Sunday, 6 August 2017

Knowledge Sheet of Guruji

When you walk, check which nostril is open - right or left. 
Whichever side is open, put forward that foot first. If you get into the car after checking the nostrils and accordingly put that foot in first, you will never have an accident! This knowledge is in the shastras, they are all secrets that are not meant to be disclosed. But I say, reveal it and give it away to everyone.

If the right nostril is open, you should eat food, if the left is open, drink water. If you do the reverse, you will fall sick. If someone eats when the left nostril is open, and drinks when the right nostril is open, they would fall ill within three months - headache, backache, or any such ailment . So what should we do? After having food, if you sleep on your left side, the right nostril will work, which will aid in digestion.

You should definitely do Pranayama everyday, even if it is for a little while. Also, do Bhastrika everyday. Both are important.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

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