Saturday, 30 June 2018

Wine of the Mystic - Omar Khayam , Interpretation by Paramahamsa Yogananda .. A revisit by Bala Valluri

Take one step, I take 12 towards you"  This needs complete Trust and Faith. Sincere And Earnest Effort will aid the Seeker to Realise the True Goal of his Existence. Sri Pothana a Shiva Bhakta was asked to write Srimad Bhagavatam in Telugu. His attempt was based on total surrender to the Divine. His little daughter would sit by his side all the time. At one point he could not proceed,left his premises and stood on the banks of a river staring into Space. Suddenly the whole episode was enacted , his insight Percieved , filled with awe he returned to complete the same. "Amazing Grace". Again he was awe struck to note it was there! His daughter observing him questioned as to what was happening to him. He said "who wrote this". She replied " just a while ago you returned and wrote it yourself, and left again" . What was penned by the Supreme Conscience (Sri Rama , donning the form of Pothana) was flashed in the Space on the banks of the River. Saints, Gurus even Experiences sow the first seed to help the Seeker,to turn the attention To wards the true Goal from the Mundane,temporary pleasures. To reap the best harvest very good soil is required.  This enriched Soil is within ones Self. Seems difficult with all distractions and aberrations of the Mind. With drawing into the Self with firm determination to reach the Goal, effortlessly the Seeker will Percieve the Glory painted on the screen of his Conscience lifting up his heat to soar over the skies like thin air, Earnest Struggle makes the Cosmic Conscience to reach out, and draw the Seeker out of the bondage. Freedom and Realising ones true Self happens. Jai Gurude

"Journey from Ignorance to Bliss" Bilvamangal very much in love with his wife could no longer bear the separation, when she was away at her parents place. He set out on a dark rainy night to reach her. When she saw him in her room,she was shocked took him to the window from which he entered. Another shock awaited. The river through which he swam was in spate, the rope he thought by which he climbed up in to the room was a huge Cobra. That he risked his life just to enjoy her body which was mere flesh and blood' that which is not permanent bound to decay. If only his effort had been to know the Omnipotent Cosmic Being! That statement drove home the point. The Purpose of  Human existence ,the Universe into which one is born, to know the source from whence one arrived and the destination to which one needs to travel/ reach. That very moment a sea change took place in him. The veil of ignorance lifted, now all his attention got drawn towards true inquiry " to know the Real Self" The Omnipresent Lord reached out ,blessed him to become Sage Thulasidas ,helped him to write the Sacred Story of Lord Rama(Rama Charita Manas). Every day at the Satsang  Lord Hanuman would be present in disguise. Omar having experienced everything realised that this is not ALL. He had to come out of the Ignorance,that inner churning made him realise that something Glorious is there to be known and experienced. History provided with many examples, Saints and Gururus their exemplary lives. Am attempt to be made to know The Omnipotent, Omnipresent and The Omnicient Being. Jai Gurudev

Effortlessly one day after leading a monotonous life it dawns "why are we here,what is our Goal". The Seeker starts to wonder,where from it all began,and where will it all lead to. The search for truth commences,past memories crop up simultaneously. Inquiry into the true nature of human existence brings face to face ones own relevance. Birth and Death stare at him. Past experiences and events enable the seeker to dwell deep into the Self, intuit and meditate. Withdrawing from external,impermanence , helps the Seeker to Realise His True Self and his Goal. Siddhartha as a prince was literally jailed in the Palace surrounded by every conceivable intoxicating Pleasures. Sudden exposure to incidents like death,poverty and old age changed his attitude. He cast of the garb of the prince set off in search of Truth. With determined effort he attained enlightenment. It is not necessary to go off into forests to meditate. Raja Janak leading a responsible life remained detached hence became Raja Rishi. Awareness and Comprehension will land the Seeker into the Omnipresence of the Cismic Being with in. Jai Gurudev

"Awakening of the Kundalini"Omar acknowledges that true  Communion with The Cosmic Conscience   Is achieved  when the inner Soirit can flow freely through all the Seven Chakras starting from the Mooladhara through the rest and finally enter the Sahasrara, from there into the Omniscient. This is true YOGA. This needs a scientific Effort., under the guidance of an Enlightened Master. Aimless attempts to awaken this Energy will land the Seeker in deep trouble. The Physical being needs to be perfect to sustain the tremendous flow of the Spiritual Energy. All the Chakras have to be devoid of congestion. For discharging the day to day responsibility, Mooladhara/Basic Chakra needs to be clean and clear it is here the coiled up Serpentine Energy resides. Alternate therapies like Pranic Healing and Rekhi teach how one can remove the congestions in the Chakras to maintain a healthy life.when the Conscience is firmly fixed on the Goal nothing can daunt the Seeker. The Omnipotent will intercede. Viswamithra inspite of his negative past Karmas so determined to become a Brahma Rishi crossed all hurdles purely through Deep Meditation and gifted the Universe with the Sacred Gayatri Mantra. Jai Gurudev
"Unity in Diversity" Gopijanavallabha ,the divine Flute,the melodious strains  from His flute,the Gopies oblivious to the chores they were in,leaving behind all that,dashing towards the Supreme,only to be lost in him in his presence. That chord uniting/ Divine LOVE. To experience this State one has to be as empty as the FLUTE. The Gopies transcended body conscience,prepared to bear the wrath of their relatives,be it husband ,mother ,mother in law and so on. That moment of Union alone mattered. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa lost in Divine mother would dance in ecstasy at times stark naked, the way he would run to embrace Naren. To the on looker seems crazy. Vivekananda was questioned by the audience about Krishna's relationship to the Gopies how such a person is worshipped. He did not reply to that query Invoking his Guru he started to address the gathering, when he noticed the whole gathering so rapt , completely lost in the subject matter he jumped out of the window and started running,the audience left all discipline ,norms decency to thin air followed him . He turned and questioned them  Why. He then lovingly explained Krishna was just 7when he performed the" Maharas" He is the Embodiment of Supreme Love. The total surrender of the Gopies,cut all barriers for the Union between the Manifested and the Absolute.Lord Shiva could not check himself ,he disguised as a gopi and participated in the  Rasaleela. Swami Haridas worshiped child Krishna who in all mercy played sitting on his lap.Finally He blessed him and granted  the Supreme Darshan as Bankebihari when Radha merged in Him. (The Deity in Brindavan). Paramahamsa Yogananda so captured by the Beauty of the Nature in the States started missing his Guru. He deeply desired that if he were alive would have loved this beauty, So intense was his Love for his Guru that Sri Yuktheswar stood before him in flesh and blood. That was the Blissful moment. The connectivity and the law of relativity in operation .  Time Distance, space lose their individual significance become ONE. The Key to this is total surrender an egoless state no more  Doership, just get lost in the Supreme. Jai Gurudev

"Truth and Precision" King Bruce lost the battle retreated into a cave . His sight fell on a spider spinning its web,failing yet did not give up until the web got completed. Try, try till you succeed. This lesson dawned on him,did not feel inhibited ,his Guru the Spider. He set off to win the battle. Pandavas trapped in the palace constructed with Lac. The rat in the cage sent by Vidhur taught the lesson to dig a tunnel , for them to escape into Safety. They were sure of the Goal, paid no heed from whence they received the knowledge, (was immaterial, )letting go the ego and dictates of the Senses,moved on. The external stimuli contacts the intuitive power of the individual, this will enable him to percieve the path to the Goal clearly. Past experiences too act as catalysts, a little effort to move away from the temptations / and habits presented by the senses, help the Seeker to attain the Omniscience. Impulsive reactions, and the negative effects of the past Karma impede the progress. Hence being aware and receptive to the inner voice of Conscience ,open the gates ,wisdom dawns ,TRUTH is Comprehended.Jai Gurudev
"Believers vs Agnostics" Those who believe in the Law of reincarnation,have to be ever in guard,lest they yield to the momentary sensual pleasures ,indulging in bad habits and so on. They are aware that,this state will draw them away from Self Realisation and the Ultimate Bliss. Their struggle and suffering is more ,feeling guilty all the while. In comparison the non believers are supremely happy with their lot ever trying to satisfy their mundane materialistic urges/ wants.They are not aware of the changes occurring in their physical,astral and Subtle bodies. Oblivious,their motive is to do their best in which ever position they find themselves to be. If it is limited to this alone fine they depart into Freedom without regrets. But if they are greedy and indulge in wrong means to acquire earthly wealth and pleasure,unable to fulfil the task they too suffer, Untill the" Absolute" Omnipotent Divinity takes pity.Like a Thug becoming Sage Valmiki, the chosen one to Pen the great Epic Ramayan. It really appears the Cosmic Energies' Patience is put to test,through the human drama. To alleviate  human suffering the Divine Omniscience descends . Wonder who really is put to Test.? Jai Gurudev

"Dichotomous human Nature" The Volcano has to erupt for peace to pervade. The inner Force and Feeling constantly keep prompting, that external attractions are frivolous and temporary,to recede and delving ,to comprehend the Eternal Phenomenon. Having experienced the joy of this state, it does reflect in the behaviour and attitude at the body conscious plane. Sadly it suddenly shifts to the sense pleasures. This dichotomy one day does stare harshly ,so the true Seeker can banish wilfully all the disturbing urges,to find peace with in his innermost Being. Meditation is a powerful tool,should be effortless devoid of concentration,smoothly slipping into a state of intuitive inquiry, Rest assured the inner Super Conscience will take over to help the Seeker to uncover all the hidden Mysteries. Attempt of the Seeker alone matters to  Behold his own true nature and the Supreme Omniscience. Druva on being insulted by his step mother turns to his mother for solace. She a virtuous one tells him to turn his attention towards the Eternal. Hardly Five,when he set out to the forest in quest. The all pervading aspect has to manifest. Sage Narada initiates him to meditate (Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya) describes the emaculate Figure that he will finally Behold. Following his instruction he got lost into that deep State. Now it is the turn of the Force and Feeling to take the exact Form Narada described. The all Compssionate Lord granted Druva  the most Blissful DARSHAN. No need to go off into jungles to meditate. Attempt to turn every moment into the state of meditation. Realise the attention shifts from the burden of day to day chores. Surprise awaits that the same chore got completed with great efficiency. Nothing is lost be it positive or negative. They get carried into the vast expanse as vibrations. One would not have paid attention to the lesson being taught in the class room, had to solve the question on that very subject matter. Calmly invoking the Self reveals the solution,amazing surprise "How".it got imprinted already on the screen of the human system,and surfaces when need arises. Such instances fills the Seeker with confidence,to tune into the Real Being with in. Life then becomes MEDITATION. Jai Gurudev..

"Exercise the Free Will to shape the Life"   Free Will is the extension of the The Cosmic Intelligence. Knowing this will enable the  Seeker to cast his life in a proper Mold, how much difficult it may appear initially. Observe the Potter,at times tender at times very hard until the earthen wear takes the shape he desired,he doggedly works on it. In the similar manner human pursuit has to continue ,for the Ultimate Union with the Cosmic Intelligence. Humanity had no choice in the beginning, born with free will and exposed to temptations both positive and negative get caught in the web. Good and bad Karma result , the cycle of birth and death are set in motion. Never feel diffident knowing the Source from whence you have arrived,do the best leave the rest to the Supreme Divine Sculptor who alone is responsible  , for the cause and effects, all the aberrations,. Feel Free and Delve deeply into the Intuitive Intelligence ,undo the karmic cycle to Unite with the Omniscience. Jai Gurudev
"Power of Now"  The true art of living is to make best use of the present moment. PRESENT also means GIFT. Life's gift to mankind. Tendency is to glow over past achievements or keep regretting having faced failure,ignoring the beauty of the present moment. Past is dead and gone, constantly bringing it to present brings along bitterness also. Time does not wait,one loses the moment ,when something glorious could have happened. Also it is futile to brood about the unknown future ,wasting all energy feeling anxious. What has to happen will happen.  These are mere distraction  it is beneficial if sooner one wakes up to this knowledge, be it for Spiritual pursuit or even materialist achievements. Past experiences do help, One is confronted with a difficult chore,no escape has to complete,best way to succeed while executing the task,is to draw into something exhilarating past experience,shifting the attention from the present burden is all that is required. Mind is not on the chore it is enjoying once again that beautiful experience. The task on hand gets over successfully to ones own surprise. Develop a positive attitude and techniques to achieve the Goal, one performs the task, enjoying. Jai Gurudev
"Every Cloud has a silver lining " Omar himself an astrologer  admits  change can happen, predictions may not come true. Markandeya's time to leave the planet arrived. Experiencing the grief of his parents set off promising them he will return. He sat in deep meditation chanting the Mahamrithyunjaya. Yama arrived with his cord to draw his life. Markandeya held tightly the Shivlinga for him the Lord Almighty Himself. When Yama tied the chord to draw out the life the Lord appeared and kicked him away. Facing defeat he had to leave. Lord granted him immortality. When the "Anughraha" descends the "Grahas" lose their potency. The pursuit now is to attain the Anugraha. Through Markandeya the Lord gifted the Universe with the most powerful Mantra. Pursuit has to be pure,innocent and earnest. What about Sathi Savithri. Jai Gurudev
Caught in the web of mundane materialistic life, the Seeker gets strayed away from the righteous path. Pleasure and pain keep following,when the attempt/ effort is spent only 40to satisfy the dictates of the Senses. Peace and Contentment cannot be achieved,they keep dodging, only bitterness , disappointments and disillusion weigh one down. Inner Conscience has to prick,to change the attitude,bring one out of the slumber,turning the attention to introspect."Is this All". When the veil of ignorance get lifted,the intuitive capacity helps one to withdraw from all external mishaps. The journey inward commences to seek the true Purpose and Goal of ones Precious Life. Having experienced the true Joy by contacting the Supreme Conscience there is no turning back, will not yield to frivolous temptations. That Contact/Communion will make him Soar into Eternal and Immaculate Zone. Jai Gurudev

"How to Solve the (Problem) Maria" Einstein on the brink,could not proceed,stood staring "not me something beyond," that was the moment of deep surrender,at once the solution flashed on the Intuitive Screen with in. Divine intoxication experienced. Which ever role one is cast, do not get stuck there, find the bypasses to reach the Target. Such attempts alone will remove the veil of ignorance drawing one into the realm of everlasting Happiness and Fulfilment. No more in bondage experience the intoxicating Freedom. Sri Ramana to enlighten Paul Brunton asked him to take a stroll on the Arunachal Hill. Obeying he set out suddenly he found himself facing a huge Cobra staring at him. Dumbstruck,unable to move started to look , a Divine feeling churned him up within. He perceived tremendous LOVE in the Stare of the Cobra. Fear left ,he understood that All pervading  Supreme LOVE, connectivity. Same very Spirit. Knowing ones own self will enable one to empathise. For this one has to draw into ones own inner resources,through meditation. Life becomes one beautiful Sound of Music. Omniscience will Prevail Jai Gurudev
"Life is a Mirage"  Get caught in the web of intoxicating Sensual pleasures,one fails to percieve  the Real Nectar of life. Be a Sultan or a pauper, go through such phases,just difference in degree. Vyasa Mahamuni, the Author of all Puranas, Epics,Vedas,sat brooding and dejected. Narada questioned, he was told that ,something is missing ,still a void is being felt. Narada then told him he had been blessed with divine intuitive power. He wrote only the events,made no attempt to  express the Divinity of the Cosmic Conscience. Initiated him to address Srimad Bhagavatham. The true Glory of the Lord. On completing the Great Treatise Vyasa was in trance ,tasted the Real Nectar. Do not get carried away by the superficial impermanent beauty, try to behold the Glory of the Omnicience within. Annamaya an extension of the Supreme Being strayed away from the Path. He could not see beyond the pleasures he derived by loving his beautiful wives, The Lord had to come down all the Seven hills to enlighten him. Mankind will ever remain Grateful,drinking the real intoxicating Music that emanated there after until he merged in the Lord " Purushothama". Jai Gurudev

"Peace within" No matter whatever status one finds himself,his peace is experienced, in the Dark Silent Tavern with in. Self Realisation alone is Salvation. The first step /effort to achieve this state is all that is needed, The Angel of Mercy has to descend, to help him with his final Emancipation. Parikshit  a very Noble King had just Seven days before his exit from this Planet . Sukha Mahamuni who never stayed at one place for more than few moments had to come to his aid. He spent Seven days explaining,answering all intelligent ,true willingness to understand, queries --- The sacred Srimad Bhagawatham. Parikshit fully saturated in that ecstatic mood sat in deep meditation. Thaksha to honour the Curse of the son of the Rishi arrived on the scene to sting him. After performing the act he realised he did not sting him rather he performed the last rites itself because having drunk the Divine Nectar of the Omniscience ,true Communion Happened, mere lifeless body remained. Jai Gurudev

"Paths are many,Goal is Only One" Without any formal or scientific education, the intuitive perception provided and unraveled many a mystery . How to transform base metals into Gold.observing changes happening in the crude levels gave clues to proceed. Every thing is available in Nature. Deeper insight alone helped to unravel the mysteries. Look at the banyan tree,its origin a very tiny seed,coming into contact with earth and water,started to sprout,solar energy helped in its growth and progress a mighty Tree resulted. Such wonders capture the attention to draw out the Seeker from deep monotonous slumber. The contribution of the five elements. This human body also a combination of these elements. When they are in harmony life sails smoothly any imbalance can cause havoc. To restore the harmony the Supreme Alchemist has to step in. His manifestation/Creation cannot fail . Hence as the inner voice of conscience prompts to tread on the right path to reach the right Goal. Self realisation alone is the answer,this is the true elixir of life. Transcending the mundane , journey into the  eternity . Time arrived when Adi Shankara had to enlighten his disciples . He called Giri one of the disciples who never once attended the class,always busy with chores of his Guru (washing clothes etc) said to him "you today conduct the class".The idiot according to the rest of disciples ,doubts cropped up in every one ,the reverence held them back. Uninhibited,with divine serenity Giri conveyed what His Alchemist wanted. Egos went for sixer's, Grace descended,true Realisation happened. Appalswami the famous Caterer taught the technique to turn out a great meal. He was in great demand. He arrives on the scene just before serving is to take place ,the final touch, the Seasoning transforms the meal spreading divine aroma whetting every  pallet. The Omnescient is ever Compassionate. Jai Guru dev.

"Wisdom dispels Darkness"  A churning up happens one day or the other. Can be a prosperous,saintly person, a question haunts, is this all what next? That turns the table search for truth dawns. All the binding factors get scattered,freedom restores. In that calm state,the latent Energy surfaces  takes over leading the Seeker to meditate,the only tool to Realise ones Self. Ignorance daunts and hampers the progress, one needs to be conscious of this fact.Having got used to a comfortable life fear grips if any change,will upset and land him in a problematic situation. Courage is needed to accept with grace the change and move on towards true Emancipation. Become a Child the Kingdom of Heaven is Yours.  Jai Gurudev

"Satsang" The wise soon comprehends,the mystery of life which is ever changing. The so called intellectuals keep projecting ,theories,enter into futile arguments to score a point over the opponent. Relationships get strained in the bargain. Once good friends turn bitter enemies. There are others waiting to take advantage of such situations, enjoy at their cost.The Merciful Lord is always ready and waiting to help humanity to cross the  "Bavasagar". The Ego prevents one to turn the attention to this aspect. Unless there is peaceful coexistence,conflicts,contradictions disappointments sorrow, suffering keep continuing. Sapped out of all energy they succumb,unable to face the challenge posed by Life. Satsangs help, inner conscience is roused ,true quest takes over, one day the Seeker ceases to get agitated turns all the attention inwards ,to listen to the Promptings of the Real Self . This is achieved through deep meditation and introspection. Doubting Thomas's galore. Doubt retards /hampers the progress.  Adi Shakara,made no discrimination. He was addressing his disciples on the banks of a river. Giri was engaged in a chore entrusted by his Master on the other side of the river. Shakara caught all the attention of his disciples,suddenly stopped and called out to Giri"come quickly". Girli left the task,started off walking on the river then in spate. The disciples dumbstruck observed every step of Giri was being held by a Lotus. Enlightenment happened, doubts erased, realisation dawned . Total surrender alone can cross one across the Bhavasagar.  He was Giri no longer "Padmapada of Adi Shankara" who became a Lion to save his Master from the attacks of his enemies, also invoked the Almighty through the Lakshmi Narasimha strotram to save the lifeless body of his Master. Jesus asked his apostles to assemble at Emaus . He told them after his crucifixion he will rise and meet them there. He appeared , looked towards Thomas" have no doubt,"exposed his bleeding wounds caused by the nails on the Cross. Holy Communion happens when all doubts are erased,through deep meditation withdrawing attention from all the external distractions Jai Gurudev

"Life is more than a Dream" The Seeker has to comprehend, the Cosmic Drama. Getting attracted and drawn is inevitable, realising that this state cannot remain as such. Enjoy as long as this lasts being selfless,helping others also to experience this Phenomenon. While in deep sleep,dreams of all shapes/ shades seemingly so real happen. Getting lost in them is foolish. They are mere aberrations of the sub conscience.  Mind gets attracted / attachment results,gets stored in the subconscience. Effort to over come this illusion will help the Seeker. One needs to reflect on past events,with true perception. History provides with matter and material. Intuitive mind will learn from  past experiences,so as not to commit the same mistakes sieve through to find the tangible. Can even make something or someone the role model. Do not put off to the distant unknown future . Creating the Heaven here and Now, on Earth. Not impossible, willingness and true persistent effort will turn the mundane into a beautiful Paradise. The All Knowing Merciful Lord is ever willing, invoking that Cosmic being is the only answer. Recall "The Foot Prints" The devotee observed  two pairs of foot prints ,suddenly after a while he noticed just one pair. He questioned ,and received the Reply"My dear son the two pairs were yours and mine,this one pair belongs to me because I carried you  when you were in trouble" Jai Gurudev

"0,zero" Mathematics attained relevance only on commencing the  numericals with 0.  The Cosmic Conscience also is "0". No beginning no End.( The Agni Stamba) too could not be fathomed. Vishnu and Brahma attempted to find the origin and the end failed. Vishnu  realised that he will not know,gave up the search, Brahma's Ego  landed him in disgrace, he lied saying he reached the Origin,in the bargain made the Kethaki flower and a cow to be his witnesses.  To behold the Cosmic Being of Krishna Arjuna needed Divine eye sight. In Solitude and deep Meditation attempt to unravel the True Mistery. The process is not so simple or easy. Conviction will help the Seeker in delving deep into the Self where true Communion with the Holy Spirit happens. Not an easy journey,many an obstacles posed by the strong desires of the flesh hamper the progress. Comprehending the shallow and impermanent nature of thoughts and desires,one needs to move on ,to attain Nirvana, the Ultimate Emancipation. The Bliss and Joy experienced in that State is Everlasting. The meaning of "0"dawns, From nothing we originated and into that Nothing we merge.  Life is a river flows on,to make it meaningful  breeze assists, conveys hidden messages. In itself is  odourless yet conveys the impending harm or happiness . May take many incarnations to comprehend ,
but the All Knowing and All Merciful will intercede. Have no doubt.just Surrender your Will to the Supreme Will. Jai Gurudev

"Samadhi, in the Sushuptha. State" Three states Jagratha, Nidra and Sushuptha. Samadhi the ultimate State for the True  Yoga. This is attained in the Sushuptha ,transcending both physical and astral states. Omar 1000 years back realised,his poems so deceptive on surface literally draws the attention to the Spiritual aspect. Wine ,intoxicating,lips and so on spells Lust and Greed. In reality they do help, they attract easily ones attention, lead the Seeker to indulge in those wild experiences,may provide temporary pleasure to continue. Just as when you stretch the string of the bow too much it breaks,so too indulging too much in pleasures will enlighten its disgusting nature. Indirectly a deeper lesson is taught. Hence acknowledge the silver lining , slowly slip into deep meditation for the Divine Contact within. That State of abounding JOY. Life becomes meaningful,the chord of Supreme Love binds you. Jai Gurudev

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