life.

7th - *Gratitude*.
Gratitude positively affects your frequency, this is a habit you should incorporate right now into your life. Start by being  Thankful for Everything. Gratitude opens the doors for good things to flow Positively into our lives.🙏🏻

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

dia is a nice house on a bad street" - J.P. Morgan*


dia is a nice house on a bad street" - J.P. Morgan*
An introductory 5-minute speech was recently given in London at an event, by a young professional of Indian origin. His name is Dhritiman Biswas.   He spoke, extempore,  and the points are reproduced here. The topic was a round-table debate on: "India - is it a gigantic success or a colossal failure?"  

This is what he said: -

"Ladies and Gentleman, 
I am glad I am merely introducing the debate and not participating in it as, in my humble opinion, the question itself is wrong.   India, unlike, many western paradigms cannot be analysed in black and white, in linear equations or algorithms such as this. 
We hate Test Cricket yet we are the No.1 Test Cricket ranked country; Our ranking in gender diversity is 134, yet the majority of our bank CEOs - the most misogynistic yet of industries -  are women; Our health services creak and crumble, yet 36% of all the UK's NHS consultants are Indians; We love Bollywood tamashas(shows), yet the New York Philharmonic concert sold out in 5 minutes in Calcutta; We struggle with illiteracy, yet are the largest English-speaking country in the world; We riot, fight and squabble, yet remain a thriving democracy whilst Russia, Arabia, Brazil, Pakistan, et al labour under authoritarianism; Our Poverty Index suggests we are a hopeless failure, yet our mobile phone usage however may indicate a resounding success; and our private sector defaults diabolically like Kingfisher but spectacularly turned around JLR - like TATA.
India is a concept devised by the British and therefore in many ways a contradiction, a process , a work in progress.  We like the things they did for us; we don't care for the things that they did to us. The question in this debate cannot be answered because it is the wrong question to ask.   The right question is - can India be allowed to fail?   JP Morgan elegantly points to the ruins of emerging markets and says India is like a nice house in a bad street!   I would go further.  The western world is founded on the principles of a liberal, free-market, democracy.  Outside the OECD and the western Anglo-Saxon Protestant world - literally in the entire globe - there is one other example of this experiment and that is India.   We are the West and England's most natural ally.   We speak the language, sing Beatles songs, read P.G. Wodehouse and want to grow up to be Sherlock Holmes. Despite our many failings we are a giant and a colossus and for the sake of the world let's hope we succeed. 
Thank you" 
Nicely put!

Sunday, 21 November 2021

A Poignant Tale



A man married a beautiful girl. He loved her very much. One day she developed a skin disease. Slowly she started to lose her beauty. It so happened that one day her husband left for a tour. While returning he met with an accident and lost his eyesight. However, their married life continued as usual. But as days passed she lost her beauty gradually. Blind husband did not know this and there was not any difference in their married life. He continued to love her and she also loved him very much. One day she died. Her death brought him a great sorrow. He finished all her last rites and wanted to leave that town.
A man from behind called and said, “Now how will you be able to walk all alone? All these days your wife used to help you”. He replied, “I am not blind. I was acting because if she knew l could see her skin condition due to a disease, it would have pained her more than her disease. I didn’t love her for her beauty alone, but I fell in love with her caring and loving nature. So I pretended to be blind. I only wanted to keep her happy”.

*💉A true story....*


*💉A true story....*
💫 🩺💉🦠

Over 80 years ago, in Greece, sixty thousand Jews lived peacefully in Thessaloniki. It was a valued and vibrant community.

Most of these Jews worked in the port, to the point, that port of Thessaloniki was even closed on Saturday or Shabbat, the Jewish day when religion forbids working. Great emeritus rabbis also lived and studied there. Everyone hung out and liked each other.

But on September 2, 1939, with the outbreak of World War II, this peaceful community would one day feel the terror of the Nazis.
On April 6, 1941, Hitler invaded Greece in order to secure his southern front before launching the famous Operation Barbarossa and his great offensive against Russia.

Of the 60,000 Jews in Thessaloniki, around 50,000 were exterminated at the Birkenau concentration camp. The massacre of the Jews of Greece was brief, but intense. Very few escaped. Among the survivors there was a family known as Bourla.

And after the war, in 1961, a son was born into this miraculous family in the camps. His parents called him Israel - Abraham. He grew up and studied veterinary medicine in Greece. A brilliant student, Abraham got his doctorate in reproductive biotechnology at the veterinary school of Aristotle University in Salonika.

At the age of 34, he decided to move to the United States.

He changed his first name Abraham to Albert and met a Jewish woman named Miriam, who then became his wife. Together they had two children.

In the United States, Albert was integrated into the medical industry. He progressed very quickly and joined a pharmaceutical company, where he became "Head Manager". From there, the road was short for little Abraham (Albert) to rise through the ranks to become Chief Operation Officer before obtaining his appointment as CEO of the company in 2019.

Throughout 2020, Albert decided to direct all the efforts of the company to try to find a vaccine against a new virus which had just struck the world. He expended great financial and technological efforts to achieve his goal. A year later, his work paid off and the WHO (World Health Organization) and US government authorized his company to produce the long-awaited vaccine.
Today, this vaccine is being distributed in several countries including Germany, which counted thousands of deaths due to the pandemic.
Ironically, this vaccine which will save the lives of millions of people around the world including many Germans, was led by a little Jew from Thessaloniki, son of the Holocaust survivors.

 Most of his people were exterminated by Nazi Germany.

And that is why Israel became the first country to receive the vaccine. In memory of his grandparents and his parents who gave birth to Israel-Abraham Bourla, known today as *Albert Bourla: CEO of Pfizer*!