Sunday, 4 December 2016

Lakshmi Taru leaves and its medicinal properties

 Simarouba glauca has a long history in herbal medicine in many countries including Cuba, Brazil, Mexico, Peru etc. It is taken internally for diarrhea, dysentery, malaria and colitis and used externally for wounds and sores. In Brazilian herbal medicine, Simarouba bark has long been the most highly recommended (and most effective) natural remedy against chronic and acute dysentery. S .glauca have been used in Guatemala for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. In Cuba, an infusion of the leaves or bark is considered to be astringent, a digestion and menstrual stimulant and an antiparasitic remedy.  The chemicals present in leaf, fruit pulp and seed are known to possess the medicinal properties such as amoebicide, analgesic, anthelmintic, antibacterial, antidysenteric, antileukemic, antimalarial, antimicrobial, antitumorous, antiviral, astringent, cytotoxic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, skin hydrator, stomachic, sudorific, tonic, vermifuge. Several studies published in 1970’s and late 90’s reported that extracts from Simaroubapossessed antileukemic and antitumorous activities.    In India we call it as Lakshmi Taru leaves . The concentrate have immense therapeutic value.
A senior Art of Living teacher prescribed the Lakshmi Taru  leaves to my family . And  we have been partaking the concentrate everyday without fail.
My father, apart from  his regular dosage of allopathic medicine has been taking the concentrate for the following ailments
- For mild Parkinson’s ailment
- Muscular weakness of lower limbs
- Suspected fluid in the brain ( providentially this has been cured)
- Eczema
- Breathlessness
Apart from taking his medicines and the concentrate , he takes short walks and does Mudra Pranayamas unflinchingly. This has kept him in fine fettle.
My mother takes her regular dosage of allopathic medicine , but also takes the concentrate of Lakshmi Taru leaves for
- For breathlessness
- Heart related problems
In addition  she  regularly practices, the  short Sudarshan Kriya, Long Sudarshan Kriya, Pranic healing, Siddha healing, does her  meditation, practices  Vipassana and Mudra Pranayama  regularly. All these techniques have helped her along with partaking  the Lakshmi Taru concentrate.
 My wife  perpetually complains of
- Migraines
- Drowsiness
- lapses in memory.
She takes vitamin E capsules and supplements it with the Lakshmi Taru concentrate.   For better well being she recently undertook  the Pranic healing course. She meditates, does Nadi Shodhan Pranayama and  does chanting of evocative Mantras.   These have contributed to her maintaining  well being.
 I have had a weak stomach following my dalliance with alcoholism and other addictions.  I  am now combating my addiction to sweets  which thankfully I have reduced greatly. I would attribute this  to Guru Kripa and an element of awareness and mindful eating.
I have been taking the Lakshmi Taru concentrate  in addition to the allopathic medicines for
- constipation
- Stomach related ailments such as flatulence,   a bloated feeling sensation.
- spondilytis
  I regularly practice the short and Long  Sudarshan Kriya, Padma Sadhana , Surya Namaskar  and  meditate regularly.
The entire family partake  the Lakshmi Taru concentrate and it has provided efficacious results.
Without any hesitation I would recommend the usage of Lakshmi Taru leaves concentrate on an empty stomach ever morning for balancing the doshas of Vatta, Kapha and Pitta.  The leaves have  a  remarkable  medicinal value and provide magical results  if  consumed regularly.

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