Sunday, 30 April 2017

Story with Knowledge

on Bhanumathi Narasimhan

Story with a Knowledge

by moreonspirituality
Kabira was raised in the family of a Muslim carpet weaver in Benares. Though the cultures were very different, Kabira had a deep affinity for Rama and wanted to learn the Rama mantra. He knew that only a guru can uplift you, the experience of the Self could come only with the grace of the Master.So he sought a guru. He went to the ashram of Sri RamanandJi. However he was sent away due to differences in his background and culture. When water comes from a shankha (conch) it is teertha ( holy water) - a sanctity is created. If you take someone as a devotee you are responsible for them here and hereafter. So they were very selective in the olden days about the qualification of the seekers. Ramanandji were very compassionate. So the disciples sent people away knowing this. Kabira left the ashram feeling very broken-hearted. He went to the ghats by the bank of Ganga in this state. It was nightfall soon and Kabira simply laid down on the steps of the ghat in tears. 'Rama, I thought I was born only for you! But I haven't even been able to receive diksha of your name!"In the ashram, when Ramanandji went to rest, in his dreams he saw Rama turning away from him at his doorstep. Lakshmana says, "everyday we come here. why are you not coming today? Rama says, " I do not go to places where my devotees are ill treated." Shaken by the dream experience Ramanandji immediately enquired from his students. They told him that there was no one of repute who had come by that day. "The only one was Kabira who wanted initiation from you. We sent him away because you would have initiated him and society would have never accepted it."
RamanandJi left saying, "I am going out of the ashram now. I am going to find Kabira and initiate him in front of all in the morning. Let society say what it wants." He then walked towards the Ganga. It was night time and with every step he took Rama's name. Walking along the ghats at one point he stepped on Kabira who was sleeping on the ghat. Realizing that he stepped on somebody he exclaims"Siya Ram!!" Kabira jumps up in joy saying," I am so fortunate! Not only did I get the mantra but also charan sparsh ( touched by the feet) of my guru!"
From that moment on Kabira has sung so many songs. When someone came to buy a carpet from him and asked him for the price, he sang saying this carpet is priceless because I have woven Rama's name with every thread!
"When I ran behind Rama, he was running away from me. But when I stopped, he ran after me." When the mind is running here and there, scattered, the divinity eludes you. When your mind is still, you are established in the Self, then you experience divinity in every particle of creation.
Every saint emphasizes on the importance of presence of the Master in our life. Only the Master can uplift you. 'Guru bina gati nahin'

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