Sunday, 8 July 2018

There are 7 puzzles which Buddha answered in his mystical way :

There are 7 puzzles which Buddha answered in his mystical way :

1) What is the SHARPEST thing in this world ?

His people replied simultaneously : *The Sword*

Buddha answered :
The sharpest is the *human tongue*
because with the tongue, humans easily hurt the heart, hurt people's feelings, through slander etc ...

2)  What is the MOST distant from us in this world ?

Some replied : *Space, the moon, the sun*

Buddha answered:
The most distant is the *Past*.
Whoever we are, however rich we may be, we can NOT go back in time.
Therefore we must make good use of today & the days that will come.

3) What is BIGGEST thing in this world ?

Someone replied :
*Mountains, the Earth .. the Sun*

Buddha answered :
*The biggest thing in the world is Lust*.

Many humans become wretched because they indulge their  lusts.
All means are justified in order to realise the lusts of this world.
Therefore be careful with lust !

4) What is the HARDEST (and has the MOST WEIGHT) in this world ?

Someone replied :
*Steel, iron .. elephant*

Buddha answered :
The hardest is ... *a promise*
It's easy to say it but extremely hard to do it.

5)  What is LIGHTEST thing in this world?

Someone replied :
*Cotton, wind, dust, leaves*

Buddha answered:
The lightest thing in the world is humility, hence it is easy *to forget humility & to leave humility*

Look at the many people who are chasing after wealth and position ..  they simply drop & leave humility.

6) What is CLOSEST to us in this world ?

Someone replied :
*Our parents, friends & relatives*

Buddha answered :
The closest to us is *DEATH*
because death is SURE and can happen any second.

7) Last question:
What's the easiest thing to do in this world ?

They replied :
*Eating, sleeping, hanging out*

Buddha answered:
The easiest is to
It will be a useful reflection for your friends who read it

*Even non-Buddhists can  use this knowledge and wisdom*

May all living beings be joyful,  peaceful & wise.

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