Friday, 4 November 2016

Sri Sri Yoga Programme of the Art of Living

The word Yoga finds its roots in the Sanskrit word Yuj( to join with the divinity). Maharishi Patanjali  is the founder of Ashtanga Yoga which forms the bedrock of Yoga which is practiced today by millions across the globe. It is beyond the realm of merely performing physical exercises through yogic postures. A yogi/ seeker derives true benefit by focusing his attention on breath,  through mindful eating, practicing non-violence and being in a state of bliss by practicing meditation. Meditation is an extremely important aspect of Yoga.
Sr Sri Yoga is a comprehensive programme  as it synergises ,  combines and celebrates the diversity in the practice of Yoga by encompassing various   the different facets  & dimension of this amazing ancient knowledge. Be it a neophyte or a seasoned practitioner , both over a period of time realize the immense potential of  harnessing the reservoir of the human mind and not merely execute body twisting  postures.  For example the  Bhujang Asana is not merely the cobra posture , but attaining a perfect balance and equilibrium of body and mind along with mindful breathing.
Any first time Yoga practitioner or an advanced level enthusiast or numerous  Art Of Living Teachers,upon attending the Art Of Living Yoga's 5-day workshop of Sri Sri Yoga  have reported amazing experiences like, “did not expect Yoga to be so fabulous” or “Practicing Yoga for 16 years, never knew that Yoga would  be like this”. These are some of the reported experience after / during the Sr Sri Yoga workshops!
Over the last 35 years, Gurudev’s efforts have brought humanity across the globe  to the 2nd International Day of Yoga which had a near complete Global reach in 2016 and apparently  1-in-10 people in the world were exposed  to Yoga through various schools of yoga. Now Yoga has reached a platform where the Art of Living Yoga desk  receives regular and frequent calls from people and organizations requesting  them  to hold Yoga classes on a regular basis. This is a far cry from hitherto when   earlier Yoga teacher's  had to reach out to organisations , groups and corporates alike to introduce them to the wonders  and magic of Yoga, more so, the wonderful exposition of  Sri Sri Yoga.
This year Gurudev blessed the Yoga desk of the Art of Living  to start YOGA@WORKSPACE, meant specifically for business enterprises. This initiative  has received  positive response from corporates who are desirous of conducting Yoga @Workplace.
Art Of Living YOGA@WORKSPACE has been designed  by focusing on corporates , where   the donation,  sequences , and teachers are  equipped  with enhanced  skills required to introduce the programme to corporates are different from the regular SrI Sri Yoga programs.  The programme is gaining traction  which will help to attenuate stress  and negativity at workplaces.

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