Sunday, 6 August 2017

Facing Cravings

Facing cravings all the time??

1.Sweets cravings- Vitamin B12 or protein deficiency 
Include fresh fruits veggies and cinnamon 

2. Tea and coffee cravings- sulphur deficiency 
Include onion, garlic and cabbage in your diet.

3. Cheese craving- Essential fatty acid deficiency.
Include omega 3- flaxseed oil, peanut oil chia seeds and walnut in your diet. 

4. Pasta or pastry cravings- chromium deficiency.
Include onion, tomatoes, cinnamon, grapes and apples.

5. Bread/ toast cravings- Nitrogen deficiency.
Include protein in your diet like green leafy veggies, fruits ,dry seeds, fruits and nuts.

6. Popcorn cravings-Because of  high stress 
Include vitamin C and B with green leafy veggies.

7. Chocolate cravings- Magnesium deficiency 
Include whole grains, dry seeds and nuts, coco beans powder.

8. Soda cravings - calcium deficiency 
Include sesame seeds, broccoli, mustard.

9. Salt cravings- because of electrolytes imbalance, PMS, dehydration 
Include ginger, garlic, black pepper , citrus fruits and vinegar in your diet.

10. Alcohol cravings- cause- low blood sugar levels.
Include banana, fresh green veggies and lean protein in your diet.


Great Morning 


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