Monday, 3 April 2017

7 Question "Step Zero Inventory."

7 Question "Step Zero Inventory."
By Joe McFadden in BIG BOOK SPONSOR 

When someone asks me if I will sponsor them I give them the following 7 questions to get familiar with them and create a sense of urgency to get in to the Big Book which will lead them to the Power that will solve all their problems. I have had such a tremendous amount of success with the people who have done it... most have completed the steps and AMENDS! I call this a "Step Zero Inventory."

Here are the 7 questions:

1. In looking back over your life – what memories are still dark, painful and guilt ridden?

2. In what ways do you consider yourself an inadequate person?

3. Who do you resent – and why? Be specific and nasty as possible.

4. What do you consider to be your defects of character?

5. In your ongoing human relations – what seems to the recurring theme?

6. Rather realistic or not, what is your goal in life?

7. In what way do you believe that A.A. can, if any, help you with achieve these goals?

We will mutually agree on a completion date. You will call me on that date so that we can get together and discuss your answers to these 7 questions and apply the Big Book's Solution to them. (As a rule, if I'm working with someone and they procrastinate past the deadline I consider them not serious about their recovery and finding a solution to their problems - I will then, as it states on pg 96 in Chapter 7 Working with Others, move on to help someone else who wants help and is willing to do the work.)

***(I did not come up with this on my own... this was given to me by Clancy I in 1993 when I hosted him while he was speaking in San Antonio)

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