Saturday, 14 July 2018

The Divine Mystic- Omar Khayyam , Commentary by Paramahamsa Yogananda- Points by Bala Valluri

"Life is but a Game of Chess"  Game when played as a game, retains healthy relationships.  Enjoy the game,without malice,frustration or animosity. Man is a social being, born free, for survival on the way from birth to death acquires , several relationships. Finds himself in many roles,son,brother,husband, father,friend even an enemy . Each role has its own demands . As the head of the family,filled with Love and Compassion, the way he relates, becomes a role model . Peaceful Coexistence and Harmony prevails. There is no need to give sermons, his way of living ,will covey the intrinsic true message. There will be no checks or mates,just equilibrium all the way. An ideal Family. This is achieved by realising his own self and role he is cast in. His Contented being and serenity will convey the true purpose of Life. Dakshinamurty  conveyed the message to the seekers through Silence" Mounopadesam". Buddha lived on alms. He chose one street for the day. What ever he received ,he shared with his followers,completely. One day he found himself at a wealthy Persons house, Instead of giving him alms the Person started abusing and cursing,that they are parasites on the society, should be cut to pieces and thrown to dogs. As he was cursing he was watching Buddha, he stopped seeing no reaction on his face. The Serene Look captured his attention. He then questioned  "I Had been cursing you , you did not react" Buddha gently replied " Before I answer, I have a question" go ahead came the reply. "I have an apple and want to give it to you,you do not accept where will it remain?" Again the reply Ofcourse with you. "Buddha compassionately then said " exactly I did not accept the curses and accusations." Wisdom dawned he recognised the Divine Beggar is none. other than Buddha Himself. He prostrated seeking forgiveness. Buddha said you are forgiven sin no more. Your own actions should speak. The black and white squares ,night and day,suffice to set in motion the intuitive power . Visualise Earth rotating on its axis and revolving round the Sun, How, what is propelling this Phenomenon? That Power and Force can be traced right in the Self, "what is with out" is"with in" as well. A blind approached Jesus for cure. The all compassionate said have faith, your faith will heal you. He was able to see. If the game of chess is played to pass time gainfully a healthy relation ship remains other wise another Hitler , Hiroshima Nagasaki, Pearl Harbour will ensue. Jai Gurudev

"True Purpose of Human Existence" Visualise a game of Foot Ball.  Ball is an important component  yet devoid of a choice. It takes the direction towards the path it is kicked by the player. In the same manner though born with a free will and choice,mankind is helpless still being caught in the traits and tendencies"Vasanas" of the previous incarnations. Who is responsible for this dilemma ? Yielding to the pressures of the Senses ,one becomes a slave. He is not alone ,the family the extended family,country Nation and the whole Universe as it were. The Good and Bad tendencies impact. Greed and lust cause damage ,infighting attracts destructive elements to step in and take advantage/  charge thus slavery! Only the Enlightened can successfully break this chain reactions . Experiences of the Past as also the Present, help to bring about a  change . Cosmic Law alone can erase all negative habits. Wisdom has to dawn to comprehend the true Purpose, which will enable the Seeker to Commune with the Omniscience. 

"Underlying Cosmic Law" Humans having manifested in the Image of Cosmic Omniscience,find themselves in bondage? Endowed with a free will and intelligence,many a time they depart from the righteous "Path". Get caught in the maze created by the urges of the wavered  senses. In the process the free will creates its own rules and laws. The experiences ,intoxicate,leading to habit formation. Can be good as well as disturbing ,even negative effects ensue. These traits develop deep roots,that death fails to erase,thus reincarnation results. They are carried forward,the cycle goes on until the all Compassionate Cosmic Law steps in to eradicate these tendencies for the Final Emancipation. True Knowledge of the impermanence need to grip the attention of the Seeker, help to remove all the shackles. This is achieved through deep meditation,getting connected with the Real Self within. This Divine Experience will bring him out of the Maze,expose him to the Cosmic Omniscience. Life with all its shades will fail to bind him,having transcended he becomes Free. Jai Gurudev

"Stop seeking  External Help" Omar an Astrologer himself advocates dependency on astrological predictions is futile. To be fool proof accuracy is needed. It is frustrating  when  predictions do not come to pass  . Relationships get strained,one is no longer self reliant . Faith in ones own Self is the answer ,accepting both success as well as failure with dignity helps one to move on. Learning from experiences,not to repeat the same mistakes. Divine help is always available,becoming Aware and Believing! A conscious effort will enlighten the Seeker to this aspect. Just by repeating Almighty is all Pervasive. Say He is Present in filth how? Seeker withdraws his step when he sees filth. That act is prompted by the Energy/knowledge . He is Present in dry leaves , on a dark night you are travelling in a dence forest ,you hear the crackling of leaves. That sound cautions  may be a reptile is passing you withdraw into safety.  Being Open and accepting will enable the Seeker to turn all his attention to the Cosmic Will.  Help from the Divine is fool proof and everlasting.  You and you alone are responsible to invoke and  receive  This Amazing Grace. Jai Gurudev

"Recede Into the Pristine Purity" unraveling this mystery is life all about. Studies reveal the Karmic Law is not Universal. There are believers as also non believers.  The struggle is for the believers. The Eternal Quest to know the Truth. Divine intelligence that the Seeker is vested with guides him to tread the righteous Path to the Goal. The attractions of the external world are so strong, the Seeker succumbs. The Spirit which Manifested casting everything in its shadow,for sheer entertainment,has to remove the veil of ignorance. Narayan Bhattadri a great scholar took over the ailment of his Guru (pure love) . He could not bare the pain. He was asked to seek refuge in the famous temple of Lord Krishna of Guruvayoor. He sat in the sanctum not knowing what next. From no where he heard "matsya" He understood  . Addressing the Lord he composed Narayaneeyam (Srimad Bhagavatham) 1000 and odd verses. He arranged them in 100 Stanzas Every last verse ,he requests the Lord to grant him good health so he can keep praising Him. Even as he was composing he used to see the Lord in front nodding in approval. He got cured on completion of the treatise Beholding the Lord. Be sure having Manifested the Divine intercedes to help Humanity to merge in the Omniscience. Breaking the shackles of cause and effects,through Pure Love ,True Yoga happens, Become a creeper,twining on to the Holy Spirit.Jai Gurudev

"The Goal is the beginning as also End"  Omar the  Astronomer, perceived the   Influence of the Stars on the lives of Humans. The Divine intellect will help mankind to expand his vision to grasp the true Nature of the Manifestation of the Cosmic Spirit. Animals are conditioned and guided by their instincts. They seem self sufficient.  With all the intelligence  intuitive power mankind is disgruntled never satisfied. History,and Geography provide the transition from the Nomad state to the Present State.The advances made in every field  ,Awe inspiring, The Euphoria thus created should not make mankind Vain. A Pyramid gets erected ,he finds himself on the tip. If he fails to recognise and acknowledge the contribution of his fellowmen,he will find himself alone and lonely. Unless the foundation is strong and steady the Pyramid will crumble. Attention fixed on the Goal,carrying the team along will enable mankind to deliver the goods . A happy atmosphere prevails. The connecting Chord of Supreme LOVE will reach him to the everlasting Contentment. Sri Rama acknowledged the contribution of the little squirrel ,in the " Setubandan". Jai Gurudev

"Practice what you Preach"  A Guru asked his disciple to fetch an article for him which is on the other side of the river. The disciple listless turned to the Guru,who knew the river was in spate. He then chanted a mantra in his ear., " keep repeating ,this will see you through."  With firm faith reciting the mantra he walked across and easily returned with the article . Dumb struck Guru could not believe. Curiosity got better of him he set off to test the mantra himself ,he hardly, placed his foot in the river started to drown. True Religion  is fearless and devoid of every trace of doubt. Human frame is like a banyan tree roots at the top. Human brain is where roots are. These need to be transplanted into the Real Self with in. While in the brain they get drawn by all external attractions leading to undesirable attachments. Omar recognises the power of Kundalini Shakti. This Energy passes freely from the Basic through all the chakras and finally through the Sahasrara to Unite with the Cosmic Conscience. Passage needs to be clean and clear no congestion otherwise can cause irreversible damage. Not so easy. Only a true Yogi can achieve this. Self Realisation helps to clear all congestions. That is True Communion with the Omnipresent Being. Jai Gurudev

"Dissolve the Ego" A disciple  after serving and following all the instructions of the Guru addressed him "when will I attain Salvation" The Guru replied "When  I Die". From then on the disciple would keep peeping at the Guru through the window . Guru questioned about his behaviour, the disciple "just to see if you are dead". Guru compassionately explained "not  me, when the (I) in you dies". Mother Theresa attained Sainthood ,spreading the message of true Love ,through her uninhibited  Service. The on lookers were shocked when she reached out to a leper on the streets of Calcutta ,in   Dakshineswar and started nursing him. Blessed are the poor and meek for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. She defied all norms lived on charity ,raised funds to serve, refused to furnish accounts , as that would be time consuming additional staff wasteful expenditure.  She built many homes with all comforts for the needy , in contrast the nuns who served lived in poverty,and hardships slept on the floor. She could achieve all this because of the Supreme Glimpse of the Cosmic Being. Omar earnestly desired that mankind strive to have that Divine Glimpse. Stop indulging into wasteful intellectual discussions even if they are Theology or Religion. Unless the Ego is dissolved in the inner Self the Glimpse of the All pervading Cosmic Being will be a distant Phenomenon. Goal is far try and reach with conviction, do not create hurdles on the way.Priests performing all rituals being in such close contact with the Deity, yet are so far away! A devotee of Lord Hanuman religiously lighted an Agarbathi every day with a desire in his heart, Got tired because his desire was not fulfilled. He lighted the sandal stick turning the Deity face to the opposite side ,saying you don't deserve this fragrance. To his amazement Our Lord stood in presence " this day you treated me as the Lord all along I was only an Idol"  Enlightenment is achieved through deep unraveled Faith, Conviction and deep Meditation.  Jai Gurudev

"Own up the Responsibilty" Every endeavour ,devoid of expectations, the end result be it success or failure, helps the Seeker,to remain in the State of Equilibrium. Normal tendency is to shift the blame, becoming despondent ,blaming the Almighty, his own fate,  cursing the past Karma and so on. If only he attempts to shift his attention ,to the task he embarked on,the whole process what went wrong and how,the solution stares at him. He can easily rectify the errors,mistakes  sort out things. He needs to overcome the agitation , the vision then is clear. He also realises he is endowed with choices, Choosing the right one leads him to the Goal quickly,ultimately. This is possible by withdrawing his attention from all the dazzling attractions of the Mundane. Allow the Voice of Conscience to prompt and guide him,the Goal becomes clear the path obstacle free. Making best use of time and energy at ones disposal. Letting Go and Moving on into the Omnipotent BEING. Jai Gurudev

"Life is Lord's Entertainment" Satan then will become helpless. Ignore all the temptations,fixing firmly all the attention on the Supreme inner conscience the Seeker easily will cross the  "Bhavasagar" Omar draws the attention to the Kundalini Energy. At the baser level one indulges in unhealthy deeds and drawing temporary pleasures and satisfaction. In reality it is the Cosmic Energy , situated at the base of the Spinal Column .When the Seeker has the Glimpse of the Divine ,this coiled up Energy passes through all Nerve Centres ,to reach the Goal ,the Supreme Omniscience. The Seeker should stop struggling with conviction and courage face the challenge be able to address the Almighty, "come enjoy at our cost" Karna could say this to Krishna . He could force the Lord to Admire his valour and commitment, he exposed the partiality of the Cosmic Being. Did not yield to any temptation.Made him a scape Goat. Jai Ho Dana Veera Karna. Jai Gurudev

"Paths many Goal One" Omar refers to  Ramzan a ritual of prayer and fasting,discipline oneself , for the Contact with the Supreme Omniscience.  Rituals help as long as they are practiced in the right manner,can turn the Seeker to become superstcious. They need to be more flexible,rigidity can cause confusion. Satyanarayana  Vratham  ,more than the worship emphasis on the Prasadam. If one fails to partake evil be falls. To reach the Goal are these stepnies  needed. If one sincerely believes in the All pervasiveness of the Cosmic Conscience, true Yoga will happen one day through deep meditation. Adi Shankara did away with all superstcious beliefs and faiths. Put an end to "Bali"  shifted the  worship to Sri yantram ,the Cosmic energy itself. Thus created a fearless atmosphere. Addressing God our Father  spells freedom. A deep insight leads one to the Goal,be sure! Jai Gurudev

"Born with a Free Will" The Divine Potter did not discriminate. Created in His Image. The discrepancies seen are extensions of the Karmic tendencies of past and present. Some progress fast ,some retard depending on the faculties endowed with. The advances made in every field bear testimony to this fact. Advent of  Internet  compressed the world. Letter that took a month to reach the receiver,now in a split second you are face to face. Caution need to be exercised. One should not succumb and become slaves to technology. Day in and day out we are confronted by this, a nightmare to get ones pass book updated ,systems are down. Frustrating. Whom to blame? . Accepting that life is not bed of roses all the time. Calmly analyse the events,avoid situations causing friction,if unavoidable silently withdraw into the self,one will come out unscathed. Healthy habits need to be cultivated. Thus the Free Will will be a positive tool. Hence you and you alone are responsible,no more shifting the blame in adverse circumstances. Peace will prevail ,enabling Mankind to reach within  to  introspect/intuite and reach the Goal. Jai Gurudev

"Living life Fully" Sai Baba 's Prasad is Vipudhi a constant reminder ,the human body originated from dust and finally become dust . Make best use of the period of life one is endowed with. This body is but a vehicle for the Spirit. It treats life as a dinner on a paper plate. Dinner over plate is discarded. The Wise becomes aware of this phenomenon and marvel at the way human body is composed,all the chemical reactions taking place. Soon commits to make best use of this convenience , drawing into the inner latent Power of Force and Feeling. The Seeker them becomes Focused, Truth dawns ,his ultimate Destination crystal Clear. The Power of Meditation can turn the cold clog into Energy, Body is no longer just flesh and blood ,transcendence happens , Pure Energy ,when the body and Spirit merge. Uninterrupted Sadhana  leads to  such Emancipation. Jai Gurudev

" Truth triumphs" Man is born free in the image of his creator. With all the faculties at his disposal,to lead a noble life until he is ready for the ultimate Union with the Cosmic Being. Any departure,by succumbing to the dictates of the Senses,the Seeker himself is responsible, be it material pursuit or Spiritual. Failure,suffering disease  are man made . Tendency is to shift the blame, to save himself from the stigma,only to shine before his friends and foes Failed to exercise the free will and the choice blaming the creator for all his misfortunes. Can every one be Raja Bali? His Guru did not want him to accede ,enlightened him,the Dwarf,with a begging bowl is no other than their arch enemy Vishnu. Bali did not yield to the pressure ,on the verge of attaining Indrasan, let go surrendered to the promise he extended. Thus attained the True Union the Lord as his Gate keeper. When wisdom dawns one can easily turn the adverse into  glorious events. Courage to own up , both negative as also positive attributes casting off the stigma attached. Everlasting Joy knocks at his door. Jai Gurudev.

"Turn Adversity to Personal Victory" Life is both a Miracle and an Enigma. Never get carried away having succeeded at the same time do not feel despondent or helpless on encountering failure. Accept them gracefully,as the outcomes of the Karmic law,past and present deeds. It is more personal. Having experienced failure,turn round and tread the path presented by the Inner Voice of Conscience which can never go wrong or fail. Brooding and blaming Fate will lead no where. A conscious effort is needed to erase the Ego ,turning inwards where all answers are available. Exercising the discriminative choice ,firm conviction and courage, will enable the Seeker to change every adverse situation into personal Gain. Take the first and most difficult step confidently,doors to Success will automatically open. Jai Gurudev

"Seek help from the Divine" visualise a ship wreck, (Titanic) a small plank of wood can save one from drowning  until help comes! Remember the Divine Craftsman never forsakes His children. The strong Ego and Promptings of the frail Senses prevents the Seeker to acknowledge this aspect. Having Manifested can He be revengeful. Immersed in ones own misery one forgets to enjoy the beauty around. Several obstacles,and exchegiencies  come ones way,try not to succumb and curse the fate. Turn that situation towards a positive Goal. Jealousy a cardinal sin,but common. A beautiful Princess by deceit was married to an idiot. She realised this on the night of the nuptials, did not yield or curse her fate. She brought him to the Divine Mother's temple, told him to pray until She appears. He followed her advise ,succeeded in invoking and propitiated (manikya veena mupalalayanti) Kavi Kalidas. Jai Gurudev 

"Nothing is Impossible" How to spend an evening? Watching a Movie or attending a Satsang? Movie of course! Habits and tendencies carried forward through several past incarnations,their influence on the human system,so intense ,any change offered is scaring.. The potter initially has difficulty in moulding the dried up clay,once he decides,courage and determination helps him to remodel it. Into an attractive Mantle Piece. Similarly the Divine Potter intercedes to change the attitude of the hard core agnostics,He cannot forsake His own creation. The latent intuitive Energy,propels even the most stubborn ,to change the course with Courage and Will power,to tread the right Path towards Emancipation. The relevance of the Kurukshetra Battle. Evil had to be vanquished,Truth to triumph . By revealing His Cosmic Form He Laid bare, that everything emanated from Him and had to recede into Him. Outwardly it appears that the Seeker is struggling to reach the Goal. Krishna said he will not wield  a weapon. In reality He was present in every weapon and action. Action in Inaction. The moving underlying Spirit is the Divine Potter Himself rest mere Pawns. Sooner one realises this, the Goal which appears unattainable ,is right before him. A determined courage and Effort will unlock the Stubborn Gates. Jai Gurudev

"The Primordial Sound AUM" Arjuna beheld the letters along with the vibratory Sound (AUM) then the Cosmic Being. Place a flask to the ear,it is vacuum inside yet one can listen to the Sound. This encompasses the whole Creation, Cosmic Light follows so as to behold the true Nature of the whole creation. We get carried away looking at a beautiful painting prepared to spend millions to possess the same as Status Symbol.  Take a moment off visualise the whole COSMOS. The orderliness,the lotus bud as though waiting for that contact of the Sun Ray to bloom,Dawn and the music from the chirping of the birds. Wonder if wonders awaken the inner being to interact and cast of the attachment to the worldly mundane attachments caused by human senses. Introspection reveals the contrast of Permanence of the Cosmic glory verses the imperfect nature of human acquisitions. All the Five Elements,their role and Energies nourishing and sustaining. Any imbalance can cause havoc. Lessons need to be drawn, imbibing these qualities, comprehending the Phenomenon of the Supernatural Love binding every atom together to maintain harmony and equilibrium. That which is With Out is With In as well.,as the Conscience. Attempt to unite this Conscience with the Cosmic Conscience when that Nadam  (OM) Prevails.Jai Gurudev

"Seek the Supreme Love" The impermanence of frail human existence soon dawns. Having gone through all attractions,trials and tribulations in the attempt to acquire perishable items, the Seeker truly desires the Communion with the Supreme Being. This yearning will open up avenues, the Compassionate Inner Being will Manifest to guide him to the Everlasting Goal. Untainted Percivierence and deep Meditation will carry the Seeker into the Realms of PURE Cosmic LOVE  Jai Gurudev

" Discard evil tendencies and cultivate noble ones" Anything attractive will not fail to draw the attention of the passerby. The Spiritual Fragrance emanating from the Noble Person will be even more intoxicating. Such a Person whether alive or dead will leave behind an everlasting influence/ impact.The company one keeps also spells either goodness or disaster. Ego that is present need to be spiritualised,to spread peace and harmony. To save ones self from adversities ego is essential.  A Persistent effort to erase evil tendencies will benefit him as also persons coming into his contact. A conscious effort to commune with Cosmic Conscience will erase all negativity . Jai Gurudev

"Sense Pleasures lands one in Disgrace" Avoid indulging in vain sense pleasures. For a while can bring name and fame. Birds of the same feather flock together. Spineless persons,become stooges and gloat over their lot finding themselves in the company of a famous person. They are not aware the harm that is meted out. Luxury and pleasure alone matters. This is like a castle built by pack of cards. The moment he falls rest go down the drain. When the false clout is lifted exposing all shortcomings and evil ways Disgrace stares. Sublimation not succumbing to false pride and pleasures. Impeccable Character alone will deliver the goods. Pursue the Noble path,avoid evil company. Let go and Move on. Jai Gurudev

"Promises are made to be broken!" Omar wonders,whether the person was in a sane frame of mind, promising not to yield to sense pleasures? Addiction of any sort is harmful. Suppressing the urge is just temporary. Like a spring pressed down,weight released it springs up. One has to make a commitment and over come the urge, An Alcoholic,is not aware that it is a disease,gets addicted due to chemical reactions taking place by consuming the intoxicating drink. Repentance alone will not help. A Diabetic patient knows how harmful sweet consumption yet unable to overcome the temptation. Has to remember he alone is not the sufferer ,the family suffers,society also, he will not be able to discharge his duties,commit blunders causing humiliation and losses at work place. A vicious circle emanates. A Kshatriya  King before he became Brahma Rishi Viswamithra. He succumbed to every temptation, Menaka,thrisanku and so on repented but did not give up until he achieved the Goal. A very strong will and, deep conviction, true faith in the Self,with a clear conscience the effort will reach the aspirant to the Goal.Jai  Gurudev

"Faith in the Self" Treading the righteous Path is not that simple or easy. One encounters many obstacles and even distractors. He becomes the target of ridicule. Some succumb and relinquish the effort midway.  Rolling stone does not gather moss. Unmindful one  moves on come what may,the Goal will be his. He needs to realise he arrived single and will leave thus. All relationships are temporary . He is cast in many roles, understanding this fact ,one has to discharge the duties to the best of his ability,while firmly fixing his inner conscience on the true Goal the True Yoga. A Guru wanted to help his devotee who was very much attached to his family. The devotee felt he is indispensable.  Fine said the Guru " you pretend you are about to die, the Guru with his supernatural powers will extend his life in exchange of any of his family member" . Very easy he thought as he loved his family and the same will be reciprocated. He approached his son with this request, son humbly refused saying he has his responsibility to his wife and children. One by one had some excuse ,his wife who he thought will not be able to live without him also excused herself, who will take care of the family?. Realisation dawned . All love and affections just skin deep. He had come from the Divine Cosmic Love, the Guru who enlightened him to this phenomenon will help him to reach his Goal. He started feeling like a feather,soaring over the sky. Jai Gurudev

"Face the Challenge"cast off fear to bet the last penny. Who knows he can come out a victor. Those who have attained Emancipation can claim that they alone have comprehended the Cosmic Omniscience. They are always willing to reach the Seeker to the Goal. The Ego holds back,very few have the courage to willingly abandon all materialistic glory and possessions ,in the true Quest of the Loving Benefactor. Raja Harischandra gave up his throne to face the challenge posed by Sage Viswamithra in disguise. Lost everything,found himself a job as the pyre lighter . He did not give up his conviction,honest to the core. His son died of snakebite , his wife did not have money for the last rites, Harischandra failed to recognise them, he demanded her sacred thread  to light the pyre. Only a husband could see the sacred thread she recognised him. He did not yield until she parted with the thread as he was about to light , the Divine Manifested,. Did not resist Sacrificed every thing to gain the True Communion. Jai Gurudev

"Life is but a Mystery Movie" you are on tenterhooks till the end watching a mystery movie, tragedy you shed tears,comedy you feel elated. Life with all its dualities eludes the players. Accepting them as a deliberate distraction by the Cosmic Being the players cast in the Image of the Omniscience,will be able to enjoy every shade of life. Dawn is so refreshing after a deep nights sleep , The same night gives solace and rest after ceaseless toil.  If everything were perfect where is the need for human endeavour. Discovery of Oil in the Gulf turned Dessert into Paradise,What about Rajasthan? Indirectly  He confers all credit to Mankind. Hidden mysteries of the Cosmic Law being unraveled , by humans,imagine the joy! Be an Observer playing the role you are cast in to the best of your ability,leaving the rest to Him. Caution need to be exercised. The whole Panorama is at your disposal. Without destroying ,utilise every bit for constructive purposes. Progress is needed  as a tool for the benefit of mankind. Vengeance and  Power to compete will be destructive. Ruthlessly cutting down forests ,causes droughts imbalance in nature. Choose the middle path and remould in the Cosmic pattern. Help will be available unasked. Cosmic Love will not fore sake  His Children. Move with the tide you are sure to reach the SHORE. Jai Gurudev

"Expand" Omar at last attained the Omniscience through Self Realisation. The struggle to achieve this State,facing every challenge,transcended the limited Body Conscience. He is no longer a speck compressed by all mundane temptations,in the Universe. The  Jeevathma merged into the Paramathma. The Moon casting it's distracting spell lost its efficacy . Cut asunder the cycle of repeated reincarnations of the Karmic Law. Withdrawing into the dark Tavern within into the intuitive conscience will reach the Seeker to the Goal. Having experienced this no turning back. Physical aspect stops yielding to Sensual Temptations. Sukha Maha Muni  starcj naked was passing by the lake where the Gopies were bathing. They stopped and started to gaze at him in awe. A few moments later his Father Sage Vyasa followed him,the Gopies at once started to cover their naked bodies with their hands. Vyasa questioned " he was in the prime of youth ,here I am old yet you behaved differently why?" They replied. "He has transcended,the fact even at this age your questioning, and attention on us  --resulted in our response and reaction" Sukha being in the Body had already Expanded one with the Cosmic Being. Jai Gurudev

" In Union with the Omniscience" The whole Panorama ,it's splendour, beauty, attractions and so on,lost its spell binding effect on the Seeker who succeeded in Transcending. Amazing 1000 years back Omar could express this. This great experience has to be imbibed by humanity. They are not alone the Divine granted help at every turn. Behold the Glory and the Presence of the Cosmic being in every atom. Expand from this Micro to the Macro Level. Learn from the experiences of the Great Sages. The Lord Descends . Bhakta Ramdas suffered every  torture  smilingly singing the Glory of Lord Rama even fighting with him in every song, The Celestial chariot had to transport him bodily into the Omniscience. Buddha returned to enlighten humanity to tread the right path. For a while his message lost its relevance, was preserved in pristine purity in Burma. We are grateful to Goenkaji for reintroducing it into our Country. The VIPPASSANA Meditation. Adi Shankara saved the Sanathana Dharma which was getting rusted through misunderstanding,and misinterpreting. The Omnipotent will never Forsake. Provides a long rope to uphold human dignity,steps in when it gets tarnished. 
Here I am another humble Seeker, having relished every drop of the Mystic Wine. Express my deep Gratitude to my Gurudev ,granting me this spell binding opportunity to express. Mistakes and errors are mine and my shallow knowledge. Seeking forgiveness  I submit this TASK. Jai Gurudev

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